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Contributing to streaming-percentiles


The streaming percentiles library uses Bazel to build.

Once Bazel (or, preferrably, Bazelisk) is installed, build everything with bazel build //... and run all unit tests with bazel test //....

Versioning Scheme

This project follows Semantic Versioning 2.0.0. In short:

Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

  • MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
  • MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
  • PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.

Branching Model

This project follows Vincent Driessen's A successful Git branching model. In short:

  • master is the main branch where the source code of HEAD always reflects a production-ready state.
  • develop is the main branch where the source code of HEAD always reflects a state with the latest delivered development changes for the next release.

Making a Release

  1. Update with the latest change information (git diff vX.Y.Z might be useful here)
  2. Update if necessary
  3. Update the version fields in CMakeLists.txt
  4. Merge all changes to the master branch (i.e. git checkout master && git merge develop)
  5. Checkout master (i.e. git checkout master)
  6. Run ./ --release --clean and ensure that all unit tests pass.
  7. Tag the release (e.g. git tag vX.Y.Z)
  8. Push the changes and the tag to origin (e.g. git push && git push --tags)
  9. Create a GitHub release associated with the tag. Be sure to include the changes from
  10. Build and publish binaries. For each platform:
    1. Clone the repository (git clone
    2. Change into the cloned folder (cd streaming-percentiles)
    3. Checkout the release tag (git checkout tags/vX.Y.Z)
    4. Build the package in release mode (./ --release)
    5. Upload the built artifact(s) to GitHub
  11. Upload the built JS (both minified and unminified) to
    1. Checkout the repository (git clone
    2. Change into the folder (cd
    3. Copy the JS files to the streaming-percentiles directory
    4. Push the new content to GitHub (git add -A && git commit && git push)
  12. Publish to NPM. From the directory target/Release/js/src/node_package, run npm publish
  13. Send out a release announcement.