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Version: 3.0.1 Type: application AppVersion: 2.0.0

A Helm chart for SDDI enabled CKAN.



Name Email Url
Bruno Willenborg

Source Code


Key Type Default Description
activityStreams.emailNotifications bool true CKAN config activity stream
activityStreams.enabled bool true CKAN config enable activity streams
affinity object {} k8s: Assign pods to nodes
apiToken.algorithm string "HS256" CKAN API token settings
apiToken.decodeSecret string nil CKAN API token settings: If left empty, a random 64 char alpha numeric string is generated. Note: In a production environment the default needs to be overwritten. Check the docs! Depending on apiToken.algorithm additional restrictions apply to this settings.
apiToken.encodeSecret string nil CKAN API token settings: If left empty, a random 64 char alpha numeric string is generated. Note: In a production environment the default needs to be overwritten. Check the docs! Depending on apiToken.algorithm additional restrictions apply to this settings.
apiToken.nBytes int 64 CKAN API token settings
auth.allow_dataset_collaborators bool false CKAN authorization settings. See CKAN configuration docs.
auth.anon_create_dataset bool false
auth.create_dataset_if_not_in_organization bool false
auth.create_default_api_keys bool false
auth.create_unowned_dataset bool false
auth.create_user_via_api bool false
auth.create_user_via_web bool true
auth.public_activity_stream_detail bool true
auth.public_user_details bool false
auth.roles_that_cascade_to_sub_groups string "admin editor member"
auth.user_create_groups bool false
auth.user_create_organizations bool false
auth.user_delete_groups bool false
auth.user_delete_organizations bool false
autoscaling.enabled bool false Enable/disable pod autoscaling, if disabled replicaCount is used to set number of pods. Check requirements of HorizontalPodAutoscaling.
autoscaling.maxReplicas int 5 Maximum number of replicas Note: Running multiple replicas requires to enable persistent data storage (persistence.enabled = true) and, if Pods run on different nodes, a storage that supports RWX.
autoscaling.minReplicas int 1 Minimum number of replicas. Note: Running multiple replicas requires to enable persistent data storage (persistence.enabled = true) and, if Pods run on different nodes, a storage that supports RWX.
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage string nil HorizontalPodAutoscaling.
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage string nil HorizontalPodAutoscaling.
backgroundImage string "../base/images/hero.jpg" Set URL or path to CKAN SDDI background image.
component string "ckan" Role of CKAN in this chart
datapusher.apiToken string nil Datapusher API token, see CKAN Datapusher settings
datapusher.callback_url_base string "http://ckan:5000/" This should be set to cluster internal ckan service domain. CKAN DataPusher settings
datapusher.formats string "csv xls tsv application/csv"
datapusher.url string "http://datapusher:8000/" DataPusher endpoint of CKAN. This should be set to the cluster internal DataPusher service domain. string "changeMe" CKAN datastore read only password, used to build ckan.datastore.read_url see CKAN datastore settings string "datastore_ro" CKAN datastore read only username, used to build ckan.datastore.read_url see CKAN datastore settings string "changeMe" CKAN datastore read write password, used to build ckan.datastore.write_url see CKAN datastore settings string "datastore_rw" CKAN datastore read write username, used to build ckan.datastore.write_url see CKAN datastore settings
datastore.dbname string "datastore" CKAN datastore database name, used to build see CKAN datastore settings string "postgis" CKAN datastore host, used to build see CKAN datastore settings
datastore.port int 5432 CKAN datastore port, used to build see CKAN datastore settings
db.auth.password string "changeMe" CKAN database password, used to build sqlalchemy.url see CKAN database settings
db.auth.username string "ckan" CKAN database username, used to build sqlalchemy.url see CKAN database settings
db.dbname string "ckan_default" CKAN database database name, used to build sqlalchemy.url see CKAN database settings string "postgis" CKAN database host, used to build sqlalchemy.url see CKAN database settings
db.port int 5432 CKAN database port, used to build sqlalchemy.url see CKAN database settings
defaultViews string See values.yml for the default values. CKAN config dafault_views: Note: Make sure the required view plugins are loaded!
enabled bool true Enable/disable CKAN
extraEnv object {} Extra environment variables. Values need to be quoted. This can be used to overwrite or extend CKAN settings. See ckanext-envvars for variable naming conventions.
extraInitContainers list [] Sets additional initContainers. The initContainers specified here, are appended to the ones specified in initContainers.
extraVolumeMounts list [] Sets additional volumeMounts. The volumeMounts specified here, are appended to the ones specified in volumeMounts.
extraVolumes list [] Sets additional volumes. The volumes specified here, are appended to the ones specified in volumes.
favicon string "/base/images/ckan.ico" Path to CKAN favicon. Custom logos will be located in e.g. /webassets/. See webassets.path setting. CKAN config site_id
featured.groups string "dataset online-application online-service project software method device geoobject" CKAN featured groups settings
featured.orgs string "bayerische-vermessungsverwaltung lehrstuhl-fur-geoinformatik bayern-innovativ" CKAN featured orgs settings
form.create_on_ui_requires_resources bool false CKAN form settings, see CKAN configuration form
fullnameOverride string "ckan" Override fullname
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy
image.repository string "" Image repository
image.tag string "" Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
imagePullSecrets list [] Image pull secrets
ingress.annotations string nil Additional Ingress annotations
ingress.certManager object See values.yml for the default values. Additional Ingress annotation for e.g. CORS, timeouts, SSL settings. See nginx-ingress annotations docs for more.
ingress.certManager.issuerEmail string "" eMail address for ACME registration with Let's Encrypt. Only used for issuerType = namespace.
ingress.certManager.issuerName string "letsencrypt-staging" Name of the Issuer to use. For certManager.type = namespace letsencrypt-staging, letsencrypt-prod and self-signed are available.
ingress.certManager.issuerType string "namespace" Type of cert-manager Issuer: Use either "namespace" or "cluster".
ingress.className string "nginx" Name of the IngressClass to use in Ingress routes.
ingress.cors.enabled bool true Enable/disable CORS. See ingress-nginx cors settings for details on CORS configuration and default settings. Use ingress.annotations to overwrite the default configuration annotations. list [] List of FQDNs for this Ingress. Note: All FQDNs will be used for Ingress hosts and TLS certificate. Note: Set siteUrl accordingly!
ingress.enabled bool true Enable/disable Ingress.
ingress.stickySessions.enabled bool true Enable/disable sticks sessions, see Nginx Ingress Controller Sticky sessions.
ingress.stickySessions.sessionCookie.affinityMode string "balanced" Nginx Ingress Controller Sticky sessions
ingress.stickySessions.sessionCookie.changeOnFailure string "true" Nginx Ingress Controller Sticky sessions
ingress.stickySessions.sessionCookie.maxAge string "172800" Nginx Ingress Controller Sticky sessions string "route" Nginx Ingress Controller Sticky sessions
ingress.stickySessions.sessionCookie.path string "/" Nginx Ingress Controller Sticky sessions string "false" Nginx Ingress Controller Sticky sessions
ingress.tls.secretName string nil Specify a custom tls secret name. This overwrites global.ingress.tls.secretName.
initContainers list See values.yml for the list of default initContainers. Sets initContainers. Set to [] to disable the default initContainers. Set to any list of initContainer definitions to overwrite the default initContainers. Use extraInitContainers to extend the default initContainers.
licensesGroupUrl string See values.yml for the default values. CKAN licences group url: A URL pointing to a JSON file containing a list of license objects.
liveness.failureThreshold int 6 Failure threshold for the liveness probe
liveness.initialDelaySeconds int 20 Initial delay for the liveness probe
liveness.periodSeconds int 10 Check interval for the liveness probe
liveness.timeoutSeconds int 10 Timeout interval for the liveness probe
locale.default string "de" CKAN default locale, see CKAN internationalization settings
locale.filtered_out string "en_GB" CKAN locales filtered out, see CKAN internationalization settings
locale.offered string "de en" CKAN locales offered, see CKAN internationalization settings
locale.order string See values.yml for the default values. CKAN locale order, see CKAN internationalization settings
maxUploadSizeMB int 250 Max file upload size in MB. Note: This setting is mapped to the "600m" and "600m" CKAN Ingress annotations too.
nameOverride string "" Override name
nodeSelector object {} k8s: Assign pods to nodes
persistence.accessModes[0] string "ReadWriteOnce" k8s: Persistent volume access modes
persistence.annotations string nil Additional annotations for PVCs Set keep to avoid deletion of PVCs on helm upgrade/uninstall
persistence.capacity string "4Gi" Storage capacity
persistence.enabled bool true Enable/disable persistent data storage. Note: Persistence should only be disabled for testing! With persistence disabled CKAN data is stored in an ephemeral emptyDir volume!
persistence.storageClassName string nil StorageClass to use, leave empty to use default StorageClass.
persistence.storagePath string "/var/lib/ckan" Mount path of the CKAN storage. Omit trailing /! This option is used for CKAN__STORAGE_PATH env var too!
plugins string "" Override CKAN plugins/extensions specified in the CKAN image Warning: Only edit this if you know what you are doing. If the plugin list does not match the plugins installed in the image errors can occur. See and CKAN configuration CKAN configuration plugins
podAnnotations object {} Additional pod annotations
podSecurityContext object {} k8s: Security context
preview.imageFormats string "png jpeg jpg gif" CKAN config ImageView: Image preview formats.
preview.jsonFormats string "json" CKAN config TextView: JSON preview formats.
preview.jsonpFormats string "jsonp" CKAN config TextView: JSONP preview formats.
preview.textFormats string "txt plain" CKAN config TextView: Text preview formats.
preview.xmlFormats string "xml rdf rss" CKAN config TextView: XML preview formats.
readiness.failureThreshold int 6 Failure threshold for the liveness probe
readiness.initialDelaySeconds int 20 Initial delay for the liveness probe
readiness.periodSeconds int 10 Check interval for the liveness probe
readiness.timeoutSeconds int 10 Timeout interval for the liveness probe
redis.url string "redis://redis-hl:6379/0" Redis endpoint for CKAN. This should be set to cluster internal Redis service domain. CKAN configuration Redis
replicaCount int 1 Number of replicas. Only used if autoscaling.enabled = false. Note: Running multiple replicas requires to enable persistent data storage (persistence.enabled = true) and, if Pods run on different nodes, a storage that supports RWX.
resources object {} k8s: Resource management
sddiInitDataJson string "init_data.json" Local path or URL to File path or URL to CKAN SDDI init_data.json. This file allows to specify pre-defined set of SDDI CKAN main categories, topics, and organizations.
securityContext object {} k8s: Security context
service.port int 5000 Service port for http
service.type string "ClusterIP" Type of service for http
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool false Specifies whether a service account should be created string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
session.beakerSamesite string nil defaults to "Lax" if left empty.
session.beakerSessionHttpOnly string nil defaults to True if left empty.
session.beakerSessionKey string "ckan-session" CKAN beaker session key, defaults to ckan if left empty.
session.beakerSessionSecret string nil CKAN beaker session secret: If left empty, a 64 char random AlphaNum is generated. Note: In a cluster environment this values need to be the same on each instance.
session.beakerSessionSecure string nil defaults to False if left empty.
session.beakerSessionTimeout string nil defaults to 600 if left empty.
session.beakerSessionType string nil defaults to "cookie" if left empty.
session.beakerSessionValidateKey string nil CKAN beaker session validate key: If left empty, a 64 char random AlphaNum is generated. Note: In a cluster environment this values need to be the same on each instance.
siteAbout string "My CKAN about info. You can use Markdown here." CKAN config about
siteDescription string "This is my SDDI CKAN instance description." CKAN config site_id
siteId string "default" CKAN config site_id
siteIntroParagraph string "This is the intro paragraph text to my SDDI CKAN instance." Set CKAN SDDI intro paragraph
siteIntroText string "This is the intro text to my SDDI CKAN instance." CKAN config intro text
siteLogo string "/base/images/logo_left.png"
siteTitle string "My SDDI CKAN instance" Title of the CKAN instance, displayed in Browser windows/tab name
siteUrl string "" CKAN site url. This should match a domain name of CKAN specified in and include the protocol e.g. ( CKAN configuration site settings
smtp.emailTo string "None" CKAN SMTP settings
smtp.errorEmailFrom string "None" CKAN SMTP settings
smtp.mailFrom string "" CKAN SMTP settings
smtp.password string "smtpPassword" CKAN SMTP settings
smtp.replyTo string "None" CKAN SMTP settings
smtp.server string "smtpServerURLorIP:port" CKAN SMTP settings Note: To use SSL auth, omit the port in the server string, if it is the default port 465. Also make sure to set smtp.startTls = True.
smtp.startTls string "True" CKAN SMTP settings Note: To use SSL auth, make sure this settings is set to True. See the note for smtp.server too.
smtp.user string "smtpUser" CKAN SMTP settings
solr.password string nil # CKAN configuration Solr user
solr.url string "http://solr-hl:8983/solr/ckan" Solr endpoint for CKAN. This should be set to cluster internal Solr service domain. CKAN configuration Solr URL
solr.user string nil # CKAN configuration Solr user
startup.failureThreshold int 200 Failure threshold for the startup probe
startup.initialDelaySeconds int 2 Inital delay seconds for the startup probe.
startup.periodSeconds int 2 Check interval for the startup probe
startup.timeoutSeconds int 2 Timeout interval for the startup probe string "" CKAN admin eMail address
sysadmin.enabled bool true Enable/disable creating of a CKAN admin user at first startup.
sysadmin.password string "changeMe" CKAN admin password: Note: Min. password length = 8 chars!
sysadmin.user string "admin" CKAN admin username
tolerations list [] k8S: Taints and tolerations
volumeMounts list See values.yml for the list of default volumeMounts. Sets volumeMounts. Set to [] to disable the default volumeMounts. Set to any list of volumeMount definitions to overwrite the default volumeMounts. Use extraVolumeMounts to extend the default volumeMounts.
volumes list See values.yml for the list of default volumes. Sets volumes. Set to [] to disable the default volumes. Set to any list of volume definitions to overwrite the default volumes. Use extraVolumes to extend the default volumes.
webassets.path string nil Webassets storage path, see CKAN webassets settings This should point to the location of webassets in the CKAN image. The path may vary depending on the CKAN Docker image used.