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Flow is a domain specific language to provide very flexible custom control flows to host applications, such as an HTTP web server to let the operator control the way your app the way he things.

Flow Virtual Machine

The Flow Virtual Machine is the backend to the Flow Language that implements a bytecode VM interpreter to execute your control flow as fast as possible.


  • maybe use 16-bit width register identification instead of 8-bit inside the opcode, effectively raising the register limit, would raise instruction size from 32-bit to 64-bit.
  • support multi-branch instruction (merely like tableswitch in JVM)
  • code: regex impl
  • code: native function call
  • code: native handler call
  • code: multi branch instruction (design & impl)
  • code: FlowAST-to-IR compiler to actually get this to life
  • code: direct-threaded VM (token-threaded-to-direct-threaded transform & interpreter)

Data Types


Numbers are 64-bit signed. Booleans are represented as numbers.


All strings in flow are immutable. So all string instructions do not disinguish between strings from constant table, dynamically allocated strings, or strings as retrieved from another virtual machine instruction (such as a native function call).

Handler References


IP Addresses

(IPv4 and IPv6)

IPv4 could be directly represented via the least significant 32-bit from a number.

Cidr Network Notations

String Arrays

["text/plain", "application/octet-stream"]

Instruction Stream

The program is stored as an array (stream) of fixed-length 32-bit instructions.

The opcode always takes the least-significant 8-bit of an instruction, also determining the interpretation of the higher 24 bits to one of the variations as described below.

A register is always represented as an 8-bit index to the register array, effectively limiting the total number of registers to 256.

Registers does not necessarily require them to be located in a CPU hardware but can also be represented as software array.

In the following tables, the values have the following meaning:

  • OP: opcode
  • A: first operand
  • B: second operand
  • D: second operand (alternative, immediate literal)
  • C: third operand (illegal if D is used)

Instructions are represented as follows:

0    8  16  24  32
+----+---+---+---+      Instruction with no operands.
| OP |           |

0    8  16  24  32
+----+---+---+---+      Instruction with 1 operands.
| OP | A |       |

0    8  16  24  32
+----+---+---+---+      Instruction with 2 operands.
| OP | A | B |   |

0    8  16  24  32
+----+---+---+---+      Instruction with 3 operands.
| OP | A | B | C |

0    8  16  24  32
+----+---+---+---+      Instruction with 2 operands.
| OP | A |   D   |      (second operand is usually an immediate literal, used as index
+----+---+---+---+       to some constant table or to represent a 16bit short integer).


Constants are all stored in a constant table, each type of constants in its own table.

  • integer constants: 64-bit signed
  • string constants: raw string plus its string length
  • regular expression constants: defined as strings, but may be pre-compiled into dedicated AST for faster execution during runtime.


Instruction Prefixes

  • V - variable
  • N - integer constant
  • I - immediate 16-bit integer literal
  • S - string constant

Instruction Operand Types

  • imm - immediate literal values
  • num - offset into the register array, cast to an integer.
  • str - offset into the register array, cast to a string object.
  • var - immediate offset into the register array, any type.
  • vres - same as var but used by to store the instruction's result.
  • vbase - same as var but used to denote the first of a consecutive list of registers.
  • pc - jump program offsets, immedate offset into the program's instruction array

Debug Ops

Opcode  Mnemonic  A       B             Description
0x??    NTICKS    vres    -             dumps performance instruction counter into A
0x??    NDUMPN    vbase   imm           dumps register contents of consecutive registers [vbase, vbase+N]

Constant Ops

Opcode  Mnemonic  A       B             Description
0x??    NCLEAR    vres    -             set integer A to 0.
0x??    SCLEAR    vres    -             set string A to empty string.

Opcode  Mnemonic  A       D             Description
0x??    IMOV      vres    imm           set integer A to immediate 16-bit integer literal D
0x??    NCONST    vres    imm           set integer A to value at constant integer pool's offset D

Conversion Ops

Opcode  Mnemonic  A       D             Description
0x??    I2S       vres    num           A = itoa(D)
0x??    S2I       vres    str           A = atoi(D)
0x??    SURLENC   vres    str           A = urlencode(B)
0x??    SURLDEC   vres    str           A = urldecode(B)

Unary Ops

Opcode  Mnemonic  A       D             Description
0x??    MOV       vres    var           A = D         /* raw register value copy */
0x??    VNEG      vres    num           A = -D
0x??    VNOT      vres    num           A = ~B
0x??    SLEN      vres    str           A = strlen(D)

Binary Numerical Ops

Opcode  Mnemonic  A       B     C       Description
0x??    NADD      vres    var   var     A = B + C
0x??    NSUB      vres    var   var     A = B - C
0x??    NMUL      vres    var   var     A = B * C
0x??    NDIV      vres    var   var     A = B / C
0x??    NREM      vres    var   var     A = B % C
0x??    NSHL      vres    var   var     A = B << C
0x??    NSHR      vres    var   var     A = B >> C
0x??    NPOW      vres    var   var     A = B ** C
0x??    NAND      vres    var   var     A = B & C
0x??    NOR       vres    var   var     A = B | C
0x??    NXOR      vres    var   var     A = B ^ C
0x??    NCMPEQ    vres    var   var     A = B == C
0x??    NCMPNE    vres    var   var     A = B != C
0x??    NCMPLE    vres    var   var     A = B <= C
0x??    NCMPGE    vres    var   var     A = B >= C
0x??    NCMPLT    vres    var   var     A = B < C
0x??    NCMPGT    vres    var   var     A = B > C

String Ops

Opcode  Mnemonic  A       D             Description
0x??    SCONST    vres    imm           A = stringConstantPool[D]

Opcode  Mnemonic  A       B     C       Description
0x??    SADD      vres    str   str     A = B + C
0x??    SSUBSTR   vres    str   -       A = substr(B, C /* offset */, C + 1 /* count */)
0x??    SCMPEQ    vres    str   str     A = B == C
0x??    SCMPNE    vres    str   str     A = B != C
0x??    SCMPLE    vres    str   str     A = B <= C
0x??    SCMPGE    vres    str   str     A = B >= C
0x??    SCMPLT    vres    str   str     A = B < C
0x??    SCMPGT    vres    str   str     A = B > C
0x??    SCMPBEG   vres    str   str     A = B =^ C
0x??    SCMPEND   vres    str   str     A = B =$ C
0x??    SCMPSET   vres    str   str     A = B in C
0x??    SREGMATCH vres    str   regex   A = B =~ C
0x??    SREGGROUP vres    num   -       A = regex_group(B /* regex-context offset */)

Control Ops

Opcode  Mnemonic  A       D             Description
0x??    JMP       -       pc            Unconditionally jump to $pc
0x??    CONDBR    var     pc            Conditionally jump to $pc if int(A) evaluates to true
0x??    EXIT      imm     -             End program with given boolean status code

Native Call Ops

Opcode  Mnemonic  A       B     C       Description
0x??    CALL      id      argc  argv    Invoke native func with identifier A.
                                        Return value is stored in argv+0.
                                        Arguments are stored in argv+N with 0 < N < argc.
0x??    HANDLER   id      argc  argv    Invoke native handler (can cause program to exit).
                                        Return code must be a boolean in argv+0,
                                        and parameters are stored as for CALL.

We assume that the native function ID is stored in register 0x11.

  • 0x000011?? - native call, returns nothing and takes no args
  • 0x220111?? - native call, returns a result to register 0x22, takes no args
  • 0x220211?? - native call, returns a result, takes one arg into register 0x23
  • 0x220511?? - native call, returns a result, takes 4 args starting from register 0x23 to 0x26 including.
Parameter Passing Conventions

Just like a C program, a consecutive array of argv[]'s is created, but where argv[0] contains the result value (if any) and argv[1] to argv[argc - 1] will contain the parameter values.

  • Integers: register contents cast to a 64bit signed integer
  • Boolean: as integer, false is 0, true is != 0
  • String: register contents is cast to a VM internal String pointer.
  • IPAddress: register contents is cast to a VM internal IPAddress pointer.
  • Cidr: register contents is cast to a VM internal Cidr pointer.
  • RegExp: register contents is cast to a VM internal RegExp pointer.
  • Handler: register contents is an offset into the programs handler table.
  • Array of V: conecutive registers as passed in argv directly represent the elements of the given array.
  • Associative Array of (K, V): Keys are stored in argv[N+0] and values in argv[N+1].


Flow - Flow-Control Virtual Mashine






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