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Version: 0.5.1 Type: application AppVersion: 0.0.19

A Helm chart for CKAN Datapusher.



Name Email Url
Bruno Willenborg

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Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} k8s: Assign pods to nodes
autoscaling.enabled bool false Enable/disable pod autoscaling, if disabled replicaCount is used to set number of pods. Check requirements of HorizontalPodAutoscaling.
autoscaling.maxReplicas int 5 Maximum number of replicas
autoscaling.minReplicas int 1 Minimum number of replicas
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage string nil HorizontalPodAutoscaling.
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage string nil HorizontalPodAutoscaling.
chunkSize string "16384" Size of chunks of the data that is being downloaded in bytes
component string "datapusher" Role of CKAN Datapusher in this chart
databaseUri string "sqlite:////tmp/job_store.db" SQLAlchemy Database URL for job store, see Datapusher config for more. Note: If db.enabled this setting is ignored.
datapusherRewriteResources bool true Enable or disable (boolean) whether Datapusher should rewrite resources uploaded to CKAN's filestore, since Datapusher takes the CKAN Site URL value for generating the resource URL. Default: False
datapusherRewriteUrl string "http://ckan:5000/" Sets the rewrite URL that Datapusher will rewrite resources that are uploaded to CKAN's filestore. Default: http://ckan:5000
datapusherSslVerify bool false Enable or disable (boolean) verification of SSL when trying to get resources. Default: True
db.auth.password string "changeMe" Jobs database password. If set, this values will overwrite the value in the Datapusher chart. Note: This values is overwritten by global.datapusher.db.auth.password, if set.
db.auth.username string "datapusher" Jobs database username. If set, this values will overwrite the value in the Datapusher chart. Note: This values is overwritten by global.datapusher.db.auth.username, if set.
db.dbname string "datapusher_jobs" Jobs database name. If set, this values will overwrite the value in the Datapusher chart. Note: This values is overwritten by global.datapusher.db.dbname, if set.
db.enabled bool true Enable/disable PostgreSQL as database backend for Datapusher. If set to false, databaseUri is used. Note: This values is overwritten by global.datapusher.db.enabled, if set. string "postgis" Jobs database host. If set, this values will overwrite the value in the Datapusher chart. Note: This values is overwritten by, if set.
db.port int 5432 Jobs database port. If set, this values will overwrite the value in the Datapusher chart. Note: This values is overwritten by global.datapusher.db.port, if set.
downloadTimeout string "30" Timeout limit of the download request
enabled bool true Enable/disable CKAN Datapusher
extraEnv object {} Extra environment variables. Values need to be quoted. This can be used to overwrite or extend CKAN settings. See ckanext-envvars for variable naming conventions.
fullnameOverride string "datapusher" Override fullname
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy
image.repository string "tumgis/ckan-datapusher" Image repository
image.tag string "" Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
imagePullSecrets list [] Image pull secrets
initContainers.pgready.image object {"repository":"bwibo/k8s-init-container","tag":"latest"} Image used for testing PostgresSQL database readiness.
insertRows string "250" Number of rows to take from the data and upload them as chunks to datastore
maxContentLength string "10485760" Maximum size of content to be uploaded in bytes.
nameOverride string "" Override name
nodeSelector object {} k8s: Assign pods to nodes
podAnnotations object {} Additional pod annotations
podSecurityContext object {} k8s: Security context
replicaCount int 1 Number of replicas. Only used if autoscaling.enabled = false.
resources object {} k8s: Resource management
securityContext object {} k8s: Security context
service.port int 8000 Service port
service.type string "ClusterIP" Type of service
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool false Specifies whether a service account should be created string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
tolerations list [] k8S: Taints and tolerations