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MacOS Jumpbox

Currently tested on MacOS Big Sur

This is simplified guide to help navigate documentation gathered from many sources including repositories, websites, etc. All links should be considered as attribution for the fine work of the respective authors! I thank them for their efforts and you should too.

Key Management


ssh-keygen -t ed25519

Add Keys to the following:


  1. Navigate to URL from above and follow instructions provided.
  1. Navigate to URL from above and follow instructions provided.

I prefer iTerm2 over the standard terminal app in MacOS but it is NOT required

iTerm2 can be installed via brew or standard package installation in MacOS


brew install iterm2

Not required but recommend. Follow the instructions on the link and follow the ZSH specific instructions.

Terraform can be installed via brew or standard package installation in MacOS


brew install terraform

GitHub CLI can be installed via brew or standard package installation in MacOS


brew install gh
  1. Navigate to URL from above and follow instructions provided.

  2. Fix Folder Permissions for oh-my-zsh

Check the install prompt carefully and run any associated commands to fix folder permissions.

  1. Clone Powerlevel10k into OhMyZSH Theme folder.

    git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k

  2. Update OhMyZSH Theme to Powerlevel10k

    vim ~/.zshrc

Set ZSH_THEME="powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k"

  1. Restart ZSH

    source ~/.zshrc

  2. If your command prompt does not automatically start "p10k configure" after the restart of ZSH, run the following command:

    p10k configure

  3. Install Meslo Nerd Font

Follow the prompt to install the recommended font. Restart iTerm2 when prompted.

  1. If your command prompt does not automatically restart "p10k configure" after the restart of ZSH, run the following command:

    p10k configure

Configure ZSH and Powerlevel10k in Visual Studio Code

  1. In Visual Studio Code: Open File → Preferences → Settings, enter in the search box

  2. Select Edit in settings.json and apply the following:

    "terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "MesloLGS NF",
    "": "zsh"
  1. Save changes to settings.json

  2. Restart Visual Studio Code