Coffeescript plugin for Slm
slm = require 'slm'
slmCoffee = require 'slm-coffee'
slmCoffee.register slm.template
var slm = require('slm');
slmCoffee = require('slm-coffee');
Note: slmCoffee.register can take three parameters; template (as above), engineName (default is 'coffee'), and options (see coffeescript.compile() options)
express = require('express');
app = express();
app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views'));
app.set('view engine', 'slm-coffee');
If you take this approach, you should note that using "slm-coffee" as a view engine should be done instead of using the original "slm" view engine.
The original Slm view engine is called from within the slmCoffee view engine.