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Repository files navigation

This tool allows to manage the GNOME translations that reside on a VCS.

For example, if you want to edit several translation files and then 
commit them to GNOME VCS, this tool automates the VCS access so that
what you need to worry is only the editing of the translation files.

Currently, the VCS is git throughout this program.

= Workflows =
A. Configuration [config]
1. Initial configuration (requires all options)
$ ./gnome-i18n-manage-vcs config --language el --languagefull Greek --username simos

2. Show current configuration
$ gnome-i18n-manage-vcs config -l
Configuration file (/home/user/.config/gnome-i18n-manage-vcs)
Data directory     (/home/user/.local/share/gnome-i18n-manage-vcs)

Full language name = Greek
Language code      = el
Username           = simos
$ _

3. Show current state (where repositories reside, what repositories are availale, etc)
$ ./gnome-i18n-manage-vcs status 

B. Managing VCS (GIT) repositories [vcsmanage]
1. Suppose you have fast connection in the US and you want to grab all GNOME 2.30
repositories and then download them with HTTP/Bittorrent to your home computer.
$ ./gnome-i18n-manage-vcs vcsmanage --clone --release gnome-2-30

2. Suppose you want to do the thing above but with anonymous clones (not use
your account on that fast server)
$ ./gnome-i18n-manage-vcs config --language dummy --languagefull dummy --username anonymous
$ ./gnome-i18n-manage-vcs vcsmanage --clone --release gnome-2-30
$ ./gnome-i18n-manage-vcs vcsmanage --all --trim
$ ./gnome-i18n-manage-vcs config --language el --languagefull Greek --username simos

3. Suppose you want to fix up the anonymous clones on your home computer with your account details.
$ ./gnome-i18n-manage-vcs vcsmanage --all --reset
$ ./gnome-i18n-manage-vcs vcsmanage --all --eponymous

4. Suppose you want to update your git repositories and sy nch them with
$ ./gnome-i18n-manage-vcs vcsmanage --all --update-vcs

5. Suppose you want to clone one more repository and add in your gnome-i18n-manage-vcs list.
$ ./gnome-i18n-manage-vcs vcsmanage --clone --module anjal

(the above command clones the 'anjal' repository and adds it to the rest of your repos)

C. Retrieving PO files [poget]        UNDER CONSTRUCTION !!!
1. Download all PO files for a release
gnome-i18n-manage-vcs poget
2. Download PO documentation files for gnome-games
gnome-i18n-manage-vcs poget --module gnome-games --transtype doc
3. Clean downloaded PO files
gnome-i18n-manage-vcs poget --clean
4. Clean downloaded PO files (dry run)
gnome-i18n-manage-vcs poget --clean --dry-run

D. Commiting PO files [pocommit]     UNDER CONSTRUCTION !!!
1. <not available yet>

E. Command line help

$ ./gnome-i18n-manage-vcs 
gnome-i18n-manage-vcs, a tool that helps manage translation files from GNOME VCS
Usage: gnome-i18n-manage-vcs <action> <options>

Please specify action. Available actions are:
	* config       configures the local settings
	* status       show detailed status of local files
	* vcsmanage    repository management tasks
	* poget        retrieval of PO files
	* commit       commiting PO files

Invoke with --help for full help options.
$ _

$ ./gnome-i18n-manage-vcs --help
gnome-i18n-manage-vcs, a tool that helps manage translation files from GNOME VCS
Usage: gnome-i18n-manage-vcs <action> <options>

Please specify action. Available actions are:
	* config       configures the local settings
	* status       show detailed status of local files
	* vcsmanage    repository management tasks
	* poget        retrieval of PO files
	* commit       commiting PO files

config     Initial configuration
		--language LANG     specify the language code per ISO 639
		--languagefull LANGFULL  specify the full language name (such as 'Brazilian Portuguese')
		--username USER     specify username USR (corresponds to SVN/GIT GNOME account)
	-l                          list the configuration options

status      Show current status for a previously configured release.

vcsmanage   Local repository management (Module filtering applies)
		--cleanall      cleans up the repository folder (USE WITH CARE, WIPES REPOSITORIES)
		--clone         clone repositories
		--eponymous     make repositories eponymous (sets to new 'username')
		--git-quiet      don't show progress when cloning (git 1.5 ignores this option).
		--git-verbose    show progress when cloning
		--reset         reset each repository (git reset --hard origin/master)
		--trim          erases the working copy
		--update-vcs    update local repositories (runs git pull --rebase on each)

poget       Retrieve a selection of PO files (Module filtering required)
		--cleanall      clears up the downloaded files (USE WITH CARE, WIPES PO FILES)

commit    Commit and push the translation work to the repositories
		--commit        commit changes in repositories
		--dry-run       do not really checkout/commit

Module filtering  (applies to vcsmanage, poget, commit)
	        --all               apply action to all locally available repositories
	        --cache             use the cached XML file (if any) of the release modules
	-c CAT  --category CAT      i18n category name CAT (such as 'desktop')
	-m MODU --module MOD        i18n module name MOD (such as 'gnome-games')
	-r REL  --release REL       GNOME release (such as 'gnome-2-26')
	-t TYPE --transtype TYPE    optionally specify translation type, either ui or doc

Common options
	-d      --dry-run           do not really perform the action
	-h      --help              this craft
	-v      --verbose           show verbose output
$ _

$ ./gnome-i18n-manage-vcs status 
Language code: [el]	 Language: Greek	 Username: simos

VCS Directory: /home/myusername/.local/share/gnome-i18n-manage-vcs/vcs/
PO  Directory: /home/myusername/.local/share/gnome-i18n-manage-vcs/po/

10 repositories found:
0 PO files found:
No START file exists
PO files that are newer than timestamp:
Action has just completed.
$ _


Allows to manage the translations of GNOME I18n repositories






No releases published


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