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added documentation for translations
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fabpot committed Sep 27, 2010
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Showing 4 changed files with 327 additions and 3 deletions.
16 changes: 13 additions & 3 deletions guides/bundles/best_practices.rst
Expand Up @@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ follows::

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stof Jan 4, 2011


This sould be public instead of web

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fabpot Jan 4, 2011

Author Member

fixed, thanks.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,16 +92,17 @@ files are going to be part of the repository.

The following classes and files have specific emplacements:

========================= =====================
========================= ===========================
Type Directory
========================= =====================
========================= ===========================
Controllers ``Controller/``
Translation files ``Resources/translations/``
Templates ``Resources/views/``
Unit and Functional Tests ``Tests/``
Web Resources ``Resources/web/``
Configuration ``Resources/config/``
Commands ``Command/``
========================= =====================
========================= ===========================

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,6 +168,14 @@ must provide two slots: ``content`` and ``head``).
The only other template engine supported is Twig, but only for specific

Translation Files

If a bundle provides message translations, they must be defined in the XLIFF

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snc Jun 27, 2011


I think this is not the case anymore?!

format; the domain should be named after the bundle name (``bundle.hello``).

A bundle must not override existing messages from another bundle.


Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions guides/index.rst
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Dive into Symfony2 with the topical guides:
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions guides/
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* :doc:`/guides/emails`
* :doc:`/guides/validator`
* :doc:`/guides/forms`
* :doc:`/guides/translation`
* **Templating**:

* :doc:`/guides/templating/helpers` |
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312 changes: 312 additions & 0 deletions guides/translation.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@

The :namespace:`Symfony\\Component\\Translation` Component provides a way to
internationalize all the messages in your application.

A *message* can be any string you want to internationalize. Messages are
categorized by locale and domain.

A *domain* allows you to better organized your messages in a given locale (it
can be any string; by default, all messages are stored under the ``messages``

A *locale* can be any string, but we recommended to use the ISO639-1 language
code, followed by a underscore (``_``), followed by the ISO3166 country code
(use ``fr_FR`` for French/France for instance).


Before using the translator features, enable it in your configuration:

.. configuration-block::

.. code-block:: yaml
# app/config/config.yml
translator: { fallback: en }
.. code-block:: xml
<!-- app/config/config.xml -->
<app:translator fallback="en" />
.. code-block:: php
// app/config/config.php
$container->loadFromExtension('app', 'config', array(
'translator' => array('fallback' => 'en'),
The ``fallback`` attribute defines the fallback locale when a translation does
not exist in the user locale.

.. tip::
When a translation does not exist for a locale, the translator tries to
find the translation for the language (``fr`` when the locale is ``fr_FR``
for instance); if it also fails, it looks for a translation for the
fallback locale.

The locale used in translations is the one stored in the user session.


Translations are available through the ``translator`` service
(:class:`Symfony\\Component\\Translation\\Translator`). Use the
:method:`Symfony\\Component\\Translation\\Translator::trans` method to
translate a message::

$t = $this['translator']->trans('Symfony2 is great!');

If you have placeholders in strings, pass their values as the second

$t = $this['translator']->trans('Symfony2 is {{ what }}!', array('{{ what }}' => 'great'));

.. note::
The placeholders can have any form, but using the ``{{ var }}`` notation
allows the message to be used in Twig templates.

By default, the translator looks for messages in the default ``messages``
domain. Override it via the third argument::

$t = $this['translator']->trans('Symfony2 is great!', array(), 'applications');


Translations are stored on the filesystem and discovered by Symfony2, thanks
to some conventions.

Store translations for messages found in a bundle under the
``Resources/translations/`` directory; and override them under the
``app/translations/`` directory.

Each message file must be named according to the following pattern:
``domain.locale.loader`` (the domain name, followed by a dot (``.``), followed
by the locale name, followed by a dot (``.``), followed by the loader name.)

The loader can be the name of any registered loader. By default, Symfony2
provides the following loaders:

* ``php``: PHP file;
* ``xliff``: XLIFF file;
* ``yaml``: YAML file.

Each file consists of pairs of id/translation strings for the given domain and
locale. The id can be the message in the main locale of your application of a
unique identifier:

.. configuration-block::

.. code-block:: xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<file source-language="en" datatype="plaintext" original="file.ext">
<trans-unit id="1">
<source>Symfony2 is great</source>
<target>J'aime Symfony2</target>
<trans-unit id="2">
<target>J'aime Symfony2</target>
.. code-block:: php
return array(
'Symfony2 is great' => 'J\'aime Symfony2',
'symfony.great' => 'J\'aime Symfony2',
.. note::
You can also store translations in a database, or any other storage by
providing a custom
:class:`Symfony\\Component\\Translation\\Loader\\LoaderInterface` class.
See below to learn how to register custom loaders.


Message pluralization is a tough topic as the rules can be quite complex. For
instance, here is the mathematic representation of the Russian pluralization

(($number % 10 == 1) && ($number % 100 != 11)) ? 0 : ((($number % 10 >= 2) && ($number % 10 <= 4) && (($number % 100 < 10) || ($number % 100 >= 20))) ? 1 : 2);

As you can see, in Russian, you can have three different plural forms, based
on this algorithm. For each form, the plural is different, and so the
translation is also different. In such a case, you can provide all
pluralization forms as strings separated by pipes (``|``)::

'The is one apple|There are {{ count }} apples'

Based on a given number, the translator chooses the right plural form. If
``count`` is ``1``, the translator will use the first string (``The is one

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extesy Sep 28, 2010

Typo 'The{re} is one apple'

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fabpot Sep 28, 2010

Author Member


apple``) as the translation, if not, it will use ``There are {{ count }}

Here is the French translation::

'Il y a {{ count }} pomme|Il y a {{ count }} pommes'

Even if the string looks similar (it is made of two sub-strings separated by a
pipe), the French rules are different: the first form (no plural) is used when
``count`` is ``0`` or ``1``. So, the translator will automatically use the
first string (``Il y a {{ count }} pomme``) when ``count`` is ``0`` or ``1``.

The rules are quite simple for English and French, but for Russian, you'd
better have a hint to know which rule matches which string. To help
translators, you can optionally "tag" each string like this::

'one: There is one apple|some: There are {{ count }} apples'

'none_or_one: Il y a {{ count }} pomme|some: Il y a {{ count }} pommes'

The tags are really only hints for translators to help them understand the
context of the translation (note that the tags do not need to be the same in
the original message and in the translated one).

.. tip:
As tags are optional, the translator doesn't use them (the translator will
only get a string based on its position in the string).
Sometimes, you want a different translation for specific cases (for ``0``, or
when the count is large enough, when the count is negative, ...). For such
cases, you can use explicit math ranges::

'{0} There is no apples|{1} There is one apple|]1,19] There are {{ count }} apples|[20,Inf] There are many apples'

You can also mix explicit math rules and standard rules. The position for
standard rules is defined after removing the explicit rules::

'{0} There is no apples|[20,Inf] There are many apples|There is one apple|a_few: There are {{ count }} apples'

An :class:`Symfony\\Component\\Translator\\Range` can represent a finite set
of numbers::


Or numbers between two other numbers::

[1, +Inf]

The left delimiter can be ``[`` (inclusive) or ``]`` (exclusive). The right
delimiter can be ``[`` (exclusive) or ``]`` (inclusive). Beside numbers, you
can use ``-Inf`` and ``+Inf`` for the infinite.

The translator
:method:`Symfony\\Component\\Translation\\Translator::transChoice` method
knows how to deal with plural::

$t = $this['translator']->transChoice(
'{0} There is no apples|{1} There is one apple|]1,Inf] There are {{ count }} apples',

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gimler Sep 27, 2010


is that right "]1,Inf]"?

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fabpot Sep 27, 2010

Author Member

Yes, why not. It means 1 (exclusive) to Inf (included)

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gimler Sep 27, 2010


i think the "]]" should be "[]" it look not correct for me

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extesy Sep 28, 2010

Usually such range is specified as (1,Inf] where () means exclusive and [] means inclusive.

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fabpot Sep 28, 2010

Author Member

This is the ISO 31-11 (see

As noted by Wikipedia, it "seems to be more commonly taught in Europe and South America". Well, I'm French ;)

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extesy Sep 28, 2010

Yeah, but symfony users are international. :)
Seriously, one-sided brackets look weird and unbalanced. Even that very same wikipedia article uses set builder notation in the entire article except the short part covering ISO notation.

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fabpot Sep 28, 2010

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I know that Symfony users are international. This is just that I'm so used to the notation I've used that I had not even thought that it was not the one true standard ;) So, now, I don't know which notation to keep for Symfony (Europe and South America represent a large part of the world too). Does it really matters? I mean, this is just something you need to learn. I don't really care about which notation we use for Symfony, we just need to choose one and document it (technically, they are exactly equivalent). Can you bring the topic on the dev mailing-list to see what others think?

array('{{ count }}' => 10)

Notice that the second argument is the number to use to determine which plural
string to use.

Translations in Templates

Most of the time, translation occurs in templates. Symfony2 provides native
support for both PHP and Twig templates.

PHP Templates

The translator service is accessible in PHP templates through the
``translator`` helper:

.. code-block:: html+php

<?php echo $view['translator']->trans('Symfony2 is great!') ?>

<?php echo $view['translator']->transChoice(
'{0} There is no apples|{1} There is one apple|]1,Inf] There are {{ count }} apples',
array('{{ count }}' => 10)
) ?>

Twig Templates

Symfony2 provides specialized Twig tags (``trans`` and ``transChoice``) to
help with message translation:

.. code-block:: jinja
{% trans "Symfony2 is great!" %}
{% trans %}
Foo {{ name }}
{% endtrans %}
{% transchoice count %}
{0} There is no apples|{1} There is one apple|]1,Inf] There are {{ count }} apples
{% endtranschoice %}
The ``transChoice`` tag automatically get the variables from the current
context and pass them to the translator. This mechanism only works when you
use placeholder using the ``{{ var }}`` pattern.

You can also specify the message domain:

.. code-block:: jinja
{% trans "Foo {{ name }}" from app %}
{% trans from app %}
Foo {{ name }}
{% endtrans %}
{% transchoice count from app %}
{0} There is no apples|{1} There is one apple|]1,Inf] There are {{ count }} apples
{% endtranschoice %}
.. _translation_loader_tag:

Enabling Custom Loaders

To enable a custom loader, add it as a regular service in one of your
configuration, tag it with ``translation.loader`` and define an ``alias``
attribute (for filesystem based loaders, the alias is the file extension you
must use to reference the loader):

.. configuration-block::

.. code-block:: yaml
class: Fully\Qualified\Loader\Class\Name
- { name: translation.loader, alias: alias_name }
.. code-block:: xml
<service id="translation.loader.your_helper_name" class="Fully\Qualified\Loader\Class\Name">
<tag name="translation.loader" alias="alias_name" />
.. code-block:: php
->register('translation.loader.your_helper_name', 'Fully\Qualified\Loader\Class\Name')
->addTag('translation.loader', array('alias' => 'alias_name'))

7 comments on commit b75012d

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@shouze shouze commented on b75012d Sep 27, 2010

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Why not using zend framework for this purpose ?

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@fabpot fabpot commented on b75012d Sep 27, 2010

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We had Zend Framework support before and I have decided to drop it for a few reasons:

  • it does not look optimized to me (it uses __call() for the main translate() method; which of course is used all the time)
  • limited implementation of plurals -- have a look at documentation for both components and you will see that ZF implementation is rather limited (and it does not work with almost all their adapters; which makes this feature even more limited)
  • too many external dependencies (I don't want to rely on Zend_Loader for instance)
  • no support for domains (for large application, that's a must)
  • so much magic everywhere! (just have a look at the option management)
  • and probably a few more I don't remember right now

I had in mind to try to fix those problems, but after some time, I realized that it would just be faster and better to start my own implementation, based on my experience of internationalized projects, and the symfony1 code.

Of course, that's only my point of view and I may have missed something.

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Not to create a big discussion but I have a general remark, shouldn't we always want to use real (unique) identifiers instead of a message to define the translations?

If we want to change 'Symfony2 is great' to 'Symfony2 is brilliant' we have to update every template and every translation file which uses this identifier. If we used an identifier like (bundle_)controller_view_main_title (if the div is identified via a html id or class that could also be used, or when it's a general message a prefix of controller isn't needed) we only need to update one translation file. And if you build up the identifier like above it's also easy to find the identifier in the right context. And it's much less error prone if you're not using any special characters, and not to mention it's much more maintainable if you're using the plural translations.

It's just a thought...

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@fabpot fabpot commented on b75012d Sep 27, 2010

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That's a BIG discussion indeed. The good news is that you can use both in Symfony2. So, that's really up to you.

"If we want to change 'Symfony2 is great' to 'Symfony2 is brilliant' we have to update every template and every translation file which uses this identifier."

Of course, as the sentence is different, so translations should be different too.

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How can we translate form error messages with this component ?

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@pimdh pimdh commented on b75012d Oct 29, 2010

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And can configuration files like routes be translated?

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@dator: i think all form error messages and labels are send through the translation system
@drumstok: i dont think so. you will have to define multiple routes for each language

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