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TuneIn Radio API authorization error #34

goatstpokemon opened this issue Apr 5, 2023 · 0 comments

TuneIn Radio API authorization error #34

goatstpokemon opened this issue Apr 5, 2023 · 0 comments


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Bug Title:

Auth header causes 401 on Tune-in radio API



Expected result:

Play radio station


When you try and use the link, you get a 401 authorization error.


in VS1053::connecttohost method remove the following
strcat(rqh, "Authorization: Basic ");
strcat(rqh, authorization);

Result after modification:

tune-in radio streams work

Code before

bool VS1053::connecttohost(String host){
    return connecttohost(host.c_str());

bool VS1053::connecttohost(const char* host, const char* user, const char* pwd) {
    // user and pwd for authentification only, can be empty

     if(host == NULL) {
        AUDIO_INFO("Hostaddress is empty");
        return false;

    uint16_t lenHost = strlen(host);

    if(lenHost >= 512 - 10) {
        AUDIO_INFO("Hostaddress is too long");
        return false;

    int idx = indexOf(host, "http");
    char* l_host = (char*)malloc(lenHost + 10);
    if(idx < 0){strcpy(l_host, "http://"); strcat(l_host, host); } // amend "http;//" if not found
    else       {strcpy(l_host, (host + idx));}                     // trim left if necessary

    char* h_host = NULL; // pointer of l_host without http:// or https://
    if(startsWith(l_host, "https")) h_host = strdup(l_host + 8);
    else                            h_host = strdup(l_host + 7);

    // initializationsequence
    int16_t pos_slash;                                        // position of "/" in hostname
    int16_t pos_colon;                                        // position of ":" in hostname
    int16_t pos_ampersand;                                    // position of "&" in hostname
    uint16_t port = 80;                                       // port number

    // In the URL there may be an extension, like
    pos_slash     = indexOf(h_host, "/", 0);
    pos_colon     = indexOf(h_host, ":", 0);
        if(isalpha(h_host[pos_colon + 1])) pos_colon = -1; // no portnumber follows
    pos_ampersand = indexOf(h_host, "&", 0);

    char *hostwoext = NULL;                                  // "" in ""
    char *extension = NULL;                                  // "/mp3" in ""

    if(pos_slash > 1) {
        hostwoext = (char*)malloc(pos_slash + 1);
        memcpy(hostwoext, h_host, pos_slash);
        hostwoext[pos_slash] = '\0';
        uint16_t extLen =  urlencode_expected_len(h_host + pos_slash);
        extension = (char *)malloc(extLen + 20);
        memcpy(extension, h_host + pos_slash, extLen);
        urlencode(extension, extLen, true);
    else{  // url has no extension
        hostwoext = strdup(h_host);
        extension = strdup("/");

    if((pos_colon >= 0) && ((pos_ampersand == -1) or (pos_ampersand > pos_colon))){
        port = atoi(h_host + pos_colon + 1);// Get portnumber as integer
        hostwoext[pos_colon] = '\0';// Host without portnumber

    AUDIO_INFO("Connect to new host: \"%s\"", l_host);

    if(startsWith(l_host, "https")) m_f_ssl = true;
    else                            m_f_ssl = false;

    // authentification
    uint8_t auth = strlen(user) + strlen(pwd);
    char toEncode[auth + 4];
    toEncode[0] = '\0';
    strcat(toEncode, user);
    strcat(toEncode, ":");
    strcat(toEncode, pwd);
    char authorization[base64_encode_expected_len(strlen(toEncode)) + 1];
    authorization[0] = '\0';
    b64encode((const char*)toEncode, strlen(toEncode), authorization);

    //  AUDIO_INFO("Connect to \"%s\" on port %d, extension \"%s\"", hostwoext, port, extension);

    char rqh[strlen(h_host) + strlen(authorization) + 200]; // http request header
    rqh[0] = '\0';

    strcat(rqh, "GET ");
    strcat(rqh, extension);
    strcat(rqh, " HTTP/1.1\r\n");
    strcat(rqh, "Host: ");
    strcat(rqh, hostwoext);
    strcat(rqh, "\r\n");
    strcat(rqh, "Icy-MetaData:1\r\n");
    strcat(rqh, "Authorization: Basic ");
    strcat(rqh, authorization);
    strcat(rqh, "\r\n");
    strcat(rqh, "Accept-Encoding: identity;q=1,*;q=0\r\n");
    strcat(rqh, "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0\r\n");
    strcat(rqh, "Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n");

        m_timeout_ms_ssl = UINT16_MAX;  // bug in v2.0.3 if hostwoext is a IPaddr not a name
        m_timeout_ms = UINT16_MAX;  // [WiFiClient.cpp:253] connect(): select returned due to timeout 250 ms for fd 48
    bool res = true; // no need to reconnect if connection exists

    if(m_f_ssl){ _client = static_cast<WiFiClient*>(&clientsecure); if(port == 80) port = 443;}
    else       { _client = static_cast<WiFiClient*>(&client);}

    uint32_t t = millis();
    if(m_f_Log) AUDIO_INFO("connect to %s on port %d path %s", hostwoext, port, extension);
    res = _client->connect(hostwoext, port, m_f_ssl ? m_timeout_ms_ssl : m_timeout_ms);

        uint32_t dt = millis() - t;
        strcpy(m_lastHost, l_host);
        AUDIO_INFO("%s has been established in %u ms, free Heap: %u bytes",
                    m_f_ssl?"SSL":"Connection", dt, ESP.getFreeHeap());
        m_f_running = true;

    m_expectedCodec = CODEC_NONE;
    m_expectedPlsFmt = FORMAT_NONE;

        if(endsWith(extension, ".mp3"))   m_expectedCodec = CODEC_MP3;
        if(endsWith(extension, ".aac"))   m_expectedCodec = CODEC_AAC;
        if(endsWith(extension, ".wav"))   m_expectedCodec = CODEC_WAV;
        if(endsWith(extension, ".m4a"))   m_expectedCodec = CODEC_M4A;
        if(endsWith(extension, ".flac"))  m_expectedCodec = CODEC_FLAC;
        if(endsWith(extension, ".asx"))  m_expectedPlsFmt = FORMAT_ASX;
        if(endsWith(extension, ".m3u"))  m_expectedPlsFmt = FORMAT_M3U;
        if(endsWith(extension, ".m3u8")) m_expectedPlsFmt = FORMAT_M3U8;
        if(endsWith(extension, ".pls"))  m_expectedPlsFmt = FORMAT_PLS;

        setDatamode(HTTP_RESPONSE_HEADER);   // Handle header
        m_streamType = ST_WEBSTREAM;
        m_f_webstream = true;
        AUDIO_INFO("Request %s failed!", l_host);
        if(vs1053_showstation) vs1053_showstation("");
        if(vs1053_showstreamtitle) vs1053_showstreamtitle("");
        if(vs1053_icydescription) vs1053_icydescription("");
        if(vs1053_icyurl) vs1053_icyurl("");
        m_lastHost[0] = 0;
    if(hostwoext) {free(hostwoext); hostwoext = NULL;}
    if(extension) {free(extension); extension = NULL;}
    if(l_host   ) {free(l_host);    l_host    = NULL;}
    if(h_host   ) {free(h_host);    h_host    = NULL;}
    return res;

Code after

bool VS1053::connecttohost(String host){
    return connecttohost(host.c_str());
bool VS1053::connecttohost(const char* host, const char* user, const char* pwd) {
    // user and pwd for authentification only, can be empty

     if(host == NULL) {
        AUDIO_INFO("Hostaddress is empty");
        return false;

    uint16_t lenHost = strlen(host);

    if(lenHost >= 512 - 10) {
        AUDIO_INFO("Hostaddress is too long");
        return false;

    int idx = indexOf(host, "http");
    char* l_host = (char*)malloc(lenHost + 10);
    if(idx < 0){strcpy(l_host, "http://"); strcat(l_host, host); } // amend "http;//" if not found
    else       {strcpy(l_host, (host + idx));}                     // trim left if necessary

    char* h_host = NULL; // pointer of l_host without http:// or https://
    if(startsWith(l_host, "https")) h_host = strdup(l_host + 8);
    else                            h_host = strdup(l_host + 7);

    // initializationsequence
    int16_t pos_slash;                                        // position of "/" in hostname
    int16_t pos_colon;                                        // position of ":" in hostname
    int16_t pos_ampersand;                                    // position of "&" in hostname
    uint16_t port = 80;                                       // port number

    // In the URL there may be an extension, like
    pos_slash     = indexOf(h_host, "/", 0);
    pos_colon     = indexOf(h_host, ":", 0);
        if(isalpha(h_host[pos_colon + 1])) pos_colon = -1; // no portnumber follows
    pos_ampersand = indexOf(h_host, "&", 0);

    char *hostwoext = NULL;                                  // "" in ""
    char *extension = NULL;                                  // "/mp3" in ""

    if(pos_slash > 1) {
        hostwoext = (char*)malloc(pos_slash + 1);
        memcpy(hostwoext, h_host, pos_slash);
        hostwoext[pos_slash] = '\0';
        uint16_t extLen =  urlencode_expected_len(h_host + pos_slash);
        extension = (char *)malloc(extLen + 20);
        memcpy(extension, h_host + pos_slash, extLen);
        urlencode(extension, extLen, true);
    else{  // url has no extension
        hostwoext = strdup(h_host);
        extension = strdup("/");

    if((pos_colon >= 0) && ((pos_ampersand == -1) or (pos_ampersand > pos_colon))){
        port = atoi(h_host + pos_colon + 1);// Get portnumber as integer
        hostwoext[pos_colon] = '\0';// Host without portnumber

    AUDIO_INFO("Connect to new host: \"%s\"", l_host);

    if(startsWith(l_host, "https")) m_f_ssl = true;
    else                            m_f_ssl = false;

    // authentification
    uint8_t auth = strlen(user) + strlen(pwd);
    char toEncode[auth + 4];
    toEncode[0] = '\0';
    strcat(toEncode, user);
    strcat(toEncode, ":");
    strcat(toEncode, pwd);
    char authorization[base64_encode_expected_len(strlen(toEncode)) + 1];
    authorization[0] = '\0';
    b64encode((const char*)toEncode, strlen(toEncode), authorization);

    //  AUDIO_INFO("Connect to \"%s\" on port %d, extension \"%s\"", hostwoext, port, extension);

    char rqh[strlen(h_host) + strlen(authorization) + 200]; // http request header
    rqh[0] = '\0';

    strcat(rqh, "GET ");
    strcat(rqh, extension);
    strcat(rqh, " HTTP/1.1\r\n");
    strcat(rqh, "Host: ");
    strcat(rqh, hostwoext);
    strcat(rqh, "\r\n");
    strcat(rqh, "Icy-MetaData:1\r\n");
    strcat(rqh, "\r\n");
    strcat(rqh, "Accept-Encoding: identity;q=1,*;q=0\r\n");
    strcat(rqh, "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0\r\n");
    strcat(rqh, "Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n");

        m_timeout_ms_ssl = UINT16_MAX;  // bug in v2.0.3 if hostwoext is a IPaddr not a name
        m_timeout_ms = UINT16_MAX;  // [WiFiClient.cpp:253] connect(): select returned due to timeout 250 ms for fd 48
    bool res = true; // no need to reconnect if connection exists

    if(m_f_ssl){ _client = static_cast<WiFiClient*>(&clientsecure); if(port == 80) port = 443;}
    else       { _client = static_cast<WiFiClient*>(&client);}

    uint32_t t = millis();
    if(m_f_Log) AUDIO_INFO("connect to %s on port %d path %s", hostwoext, port, extension);
    res = _client->connect(hostwoext, port, m_f_ssl ? m_timeout_ms_ssl : m_timeout_ms);

        uint32_t dt = millis() - t;
        strcpy(m_lastHost, l_host);
        AUDIO_INFO("%s has been established in %u ms, free Heap: %u bytes",
                    m_f_ssl?"SSL":"Connection", dt, ESP.getFreeHeap());
        m_f_running = true;

    m_expectedCodec = CODEC_NONE;
    m_expectedPlsFmt = FORMAT_NONE;

        if(endsWith(extension, ".mp3"))   m_expectedCodec = CODEC_MP3;
        if(endsWith(extension, ".aac"))   m_expectedCodec = CODEC_AAC;
        if(endsWith(extension, ".wav"))   m_expectedCodec = CODEC_WAV;
        if(endsWith(extension, ".m4a"))   m_expectedCodec = CODEC_M4A;
        if(endsWith(extension, ".flac"))  m_expectedCodec = CODEC_FLAC;
        if(endsWith(extension, ".asx"))  m_expectedPlsFmt = FORMAT_ASX;
        if(endsWith(extension, ".m3u"))  m_expectedPlsFmt = FORMAT_M3U;
        if(endsWith(extension, ".m3u8")) m_expectedPlsFmt = FORMAT_M3U8;
        if(endsWith(extension, ".pls"))  m_expectedPlsFmt = FORMAT_PLS;

        setDatamode(HTTP_RESPONSE_HEADER);   // Handle header
        m_streamType = ST_WEBSTREAM;
        m_f_webstream = true;
        AUDIO_INFO("Request %s failed!", l_host);
        if(vs1053_showstation) vs1053_showstation("");
        if(vs1053_showstreamtitle) vs1053_showstreamtitle("");
        if(vs1053_icydescription) vs1053_icydescription("");
        if(vs1053_icyurl) vs1053_icyurl("");
        m_lastHost[0] = 0;
    if(hostwoext) {free(hostwoext); hostwoext = NULL;}
    if(extension) {free(extension); extension = NULL;}
    if(l_host   ) {free(l_host);    l_host    = NULL;}
    if(h_host   ) {free(h_host);    h_host    = NULL;}
    return res;
@goatstpokemon goatstpokemon changed the title Auth header authorization TuneIn Radio API authorization error Apr 5, 2023
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