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[DoctrineBundle] Improvements for building entities and getting started
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jwage authored and fabpot committed Mar 1, 2010
1 parent d15f232 commit 42ad9b7
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Showing 4 changed files with 198 additions and 4 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -55,6 +55,27 @@ protected function configure()
->addOption('and-append', null, InputOption::PARAMETER_OPTIONAL | InputOption::PARAMETER_IS_ARRAY, 'Load data fixtures and append to existing data')
->addOption('and-update-schema', null, null, 'Update schema after rebuilding all classes')
->addOption('connection', null, null, 'The connection to use.')
The <info>doctrine:build</info> task builds your Doctrine development environment.
<info>php console doctrine:build --all</info>
The above command will re-build your entities and re-create your database schema.
If you wanted to only update your schema instead of re-creating it you can run
the following:
<info>php console doctrine:build --entities --and-update-schema</info>
Now your entities are re-built and your database schema is up to date!
You can also use the <info>--and-load</info> and <info>--and-append</info> to
load data fixtures after running another build option.
<info>php console doctrine:build --all --and-load</info>
The above will re-build everything and load all bundle data fixtures.

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Expand Up @@ -56,10 +56,12 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)

if (isset($bundleDirs[$namespace]))
if (is_dir($dir = $bundleDirs[$namespace].'/'.$class.'/Entities'))
if (is_dir($dir = $bundleDirs[$namespace].'/'.$class.'/Resources/config/doctrine/metadata'))
$this->convertMapping($dir, $bundleDirs[$namespace].'/..');
} else if (is_dir($dir = $bundleDirs[$namespace].'/'.$class.'/Resources/config/doctrine/metadata')) {
else if (is_dir($dir = $bundleDirs[$namespace].'/'.$class.'/Entities'))
$this->convertMapping($dir, $bundleDirs[$namespace].'/..');
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@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@

namespace Symfony\Framework\DoctrineBundle\Command;

use Symfony\Components\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Components\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Components\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Components\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Components\Console\Output\Output;
use Symfony\Framework\WebBundle\Util\Filesystem;
use Doctrine\Common\Cli\Configuration;
use Doctrine\Common\Cli\CliController as DoctrineCliController;

* This file is part of the symfony framework.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.

* Initialize a new Doctrine entity inside a bundle.
* @package symfony
* @subpackage console
* @author Fabien Potencier <>
* @author Jonathan H. Wage <>
class InitEntityDoctrineCommand extends DoctrineCommand
* @see Command
protected function configure()
->setDescription('Initialize a new Doctrine entity inside a bundle.')
->addOption('bundle', null, InputOption::PARAMETER_REQUIRED, 'The bundle to initialize the entity in.')
->addOption('entity', null, InputOption::PARAMETER_REQUIRED, 'The entity class to initialize.')
The <info>doctrine:init-entity</info> task initializes a new Doctrine entity inside a bundle:
<comment>php console doctrine:init-entity --bundle="Bundle\MyCustomBundle" --entity="User\Group"</comment>
The above would initialize a new entity in the following entity namespace <info>Bundle\MyCustomBundle\Entities\User\Group</info>.
You can now build your entities and update your database schema:
<comment>php console doctrine:build --entities --and-update-schema</comment>
Now you have a new entity and your database has been updated.

* @see Command
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
if (!preg_match('/Bundle$/', $bundle = $input->getOption('bundle')))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The bundle name must end with Bundle. Example: "Bundle\MySampleBundle".');

$dirs = $this->container->getKernelService()->getBundleDirs();

$tmp = str_replace('\\', '/', $bundle);
$namespace = str_replace('/', '\\', dirname($tmp));
$bundle = basename($tmp);

if (!isset($dirs[$namespace]))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unable to initialize the bundle entity (%s not defined).', $namespace));

$entity = $input->getOption('entity');
$entityNamespace = $namespace.'\\'.$bundle.'\\Entities';
$fullEntityClassName = $entityNamespace.'\\'.$entity;
$tmp = str_replace('\\', '/', $fullEntityClassName);
$tmp = str_replace('/', '\\', dirname($tmp));
$className = basename($tmp);

$extends = null;
$path = $dirs[$namespace].'/'.$bundle.'/Resources/config/doctrine/metadata/'.str_replace('\\', '.', $fullEntityClassName).'.dcm.xml';

$xml = sprintf('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<doctrine-mapping xmlns=""
<entity name="%s" table="%s">
<id name="id" type="integer" column="id">
<generator strategy="AUTO"/>
str_replace('\\', '_', strtolower($entity))

if (!is_dir($dir = dirname($path)))
mkdir($dir, 0777, true);

file_put_contents($path, $xml);
59 changes: 57 additions & 2 deletions src/Symfony/Framework/DoctrineBundle/README
Expand Up @@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ If you want to enable the Doctrine 2 ORM you can do so with the following:

default_entity_manager: default
metadata_driver: xml # xml, yml, annotation
cache_driver: apc # array, apc, memcache, xcache
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -157,6 +156,8 @@ file named **Entry.php** with some code like the following:
The Doctrine 2 CLI is integrated with the Symfony 2 CLI so we have all the common
commands we need to make working with Doctrine 2 just as easy and fast as before!

### Listing Available Doctrine Commands

$ php console list doctrine

Available commands for the "doctrine" namespace:
Expand All @@ -167,12 +168,45 @@ commands we need to make working with Doctrine 2 just as easy and fast as before
:database-tool Create and drop the configured databases.
:ensure-production-settings Verify that Doctrine is properly configured for a production environment.
:generate-proxies Generates proxy classes for entity classes.
:import-mapping Import the initial mapping information for entities from an existing database.
:init-entity Initialize a new Doctrine entity inside a bundle.
:load-data-fixtures Load data fixtures to your database.
:run-dql Executes arbitrary DQL directly from the command line.
:run-sql Executes arbitrary SQL from a file or directly from the command line.
:schema-tool Processes the schema and either apply it directly on EntityManager or generate the SQL output.
:version Displays the current installed Doctrine version.

### Schema Tool

The schema tool in Doctrine 2 allows you to easily drop and your create your
database schemas for your mapping information.

You can easily create your initial schema from mapping information:

php console doctrine:schema-tool --create

Or if you want to then drop your schema you can do:

php console doctrine:schema-tool --drop

If you want to re-create it (drop and create) you can use:

php console doctrine:schema-tool --re-create

Now the scenario arrises where you want to change your mapping information and
update your database without blowing away everything and losing your existing data.
You can do the following for that:

php console doctrine:schema-tool --update

> **TIP**
> The above will not drop anything from your database schema. To drop the remaining
> things from your schema you need to use the **--complete-update** option.
> php console doctrine:schema-tool --complete-update

### Doctrine Build Command

The development workflow is very similar to how it is in Symfony 1.4. You can modify
your mapping information and use **doctrine:build --all** to re-build your
Expand All @@ -187,6 +221,11 @@ schema:
Now any changes you made in your mapping information will be reflected in the
according databases! Here are all the available options for the **build** task:

> **NOTE**
> Not the key difference here is that you can modify your schema during development
> and just update your database schema without having to blow everything away and
> re-build it all.

$ php console help doctrine:build
Symfony doctrine:build [--all] [--all-classes] [--entities] [--db] [--and-load[="..."]] [--and-append[="..."]] [--and-update-schema] [--dump-sql] [--connection]
Expand All @@ -198,4 +237,20 @@ according databases! Here are all the available options for the **build** task:
--and-load Load data fixtures (multiple values allowed)
--and-append Load data fixtures and append to existing data (multiple values allowed)
--and-update-schema Update schema after rebuilding all classes
--connection The connection to use.
--connection The connection to use.

### Doctrine Init Entity Command

You can easily initialize a new Doctrine entity for a bundle by using the
**doctrine:init-bundle** command:

$ php console doctrine:init-entity --bundle="Bundle\MySampleBundle" --entity="User\Group"

Now if you have a look inside the bundle you will see that you have a **Group** class
located here **Bundle/MySampleBundle/Entities/User/Group.php**.

Now you can customize the mapping information for the entity by editing the metadata
information inside **Bundle/MySampleBundle/Resources/config/doctrine/metadata** and
just update your database schema:

$ php console doctrine:schema-tool --update

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