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Packager compatible.

Update 1: Some optimizations made to underlying code, with suggestions made by arian.

Also, fixed an issue where all elements in a collection would morph back to the last element's style in the collection instead of its own.

This plugin is based off the Element.highlight function but with a slight twist.

Call this method on a collection of Elements to transition their color properties on mouseeneter/leave.

Notice: If the background color is transparent it will be set to white!

How to use


$$('.classOrSelector').multiHighlight( backgroundColor, foregroundColor, morphProps );


  1. backgroundColor - (string, MUST be either a HEX color value or NULL) The color you wish to transition the background to.
  2. foregroundColor - (string, MUST be either a HEX color value or NULL) The color you with to transition the elements color property to.
  3. morphProps - (object, optional, set of Fx options) See Fx for valid options.



// Transitions current colors to supplied colors on mouseenter and back to original on mouseleave

// Transitions ONLY the elements color property and applies Fx options to the transition
$$('.link2').multiHighlight(null,'#eee', {duration:'short'});

// Transitions ONLY the elements background-color and applies Fx options to the transition
$$('.link3').multiHighlight('#eee',null, {duration:'long'});


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foreground background mootools color transitions






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