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  1. -DEPRECATED-android-mediauploader -DEPRECATED-android-mediauploader Public

    Easy library utility for upload any content using multipart process (Alpha state)

    Java 7 3

  2. BasicSymfony BasicSymfony Public

    Easy download a project Symfony2 with the most important bundles and all configuration required

    PHP 7 3

  3. UploadFilesBundle UploadFilesBundle Public

    File field to facilitate the use of the One Upload Bundle

    JavaScript 4 3

  4. colorize colorize Public

    Colorize library extends some php color libraries

    PHP 3

  5. template-sbadmin2-bundle template-sbadmin2-bundle Public

    Bundle para Symfony2 que integra la plantilla para Bootstrap:

    JavaScript 3 2

  6. -DEPRECATED-bootstrap-extend-bundle -DEPRECATED-bootstrap-extend-bundle Public

    Install jquery, bootstrap and scripts in your symfony2 sites, extend base twig, easy and fast.

    JavaScript 2


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