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File metadata and controls

2152 lines (1583 loc) · 90 KB

Hillview User Manual

Hillview is a simple cloud-based spreadsheet program for browsing large data collections. Currently the data manipulated is read-only. Users can sort, find, filter, transform, query, zoom-in/out, and chart data in simple ways; operations are performed easily using direct manipulation in the GUI. Hillview is designed to work on very large data sets (billions of rows), with an interactive spreadsheet-like interaction style, complementing sophisticated analytic engines. Hillview can also be executed as a stand-alone executable on a local machine (but then the data size it can manipulate is limited by the available machine resources).

Hillview attempts to provide fast data manipulation. The speed is obtained by deferring work: Hillview only computes as much of the data as must be shown to the user. For example, when sorting a dataset, it only sorts the rows currently visible on the screen. Hillview performs all operations using a class of very efficient algorithms, called “sketches”, which are constrained to compute with bounded memory over distributed data.

Several of our examples are based on a flights dataset, which contains one row for an airline flight. Columns in this dataset include: the date of the flight, the origin and destination cities, the origin and destination states, the origin airport code, the distance flown, the departure and arrival delay.

Updated on 2022 Jan 11.


1 Basic concepts

1.1 System architecture

Hillview's architecture is shown in the following figure:

System architecture

  • The user-interface (UI) runs in a browser.

  • The service is exposed by a web server which runs in a datacenter on a root node.

  • The service runs on a collection of worker servers in the datacenter. These servers must be able to read the browsed data in parallel independently; ideally they store the data that is being browsed locally.

The Hillview service is implemented in Java. The UI is written in TypeScript.

Hillview can run as a federated system of loosely interconnected components; the root node only sends small queries to the workers, and it receives small results from these. The data on the workers is never sent over the network; the worker locally compute all views that are needed to produce the final result. The root node can store optional metadata information. This is described below in the metadata section.

1.2 Streaming interaction

Users initiate operations in Hillview by performing operations within the browser. As a result of an operation, the back-end computes the result as a series of approximations; these incremental results are streamed back to the client and rendered, presenting the output with gradually increasing precision. Incremental results are always accompanied by a progress bar, as in the following figure:

Progress bar

Pressing the "stop" button next to a progress bar will cancel the currently-executing operation.

2 Data management

Hillview tries to avoid data management as much as possible; Hillview is designed to ingest data from a variety of external sources, such as databases, distributed filesystems, raw files of various formats. However, some amount of data management is unavoidable - at least Hillview must convert data to and from external representations to its own internal representation. In this section we describe how Hillview manages data and interacts with other data storage systems.

2.1 Data model and supported data types

The Hillview data model is a large table, with a relatively small number of columns (currently tens or hundreds) and many rows (millions to billions).

The data in each column is typed; Hillview supports the following data types:

Datatype Example Description
None missing All values are missing; see missing values..
String California Represents Unicode strings; although Hillview does not set a limit on the string length, is does not handle very well very long strings.
Json {a:2,b:3} Strings that represent legal JSON values.
Double 2.4352e2 64-bit IEEE floating point values.
Integer 100 32-bit signed integer values.
Date 2000/01/01 10:32:45.003 A date, including time and timezone. The precision of times in dates is limited to milliseconds. Timezone information not currently displayed.
LocalDate 2000/01/01 10:32:45.003 A date including time, but without any timezone information. The precision of times in local dates is limited to milliseconds.
Time 10:32:45.003 A time within a day. The precision of times in local dates is limited to milliseconds
Duration 2 days 05:20:00 Differences between two times.
Interval [3:4] An interval contains two double values. See also interval values.

2.2 Missing values

Hillview supports a special value "missing" which indicates that a value is not present. This is similar to NULL values in databases. When sorting missing values are considered larger than any other value.

2.3 Interval values

Hillview supports columns whose value is an interval of two numeric values. These columns can be created by combining two existing numeric columns. The intervals are not "ordered": there is no requirement for the interval start to be smaller than the end. If either interval endpoint is missing the whole interval value is missing. The intervals are always closed, including both endpoints.

There is currently no support for storing such columns or reading them from external sources.

In a table these columns are displayed in the form [start : end], as shown in the following image.

Interval column

Intervals are sorted lexicographically. Intervals behave specially in histogram plots: an interval contributes to each bucket that it overlaps. For example, if we plot a histogram with 10 buckets of values between 0 and 9, the interval [2.5 : 3.5] will increment the counts in buckets [2,3) and [3,4). The interval [2 : 3] will increment the counts in buckets [2,3) and [3,4) as well, because the endpoint 3 overlaps with the bucket [3,4). The "range" of a column of interval is from the minimum of all endpoints the the maximum of all endpoints. Because intervals are not "ordered", the interval [3 : 2] will also increment the counts in buckets [2,3) and [3,4).

In Javascript the intervals are exposed as arrays with two numeric values.

2.4 Data conversions

This section describes how Hillview data is represented in various external representations.

2.4.1 JavaScript conversions

Hillview allows users to write data transformation and filtering functions in JavaScript. Here is how various Hillview datatypes are represented in JavaScript:

Datatype JavaScript representation
None null
String A JavaScript string.
Json A JavaScript string that can be parsed into a JavaScript object.
Double A JavaScript number.
Integer A JavaScript number.
Date A JavaScript Date object.
LocalDate A JavaScript Date object adjusted for the local timezone offset.
Time A JavaScript Date object with a date component of "zero".
Duration A JavaScript number representing the number of milliseconds in the duration.
Interval An array with two JavaScript number values.

2.4.2 JDBC conversions

When reading data from a JDBC source Hillview applies the following conversions:

JDBC datatypes Hillview representation
BOOLEAN,BIT String (false,true)
Other Error: not supported

2.5 Service configuration

The root node will look for a file named hillview.json in the working directory. If found, this file can influence the service behavior. The file can contain comments, starting with double slashes //; these must occur on a line starting with spaces and containing nothing except the comment. Here is an example for this file:

  // "Parameters influencing the display of the UI"
  // If true the 'saveAs' menu is enabled
  "enableSaveAs": true,
  // If true the menu to read from a local database is enabled
  "localDbMenu": true,
  // If true the 'Test' menu for UI testing is displayed
  "showTestMenu": true,
  // If true the 'Manage' menu for managing the installation is displayed
  "enableManagement": true,
  // If true the 'Suggestions' in the UI are not displayed
  "hideSuggestions": true,

  // Files to show in the Demo datasets menu
  "defaultFiles": [{
    fileNamePattern: "data/ontime/????_*.csv*",
    schemaFile: "short.schema",
    schema: null,
    headerRow: true,
    name: "Flights (15 columns, CSV)",
    fileKind: "csv"
  }, {
    fileNamePattern: "data/ontime_small_orc/*.orc",
    schemaFile: "schema",
    schema: null,
    name: "Flights (15 columns, ORC)",
    fileKind: "orc"
  }, {
    fileNamePattern: "data/ontime_private/????_*.csv*",
    schemaFile: "short.schema",
    schema: null,
    headerRow: true,
    name: "Flights (15 columns, CSV, private)",
    fileKind: "csv"

  ////////////////// Configuration options used with Greenplum //////////////////////
  // This script is invoked when data is dumped from an external web table
  "greenplumDumpScript": "/home/gpdamin/hillview/",
  // This directory is used to store the data dumped from Greenplum before it's parsed by Hillview.
  // The directory must be writable by the segment hosts.
  "greenplumDumpDirectory": "/tmp"

The property defaultFiles of the configuration describes a set of data files residing on the workers which are used to populate the "Demo datasets" Hillview menu. Currently only files are supported.

2.6 Metadata

This section describes various kinds of metadata manipulated by Hillview. The hillview root node stores the optional metadata in a directory called metadata. The structure of this directory is as follows:

Directory Contents
data/geo Geographic metadata common to all datasets (e.g., maps)
data/metadata Root directory for metadata; has one subdirectory for each dataset
data/metadata/differential-privacy Root directory for differentially-private metadata; has one subdirectory for each dataset
data/metadata/geo Root directory for geographic metadata; has one subdirectory for each dataset

2.6.1 Mapping a dataset to a metadata directory

Hillview uses some conventions in the structuring of directories on the root note in order to associate metadata information on the root node with data on the worker nodes.

Let us consider a set of ORC files stored on the worker nodes in directory dataset/example/*.orc. The following files are metadata files associated with this dataset on the root node:

  • data/metadata/geo/dataset/example/geometa.json - metadata describing how the columns in this dataset are mapped to geographic features
  • data/metadata/differential-privacy/dataset/example/privacy_metadata.json - metadata describing the differential privacy parameters a dataset that only supports only private visualizations

2.6.2 Data schema

For some file formats that are not self-describing Hillview uses a schema file to specify the format of the data. The following is an example of a schema specification in JSON for a table with 2 columns. The "schema" file can be stored either on the worker nodes, in the same place where the data resides, or on the root node.

    "name": "DayOfWeek",
    "kind": "Integer"
}, {
    "name": "FlightDate",
    "kind": "LocalDate"

The schema is an array of JSON objects each describing a column. A column description has two fields:

  • name: A string describing the column name. All column names in a schema must be unique.

  • kind: A string describing the type of data in the column, corresponding to the types in the data model.

2.6.3 Differentially-private metadata


2.6.4 Geographic metadata

The directory data/geo on the root node can contain various with geographic information data. We currently support shape files. The organization of these files on disk is not mandated by Hillview. Connecting dataset features to geographic metadata

For each dataset that contains columns that can be mapped to a geographic feature a metadata file can describe the connection between the values in the data columns and a specific geographic feature. This is an array of objects, one per column, stored in a file called geometa.json.

  "columnName": "OriginState",
  "geoFile": "data/geo/us_states/cb_2019_us_state_20m.shp",
  "property": "STUSPS",
  "projection": "geoAlbersUsa"
}, {
  "columnName": "DestState",
  "geoFile": "data/geo/us_states/cb_2019_us_state_20m.shp",
  "property": "STUSPS",
  "projection": "geoAlbersUsa"

Here is the interpretation of the four fields in each object:

Field Interpretation
columnName The name of a column in this dataset
geoFile The path of a geographic information file in the root node that stores geographic information corresponding to values in this column. We recommend these files to be stored under data/geo
property Property in the geographic information file that corresponds to values in the dataset column. For example, a geoFile about US states may two properties: one with US postal codes, and one with state names. This column describes which property is expected to be found in the data.
projection Map projection to use to convert the data to a map on the screen. Legal values are shown below.

This is a list of legal map projections supported. For more on the meaning of these projections, see for example D3 projections.

  • geoAzimuthalEqualArea
  • geoAzimuthalEquidistant
  • geoGnomonic
  • geoOrthographic
  • geoStereographic
  • geoEqualEarth
  • geoAlbersUsa
  • geoConicEqualArea
  • geoConicEquidistant
  • geoEquirectangular
  • geoMercator
  • geoTransverseMercator
  • geoNaturalEarth1

3 Interacting with data

In this section we describe the various ways to present and interact with the data.

3.1 Error display

Some operations can trigger errors. For example, the attempt to load a non-existent file. These errors usually manifest as Java exceptions in the backend. The Hillview front-end captures these exceptions and displays them on the screen. The following image shows an error displayed.

Error displayed by Hillview

The error display has two small buttons on the top-right:

  • The red x button will clear the error display area.
  • The button displaying scissors will copy the contents of the error area to the clipboard.

3.2 Mouse-based selection

Several views allow the user to use the mouse to select data. Selections can be modified using the keyboard as follows:

  • Clicking on an element will select it and will unselect all other selected elements.

  • Clicking while pressing shift button will select or unselect a whole range of contiguous elements.

  • Clicking while pressing the control button will toggle the selection of the current element, while leaving the selection status of other elements unchanged.

3.3 Changing axes font

The top-level load menu has a "View" submenu which allows one to change the default font used for the axes of the plots. This value is global across all plots. Once changed, all plots use the new font size on the axes.

3.4 Loading data

Hillview supports reading data from multiple data-sources.

When the program starts the user is presented with a Load menu.

Load menu

The load menu allows the user to specify a dataset to load from storage.

After the data loading is initiated the user will be presented with a view of the loaded table. If the table has relatively few columns, the user is shown directly a Tabular view. Otherwise the user is shown a Schema view, which can be used to select a smaller set of columns to browse.

3.4.1 Loading logs

We use on the grok library for parsing distributed logs. For more info visit

Grok works by combining text patterns into something that matches your logs.

The syntax for a grok pattern is %{SYNTAX:NAME}

  • SYNTAX : The pattern that will match your text. For example, 3.44 will be matched by the "NUMBER" pattern and will be matched by the "IP" pattern

  • NAME : An identifier naming the matched text. For example, 3.44 could be the duration of an event, so you could call it simply "duration". Further, a string might identify the "client" making a request

For the above example, your grok pattern would look something like this:

%{NUMBER:duration} %{IP:client}

For more patterns : Example

Given this line from a syslog log:

Sep 17 06:55:14,123 pndademocloud-hadoop-dn-3 CRON[25907]: (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)

This line can be parsed with the following pattern:


This creates the following log record.

logsource : pndademocloud-hadoop-dn-3
message   : CRON[25907]: (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)
timestamp : Sep 17 06:55:14.123 Custom Patterns

Hillview supports certain pre-defined log format patterns. You have an option to define custom log format patterns to suit your needs and specify the same in the logFormat field in the UI (under Generic Logs). Given a log pattern and a set of files, what you will get in Hillview is a table with columns corresponding to the names that you gave to the patterns.

3.4.2 Reading generic logs

Hillview can read data from log files with diffrent log formats. The following menu allows the users to specify the files to load. The files must be resident on the worker machines where the Hillview service is deployed.

Specifying log files

  • Folder: Folder containing the files to load.

  • File name pattern: A shell expansion pattern that names the files to load. Multiple files may be loaded on each machine.

  • Log format: The log format of the logs.

3.4.3 Reading saved dataset views

Hillview can reload all the data views associated with a datased. A collection of views can be saved to a file from the dataset tab menu, as described in Navigating multiple datasets. The following menu allows the users to specify the files to load.

Specifying a view to load

  • File: A file containing the bookmarked data to load.

  • Tab label: A name to display for dataset.

3.4.4 Reading CSV files

Hillview can read data from comma- or tab-separated files. The following menu allows the users to specify the files to load. The files must be resident on the worker machines where the Hillview service is deployed.

Specifying CSV files

  • Folder: Folder containing the files to load.

  • File name pattern: A shell expansion pattern that names the files to load. Multiple files may be loaded on each machine.

  • Schema file: An optional schema file in JSON format that describes the schema of the data. In the absence of a schema file Hillview attempts to guess the type of data in each column. The schema file must reside in same folder.

  • Header row: select this option if the first row in each CSV file is a header row; the first row is used to generate names for the columns in the absence of a schema. If a schema is supplied the first row is just ignored.

All the CSV files must have the same schema (and the same number of columns). CSV files may be compressed (e.g., using gzip or other compression tools). CSV fields may be quoted using double quotes, and then they may contain newlines. An empty field (contained between two consecutive commas, or between a comma and a newline) is translated to a 'missing' data value.

When parsing dates Hillview assumes that all rows will be using the same date format, and it attempts to guess a suitable parsing format.

3.4.5 Reading JSON files

Hillview can read data from JSON files. The following menu allows the users to specify the files to load. The files must be resident on the worker where the Hillview service is deployed.

Specifying JSON files

  • Folder: Folder containing the files to load.

  • File name pattern: A shell expansion pattern that names the files to load. Multiple files may be loaded on each machine.

The assumed format is as follows:

  • the file contains a single JSON array
  • the array elements are flat JSON objects
  • each value will become a row in the table
  • all JSON objects have the same structure (schema)
  • JSON objects generate a column for each property

All the JSON files must have the same schema. JSON files may be compressed.

3.4.6 Reading ORC files

Hillview can read data from Apache ORC files, a columnar storage format. The files must be resident on the worker machines where the Hillview service is deployed. Hillview only supports files whose ORC schema is an ORC struct with scalar types as fields.

Specifying ORC files

  • Folder: Folder containing the files to load.

  • File name pattern: A shell expansion pattern that names the files to load. Multiple files may be loaded on each machine.

  • Schema file: An optional schema file in JSON format that describes the schema of the data. The schema file must reside in same folder, and it must be compatible with the ORC schema.

Here is how ORC types are converted to Hillview types.

ORC type Hillview value
BOOLEAN String (false/true)
BYTE Integer
SHORT Integer
INT Integer
LONG Double
FLOAT Double
DATE LocalDate
Other Not yes supported

If the user supplies a schema file it will perform type conversions at loading time, as follows:

ORC type Specified type Hillview value
BOOLEAN Integer Integer (0/1)
BYTE String,Json number converted to string
BYTE Double number converted to double
SHORT String,Json number converted to string
SHORT Double number converted to double
INT String,Json number converted to string
INT Double number converted to double
LONG String,Json number converted to string
LONG Integer number converted to integer; error on overflow
FLOAT String,Json number converted to string
FLOAT Integer number converted to integer; error on overflow
DOUBLE String,Json number converted to string
DOUBLE Integer number converted to integer; error on overflow
STRING Json String
STRING Integer Parse string to integer; error when parsing fails
STRING Double Parse string to double; error when parsing fails
DATE String,Json Date converted to Json
DATE Date Convert to date assuming that the timezone is UTC
TIMESTAMP String,Json String representation of the date
TIMESTAMP Date Convert to date assuming that the timezone is UTC

3.4.7 Reading Parquet files

Hillview can read data from Apache Parquet files, a columnar storage format. The Impala database uses Parquet to store data. The files must be resident on the worker machines where the Hillview service is deployed.

Specifying Parquet files

  • Folder: Folder containing the files to load.

  • File name pattern: A shell expansion pattern that names the files to load. Multiple files may be loaded on each machine.

The following table describes data conversion rules between Parquet data types and Hillview data types:

|Parquet type|Hillview type| |INT64|Double| |FLOAT|Double| |DOUBLE|Double| |INT32|Integer| |BOOLEAN|String (true/false)| |BINARY|String| |FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY|String| |INT96|LocalDate| |other|Error - conversion fails|

3.4.8 Reading data from SQL databases

The following menu allows the user to load data from a parallel database or a federated set of databases that expose some JDBC services. The following menu allows the user to specify the data to load.

Specifying database connections

  • database kind: A drop-down menu indicating the kind of database to load data from. Currently we support 'mysql', and 'greenplum'. Each of these is discussed in a separate section below.

  • host: The network name of a machine hosting the database.

  • port: The network port where the database service is listening.

  • database: The database to load data from.

  • table: The table to load data from.

  • user: The name of the user connecting to the database.

  • password: Credentials of the user connecting to the database. Reading data from Greenplum databases

Hillview can read data from a Greenplum massively parallel database. The following diagram illustrates how Hillview interact with Greenplum.

Hillview-Greenplum integration

  • The hillview root node can run anywhere (including the same machine as the Master Host), but it needs to be able to open a JDBC connection to the Greenplum Master Host. The Master Host must be specified as host in the connection dialog shown in the section above. The default network port for Greenplum is 5432.

  • Each hillview worker must be deployed on the same machine which contains a Greenplum segment host, to ensure high bandwidth access to the data. The Hillview configuration file should have one worker for each segment host. Hillview aggregators are optional. This requires Java to be installed on all segment machines.

  • The Hillview workers network port must be allowed by the network firewall.

  • The Hillview workers must be able to read and delete files written by the Greenplum segment hosts.

  • We provide a script ../bin/ to aid in the deployment of Hillview next to a Greenplum database. The script is invoked with a Hillview cluster configuration file as an argument.

The interaction between Hillview and Greenplum proceeds as follows:

  1. The user initiates a connection to a Greenplum database by filling the form shown in the section above.

  2. The Hillview root node initiates a JDBC connection to the Greenplum Master host. Using this connection the Hillview root node obtains the schema of the data.

  3. The Hillview root node instructs Greenplum to dump the data in the table in parallel on all segment hosts (using Greenplum EXTERNAL WEB TABLES).

  4. The Hillview root node instructs all hillview workers to read the dumped data, passing along the schema previously obtained.

  5. From this point on Hillview no longer needs to interact with Greenplum.

The configuration section shows two configuration variables that mediate the interaction between Greenplum and Hillview. Reading from a federated set of MySQL databases

The image below shows a system where Hillview reads directly from a set of independent MySQL databases (this can be easily extended to any database that supports JDBC).

Hillview reading from a federated MySQL set of databases

In this model an independent Hillview worked is deployed on each machine hosting a database. The main assumption is that the data management system shards tables across databases such that different shards of a table are stored with the same table name across different databases. Hillview allows the user to visualize the union of all table fragments. The JDBC connection parameters introduced by the user in the dialog shown in the section above describe simultaneoulsy all connections from the workers.

3.5 Navigating multiple datasets

The Hillview user interface uses a tabbed web page to display multiple datasets; each dataset is opened in a separate tab. Even if the same dataset is loaded a second time, it will be displayed in a new tab. The current dataset is shown in a highlighted tab (white in the image below). The dataset name is shown in the tab; the user can modify the displayed dataset name by clicking on it.

Dataset tabs

By clicking on a dataset tab the user will bring the dataset into view. A tab can be closed by clicking on the red x sign in the tab. The currently-selected dataset is displayed below the line of tabs; the page contains simultaneously multiple different views of a dataset.

Right-clicking a tab brings up a tab-specific menu:

Tab menu

The tab menu offers the following options:

  • Bookmark this tab. Choosing this option will create a unique URL for this dataset, which is displayed to the user:

Bookmark url

This URL can be loaded later (or shared with other users) to display the exact same view that is currently displayed. This view can be reconstructed as long as the server-side data does not change.

  • Save this tab to file. This saves the data describing this view into a JSON file. The data can be loaded back from the load menu as described in Reading saved dataset views. The file can also be sent to other users, who will be able to open the exact same view. This functionality is similar to the above "bookmark", but does not keep any server-side data.

  • Reload original view: in case the first page of the view was accidentally closed, this option will reopen it.

  • Refresh: fetches and redraws all the views associated with this dataset.

  • Merge with...: allows the user to specify another dataset, loaded in a separate tab. The two datasets will be merged, by taking the union of their rows; the result will be loaded in a new tab. The datasets can be merged only if their schemas are compatible. Two schemas as incompatible if there is a common column name with different types in the two datasets. If two datasets are incompatible the user needs to rename columns or convert datatypes prior to the merging operation. If a column does not exist in one of the two datasets, it is assumed to contain only null values.

  • Edit privacy policy: this is an experimental feature related to differentially-private data visualizations, which is not yet documented. This option is only enabled for a data curator while visualizing a private dataset.

4 Data views

As the user navigates the dataset new views are opened and displayed. This image shows a browser window containing multiple views of the same dataset; three views are visible in the browser window, and the user needs to scroll up and down to see the views.

User interface organization

4.1 The heading of a view

Each view has a heading that describes it briefly, as shown in the following figure. Each view has a unique number, shown before the title. The title can be edited by clicking on it. The lineage of views is usually shown in the title, allowing users to navigate from a view to the source view from which it was generated. Views can also be closed by clicking the button marked with x.

View heading

The color picker rectangle allows you to change the color of the title to make it easier to visually navigate; the color of a view is inherited by all views that are spawned by it. The two black triangles in the view heading allow the view to be moved up and down on the web page. The axis markers X, Y, and G can be dragged between some views; dropping them will "move" the corresponding axis from the source view to the target view. (G stands for the "group-by" axis in a Trellis plot view.)

4.2 Schema views

The data schema views allow users to browse the schema of the current table and select a set of columns from the dataset to focus on. This feature is especially useful when the table contains too many columns to display at once, and the user wants to focus on a subset of them.

The following example shows a schema view; the rows in a schema view are the description of the columns of the data table. In this example there are three rows selected.

Schema view

The schema view allows users to view the columns of the dataset and to select a subset of columns to browse in detail. The schema view has a menu with the following options:

Schema menu

4.2.1 Selecting columns

There are two ways to modify the selection:

  1. By using the mouse.

  2. Using the selection menus, which can be accessed either by right-clicking on the Name, Type or Allows Missing column headers, or by clicking on the Select menu option at the top left as shown below.

Column selection menu

Columns can be un/selected using either the name, type, or, if already computed, by basic statistics. We describe the search criteria allowed in detail below. In all cases, the search returns a subset of column descriptions, which are added to the current selection.

  • By Name: allows regular expression matching against the name of the column.

Select by name Menu

  • By Type: allows choosing all columns of a particular type.

Select by type Menu

  • By Statistics:

!Select by statistics

Allows the user to select all columns that have only "missing" value or all columns where the standard deviation is much smaller than the mean (the user can specify a threshold for the ratio of the two).

Once the user selects a set of column descriptions, they can display a view of the data table restricted to the selected columns using the View/Selected columns menu. Right-clicking on a selected set of descriptions opens up a context menu

Context menu for selected rows in a schema view

The following operations can be invoked through the context menu:

  • Show as table: this displays a table view of the data restricted to the selected columns.

  • Histogram: draws a 1D or 2D histogram of the selected columns

  • Heatmap: draws a heatmap view of the selected columns.

  • Trellis histogram: draw the selected columns using a Trellis view of 1D or 2D histograms

  • Trellis heatmaps: draw the selected columns using a Trellis view of heatmaps

  • Estimate distinct elements: estimate the number of distinct values in this column

  • Filter...: opens up a filter menu that allows the user to filter data based on values in the selected column. See the description of the filter operation below.

  • Compare...: compares the data in the column with a specified constant. See the description of the compare operation below.

  • Create column in JS...: See the description of the create column operation below.

  • Rename...: shows up a menu that allows the user to rename this column

  • Frequent elements...: shows up a menu that allows the user to find frequent elements See the description of the frequent elements operation below.

  • Basic statistics: shows for each selected column some basic statistics, as in the following figure:

    Basic statistics

4.2.2 The schema view menu

Schema view menu

  • Selected columns: this displays a table view of the data restricted to the selected columns.

4.2.3 The chart menu

The user can also directly draw a chart of the data in a selected set of columns using the chart menu:

Chart menu

1D histogram dialog

2D histogram dialog

  • Heatmap...: presents a dialog allowing the user to select two columns whose data will be drawn as a heatmap.

Heatmap dialog

  • Trellis histograms...: presents a dialog allowing the user to select two columns to use to display a Trellis histogram view.

  • Trellis 2D histograms...: presents a dialog allowing the user to select three columns to use to display a Trellis 2D histogram view.

  • Trellis heatmaps...: presents a dialog allowing the user to select three columns to use to display a Trellish plot of heatmaps.

4.2.4 Saving data

  • This menu allows users to save the data in a different format as files on the worker machines. It is only enabled for authorized users.

Save-as menu

  • Save as ORC files: allows users to specify how data should be saved in the ORC file format.

Save-as ORC menu

The user can specify a folder on the remote worker machines. Each file in the current dataset will be saved as a new file in ORC format in the specified folder.

  • Save as CSV files: allows users to specify how data should be saved in the CSV file format.

The user can specify a folder on the remote worker machines. Each file in the current dataset will be saved as a new file in comma-separated value format in the specified folder, with a header.

  • Save as DB table: this option is only available if the user has loaded the data from a federated database. In this case, the user is allowed to save the data back to the federated database into a table that they can specify.

4.3 Table views

The next figure shows a typical table view.

Table user-interface

The columns in a table view are colored as follows:

  • Columns that are hidden are shown in gray

  • Columns that are visible are shown in white

  • Columns that contain metadata are shown in green. Metadata columns do not actually exist in the dataset, they are computed only when displaying a view. For example, the second column always shows the count of rows that have a specific value. Metadata columns do not offer all operations that are available on data columns.

Double-clicking on a column separator will enlarge the column to the left of the mouse to fit the displayed data.

The data in the table is always sorted lexicographically on a combination of the visible columns. In the figure above the data is sorted as follows:

  • Data is sorted first on the Origin column in decreasing order (this is shown by the down-arrow next to the column name followed by a zero; this is the zero-th column in the sorting order)

  • When two rows have the same Origin value, they are next compared on the UniqueCarrier column, also in decreasing order

  • Finally, when two rows have the same value in the Origin and UniqueCarrier columns, they are next ordered by their value in the Cancelled column, also in decreasing order.

This display is equivalent to the output of the following SQL query:

SELECT COUNT(*), Sum(Distance), DayOfWeek, UniqueCarrier FROM data
GROUP BY DayOfWeek, UniqueCarrier
ORDER BY dayOfWeek ASC, UniqueCarrier ASC

Initially a table view displays no columns. The user can choose which columns are displayed or hidden.

Missing values are shown with a different color.

Missing value display

In the tabular display a visible row can correspond to multiple rows in the original dataset. For example, in this figure, the first displayed row corresponds to 22.73 thousands different rows in the dataset. Otherwise said, if one ignores all columns except the 2 visible ones, there are 22.73 thousand rows that have these exact values in the 2 visible columns (1/SFO). This is displayed in the first two columns of the table:

Position information columns

The first column, labeled (position) indicates with a horizontal bar where in the sorted order the current displayed row resides. In this figure the first row is at the beginning of the sorted order (the dark bar is at the very left). The second column, labeled (count) indicates how many rows in the dataset correspond to the displayed row. The horizontal bar also indicates what percentage of the whole dataset is covered by this. You can see that, although the table only has 20 rows, it actually displays information for 212 thousand rows in the original dataset, or 24% of the data!

Clicking on a visible table cell will display its contents in the error message area; this is useful to display in full the contents of cells that store long strings.

4.3.1 Scrolling

Because each displayed row summarizes information from multiple rows, scrolling through a Hillview table is somewhat different from the standard scrolling. The scroll-bar image and interaction reflect these differences. The following image is a blow-up of the scroll bar of the table above.


The "visible region" of the scroll-bar size depicts the amount of information displayed. In the previous figure the visible region is about 1/4 of the scroll-bar, this indicates that the data displayed covers 1/4 of the rows in the dataset.

The scroll-bar can be moved using the keyboard (page up, page down, home and end), or dragged using the mouse. When moving the scroll-bar the size of the "visible region" can change, sometimes dramatically, depending on the distribution of the values in the visible columns.

To drag the scroll-bar with the mouse one has to grab the narrow scroll-bar handle which is at the middle of the visible region. Dragging the scroll-bar allows the user to specify a quantile in the sorted data-set. For example, if the user drags the handle to the middle of the scroll-bar, this indicates that the user wants to know the rows around the median of the distribution. Hillview will bring into view a set of rows that includes the requested quantile.

4.3.2 Selecting columns

The user can select one or more column using the mouse. The figure above shows table with 3 selected columns.

4.3.3 Operations on selected columns

Double-clicking on a column header will show or hide the data in that column.

Right-clicking on a column header pops up a menu that offers a set of operations on the currently selected columns, as shown in the following figure (some items, like "charts", are triggered by mousing over).

Right-click menu for columns

The contents of this menu may depend on the type of the column and on the current state of the display.

  • Show: the selected columns will be added to end of the current sorting order and the columns will become visible.

  • Hide: the selected columns will be removed from the sorting order.

  • Drop: the selected column will be removed from the set of displayed columns. There is no operation to bring back the column once it has been dropped from a view. Note that the column is only dropped from the current views; other views that are displaying the column will continue to display it.

  • Estimate distinct elements: selecting this option will run a computation that estimates the number of distinct values that exist in the selected column. The shown number is just an approximation, but it should be a good approximation.

  • Sort ascending: The selected columns will be moved to the front of the sort order in ascending order.

  • Sort descending: The selected columns will be moved to the front of the sort order in descending order.

  • Charts:

    • Histogram: this option requires exactly one or two columns to be selected. If one column is selected, this operation will draw a histogram of the data in the selected column. See Uni dimensional histogram views. If two columns are selected this menu will draw a two-dimensional histogram of the data in the selected columns. For two-dimensional histograms see Two-dimensional histograms.

    • Quartiles: this option requires exactly two columns to be selected. The first column is used to create histogram buckets, and for each bucket the distribution of the data in the second column will be summarized as a vector of quartiles.

    • Heatmap: this option requires exactly two columns to be selected. This displays the data in these columns as a Heatmap view.

    • Trellis histograms: this option requires exactly two or three columns to be selected. If two columns are selected, this operation will draw a trellis plot of 1-dimensional histogram of the data in the first selected column grouped by the second column. See Trellis plots of 1D histograms. If two columns are selected this menu will draw a two-dimensional histogram of the data in the selected columns. For two-dimensional histograms see Two-dimensional histograms.

    • Trellis heatmaps: this options requires exactly 3 columns to be selected. This displays the data as a Trellis plot view.

    • Correlation: Computes pairwise-correlations between all selected columns. This is displayed as a triangular matrix of heatmaps. This option is only available for numeric columns.

    • Map: this option requires either one or two columns to be selected. The first column is used as a geographic feature name. The second column must be an aggregate column; if no second column is selected the "count" aggregate column is used. This displays the data on a Geographic view.

  • Rename...: this operation requires exactly one column to be selected. The user can type a new name for this column. The new name will be used for this column. Note that other views that are already displaying the column will continue to use the old name for this column.

  • Frequent elements...: finds the most frequent values that appear in the selected columns. The user is presented with a dialog requesting the threshold parameter for the frequent elements computation.

    Frequent elements menu

    The user has to specify a percentage, between .01 (1/10,000 of the data) and 100 (the whole data). The result is all items whose frequency in the selected columns is above the threshold. the result is shown in a frequent elements view.

  • PCA...: principal component analysis. Principal Component Analysis is a method to project data in a high-dimensional space to a lower-dimensional space while preserving as much of the "shape" of the data. The user must have selected a set of columns containing numerical data. The number of columns is the original dimension of the data.

    PCA menu

    The user must indicate the number of dimensions for the projection, which has to be smaller than the original number of columns. The PCA analysis will append a set of numeric columns to the dataset, containing the result of the PCA analysis. The name of each appended column will indicate the amount of variance in the original data that is captured by the column (0-100%).

  • Plot singular value spectrum. This operation requires a set of numeric columns. This will display the singular values of the matrix formed from these columns as a Singular value spectrum view.

  • Filter...: this option will pop-up a dialog window that allows the user to filter the data in the selected column (this option requires only one column to be selected). The user enters a search pattern. There is a checkbox which when selected, will interpret the pattern as a Java regular expression. There is a second checkbox which allows the user to choose whether the matching values are to be kept or discarded.

    Filter menu

  • Compare...: compares the data in a column with a specified constant. Only one column must be selected.

    Compare menu

    The comparison will apply a filter, keeping only the rows that satisfy the condition. In this image we show a comparison which keeps all rows where the ArrDelay column has the value 10. For string values the comparison is done alphabetically.

  • Convert...: convert the type of data in a column. Only one column must be selected.

    Convert menu

    The conversion allows the user to change the type of data in a column. For example, a numeric column can be converted to a string column. After conversion a new column is appended to the table, containing the converted data. Not all data conversions are allowed; for example, dates cannot be converted to integers. Some conversions can fail, e.g., when converting a string to a number, if the string does not represents a legal number the conversion will fail with an error message.

  • Create interval column...: Given two numeric columns it collapses them into a single column of intervals. The user can choose whether the original columns are preserved or removed.

    Create interval colum menu

  • Create column in JS...: allows the user to write a JavaScript program that computes values for a new column.

    Add column dialog

    The user has to specify the new column name and type. The JavaScript program is a function called 'map' that has a single argument called 'row'. This function is invoked for every row of the dataset. 'row' is a JavaScript map that can be indexed with a string column name. For example, the following program extracts the first letter from the values in a column named 'OriginState':

function map(row) {
   var v = row['OriginState'];
   if (v == null) return null;
   v = v.toString();
   if (v.length == 0) return "";
   return v[0];

See the section JavaScript conversions about how data is Hillview exchanges data with JavaScript.

  • Aggregate...: this pops up a menu that allows the user to create a metadata column using an aggregation function over the data in the selected column; this is only applicable for numeric columns.

    Aggregate menu

    The user can select one of the following aggregates: sum, min, max, count, average. The aggregate data is displayed in a meta column, shown in green.

  • Extract value...: this option is only available when browsing data that originates from some log files, where the current column format is of the form key=value pairs. This option allows the user to specify a key and a destination column; the associated value will be extracted into the indicated column.

  • Explode key-values...: this option is related to the one above. It is applicable to JSON columns and string columns only. For a JSON column it will treat a top-level JSON object as a key-value map that maps fields to other JSON values. For a string column it use some heuristics to parse the column contents as a sequence of key=value pairs. Exploding the column will first collect all keys that appear in all rows of the table. It is expected that this is a relatively small set. Then a new string column will be created for each key and the corresponding value will be added to the column. If a key is repeated currently all values will be concatenated. The user is asked to supply a prefix string, which will be prepended to all keys to generate the column names. For example, consider a JSON object such as { name: "Mike", Age: 10 }. Exploding this object and specifying a prefix of "top." for the result will create two columns named and top.Age, holding the values Mike and 10 respectively.

4.3.4 Operations on a table cell

The user can also right-click on a cell in a visible column to pop-up a menu allowing filtering based on values; the menu permits to keep all rows based on a comparison with the specific table cell:

Cell filtering context menu

For numeric and date cells the user has the option to selection a range of values centered at the current cell value ("keep around"). A new menu will popup to allow the user to specify the extent of the interval.

In addition, two options allow the user to move the current row to the top of the table or to the middle row.

4.3.5 Operations on a table row

Right-clicking on a table cell in a meta column opens a row-specific menu.

Row menu

The row-level operations are similar to cell-level operations described in Operations on a table cell, but perform all comparisons at the row level, using just the visible columns.

4.3.6 Operations on tables

The table view has a menu that offers the following options:

Table menu

4.3.7 The table view menu

The view menu offers the following options.

View menu

  • Refresh: this redraws the current view of the table.

  • No columns: all columns will be hidden.

  • Schema: displays the table schema.

  • Change table size: this changes the number of rows displayed.

  • Conceal/reveal all hidden columns: makes the hidden columns completely invisible.

4.3.8 The table filter menu

The table filter menu allows the user to find specific values or filter the data according to specific criteria.


  • Filter data based on patterns that occur. The user must specify a column, a string to find, and indicate whether the string is a regular expression and whether the filter keeps or excludes matching values.

The table filter submenu

  • Filter data in a specific column based on type-specific comparisons. The user must specify the column, the value sought, and a comparison relation.

Table compare menu

  • Find rows that contain a specific substring. 'Find' searches only in the currently visible columns. The user specifies a string to search, and whether the search matches on substrings, whether it treats the string as a regular expression, and whether it is case-sensitive. The following figure shows the operation of the find bar:

Find bar

  • The user has typed a search string (in this figure CA) and pressed the "Search from top" button followed by the "next" (down arrow) button. The found string is highlighted in the visible columns. The first visible row is responsible for 144 matches (the "count" meta column is 144). The second highlighted row is responsible for 6206 metches. There are also 9,101 matches before the first displayed row, and 150,452 total matches not counting the first row. Pressing the button labeled "Keep only matching data" will eliminate all rows that do not match.

Compare multiple views

  • This allows the user to compare the rows present in two other views. Using the dialog the user can specify which two views should be compared. The results of the comparison will be inserted in a new column. Then this column can be used to compare the two rows in the two other views.

    For example, in a flights dataset the user can select flights leaving from CA or from FL. In this image we are comparing these two datasets, from views 2 and 3; this will create a new column named "Compare". This column will have one of three values: None, 2, 3, and All, depending on whether a row shows up in one of the two datasets. Then we can, for example, plot the 2D histogram of flight distances together with the "Compare" column to get view of the distribution of these sets.

Comparison of flights from CA and FL

4.4 Frequent elements views

A frequent elements view shows the most frequent values that appear in the dataset in a set of selected columns (above a certain user-specified threshold).

Frequent elements view

The data is sorted in decreasing order of frequency. Each row displays a combination of values and its count and relative frequency within the dataset. A special value that may appear is "Everything else", which indicates the total over all rows corresponding to elements that do not appear frequently enough individually to be above the chosen threshold. This value only appears if the total over all these rows is itself above the threshold.

There are two menu options offered from this view: View as a table and Modify.

4.4.1 View as a Table

Clicking this button gives the user two options: View as a Table

  • All frequent elements as table: switches back to a table view, but where the table only contains the rows corresponding to the frequent values.

  • Selected frequent elements As table: switches back to a table view, but where the table only contains the rows corresponding to the frequent values currently selected.

4.4.2 Modify

Clicking this button gives the user two options: Modify

  • Get exact counts: runs a more expensive but more precise frequent elements computation which computes the exact frequency for each value. This operation replaces the approximate counts in the display by the precise ones.

  • Change the threshold: Recall the the user specifies a frequency threshold above which elements are considered to be frequent. Clicking this menu pops up a dialog box like the one shown below that allows the user to modify the threshold. This can be useful to see a larger list for instance.

Change Threshold Dialog

Note that if the threshold is set very low, then the number of results can be very large. HillView only displays the 200 most frequent elements results, and alerts the user to the possible existence of further frequent elements. These can be viewed using the All frequent elements option from the View as a table menu option.

5 Charts

Hillview supports many types of charts; these are described in the following sections:

One dimensional histogram Pie charts Histograms of quartiles Stacked two dimensional histograms Non-stacked two dimensional histograms Normalized stacked two dimensional histograms Heatmaps Singular value spectrum Trellis plots of 1D histograms Trellis plots of 2D histograms Trellis plots of heatmaps Trellis plots of quartile vectors Pairwise correlations Geographic views

5.1 Uni-dimensional histogram views

A uni-dimensional (1D) histogram is a succinct representation of the data in a column. See below for a description of string histograms. A histogram is computed in two phases:

  • first the range of the data in the column is computed (minimum and maximum values).

  • the range is divided into a small number of equal buckets. Each bucket includes it's left endpoint, but does not include the right endpoint, with the exception of the rightmost bucket, which also includes its right endpoing. Then the data is scanned and the number of points in the column that fall in each bucket is computed.

A histogram is displayed as a bar chart, with one bar per bucket. The height of the bucket shows the number of values that fall within the bucket. The X axis corresponds to the column being plotted, and the Y axis is the count of values within each bucket. Histograms can be computed only approximately, but in this case the error in each bar should be smaller than one pixel in size.

The total number of missing values is displayed below the histogram itself, as a number.

A one dimensional histogram

A number on top of each bar indicates the size of the bar. If the size is only approximately the value is shown with an approximation sign: ≈.

The thin blue line shown is the cumulative distribution function (CDF). The CDF is drawn on a different implicit vertical scale ranging between 0 and 100%. A point on the CDF curve at coordinate X shows how many of the data points in the displayed column are smaller than X.

Next to the mouse an overlay box displays the following values:

  • the mouse's position on the X axis
  • the description of the histogram bucket where the mouse is
  • the mouse's position on the Y axis
  • the size of the histogram bar at the current X coordinate
  • the value of the CDF function at the current X coordinate of the mouse, in percents

If the Y axis is dragged between two different histogram plots (see The heading of a view) some bars may be truncated, since they do not fit in the available screen space; in this case they are displayed with a red triangle on top:

Truncated histogram

5.1.1 The histogram menu

Histogram views have a menu that offers to the users several operations:

Histogram menu

5.1.2 The histogram view menu

View menu

The "View" menu from a histogram display has the following functions:

  • refresh: redraws the current histogram.

  • table: switches to a tabular display of the data shown in the current histogram.

  • pie chart/histogram: switch the displayed view between a histogram or a pie chart. This is only enabled for categorical or integer columns. The following image shows a typical pie chart view of the data in a histogram.

    Pie chart

  • exact: (only shown if the current histogram is only approximately computed) redraws the current histogram display by computing precisely the histogram.

  • #buckets: shows a menu that allows the user to specify the number of buckets; the histogram will be redrawn using the specified number of buckets.

  • correlate: allows the user to specify a second column and switches the display to a two-dimensional histogram

  • quartiles: allows the user to plot a histogram view with quartiles of second numeric column

  • group by: select a second column and draw a Trellis plot of a series of histograms with the data grouped on the values in the second column

5.1.3 Mouse selection in histogram views

The mouse can be used to select a portion of the data in a histogram. The user can click-and-drag to select a subset of the data. The selection chooses a contiguous range on the X axis.

Selection in histogram

When the user releases the mouse button the selection takes place. The selection can be cancelled by pressing the ESC key. The selection can be complemented by pressing the CONTROL at the time the selection is released (this will eliminate all the data that has been selected).

5.1.4 String histograms

When drawing a histogram of string data it is possible to have more values on the X axis than there are buckets. In this case each bucket will contain multiple string values, and one needs to zoom-in by selecting to reveal the finer-grained structure of the data in a bucket. This case can be distinguished visually since there will be multiple ticks on the X axis for each bucket. The CDF function will also probably indicate that the data has a higher resolution than shown by the buckets alone.

String histogram

The figure above shows a histogram where there are 294 distinct values but only 40 buckets. One can see multiple ticks in each bucket. Only some of the tick labels are displayed.

5.2 Quartiles view for histogram buckets

Histogram quartiles view

This view displays data from two columns:

  • one column is used to define the buckets on the X axis, as in a histogram view
  • the second column must be a numeric or date column; the range of the data in the second column is displayed using a whisker box for each bucket. The following image describes how to read a whisker box.

How to read a whisker box

The "view" menu for a quartile plot offers the following operations:

View menu

  • refresh: redraw the plot
  • table: display the data in the plot as an image
  • heatmap: show the data in the two columns as a heatmap
  • histogram: show the histogram of the data on the X axis buckets
  • 2D histogram: show the data in the two columns as a 2D histogram
  • group by: create a Trellis plots of quartile vectors

In addition, users can select a rectangular portion of the plot to filter the data only to the selected region:

Selecting from a quartile view

5.3 Two-dimensional histogram views

A 2D histogram is a useful visual tool for estimating whether the values in two columns are independent of each other. Neither of the two columns can be a String column. A 2D histogram is a 1D histogram where each bucket is further divided into sub-buckets according to the distribution in a second column.

For example, in the following figure we see a 2D histogram where the X axis has the airline carriers. For each carrier the bar is divided into sub-bars, each of which corresponding to a range of arrival delays. The color legend at the top shows the encoding of arrival delays into colors.

A two-dimensional histogram

The thin blue line shown is the cumulative distribution function (CDF). The CDF is drawn on a different implicit vertical scale ranging between 0 and 100%. A point on the CDF curve at coordinate X shows how many of the data points in the displayed column are smaller than X.

For each bucket a transparent rectangle at the top of the bucket is used to represent the missing data.

By default a histogram is computed over sampled data. The sampling rate is presented at the bottom.

Next to the mouse an overlay box displays information about the mouse position. Consider the example below, which shows the distribution of arrival delays for each UniqueCarrier (carriers are on the X axis).

Histogram overlay information

The 7 rows represent the following values:

  • UniqueCarrier=OO indicates that the the mouse's X coordinate is at the OO value

  • ArrDelay=[-17,17) indicates that the pink color represents a range range of values corresponding to the values -17 to 17.

  • bucket = OO indicate the range of data in the bucket pointed by the mouse. In this picture the bucket contains a single value, OO, but a bucket can contain multiple data values as well.

  • y = 27K indicates the mouse's position on the Y axis

  • count = 60.4K indicates the size of the pink bar under the mouse, i.e., the number of flights from OO that have delays between -17 and 17.

  • % = 64.8% indicates that delays between -17 and 17 represent roughly 65% of all delays from OO

  • cdf = 55.9%: indicates the value of the CDF function at the current mouse X coordinate, shown by the blue little dot; in other words, the flights from carriers alphabetically before OO make up 55.9% of the flights.

The "view" menu for a 2D histogram offers the following operations:

View menu

  • Refresh: this causes the histogram to be re-displayed.

  • Table: Displays a tabular view of the data visible in the current histogram.

  • Exact: Computes the histogram bar heights exactly.

  • #buckets: Allows the user to choose the number of buckets to use for the X axis.

  • swap axes: Draws a new 2D histogram where the two columns are swapped.

  • quartiles: Display the data as a histogram of quartiles

  • stacked/parallel: Alternate between stacked bars and non-stacked bars. For this option to be enabled the number of drawn bars has to be small enough to fit on the screen; the user may have to change the number of buckets to enable this menu item.

2D histogram display without stacked bars

Note that selection in non-stacked histograms will only select whole buckets on the X axis.

  • heatmap: Displays a heat map of the data using the same two columns as in the current histogram.

  • relative/absolute: This toggles between displaying the 2D histogram bars with relative sizes or normalized all to 100% height, as in the following image.

  • group by: choose a third column and group the data into a set of 2D histograms displayed as a Trellis plot of 2D histograms.

A normalized two-dimensional histogram

For a description of the combine menu see combining two views.

5.3.1 Selection in 2D histograms

In a 2D histogram users can select data in two ways:

  • X-axis based selection: similar to 1D histograms, users can select a range on the X axis to zoom into. Similar with 1D histogram selection, by keeping the Control button pressed when the mouse button is released the user will select the complement of the specified range.

  • Colormap based selection: the user can select a range in the colormap to perform a selection of the data based on the second column, as shown in the following image. Note that the legend could contain a color for "missing" data, which cannot be selected.

Selecting from a 2D histogram legend

If the user keeps the shift key pressed while selecting in a colormap the result is to just highlight on the screen the histogrm buckets whose value is in the selected range.

Highlighting ranges in a 2D histogram

5.4 Heatmap views

A heatmap view displays the data in two columns or more columns. The first two columns are mapped to the two axes of a plot, then the screen is divided into small patches a few pixels wide and the number of data points that falls within each patch is counted. The number of values that falls within each patch is displayed as a heatmap, where the color intensity indicates the number of points. The mapping between the color intensity and the count could be in log scale if the range is large. Next to the mouse an overlay box displays the x value, the y value and the count; additionally, if the count is 1 (i.e., the point corresponds to a single data point), more information about that particular point is shown. A heatmap where neither axis is string will also display a line that gives the best linear regression between the values in the two columns.

Currently heatmaps do not display the missing values.

A heatmap

The colormap of a heatmap can be adjusted using a drop-down menu that appears when right-clicking the colormap. The drop down menu also allows to togle between a log scale color scheme and a linear color scheme.

Colormap menu

By selecting a range within the colormap while pressing shift one can highlight a range of values in the heatmap:

Highlighted heatmap

If the user selects three or more columns when displaying a heatmap, the way a heatmap is displayed changed as shown below, to display additional details about each cell:

Heatmap with details

Notice that there are two color legends. The bottom color legend shows the count for each heatmap cell that has 2 or more values. The top color legend is used only for cells that have exactly 1 value. In this case the color is used to map the value in a third column to a color. In the example above the X axis is named "start_time:end_time", the Y axis is "operator_id". For each cell the color is either:

  • white for a cell with no values
  • a shade of grey when the cell has more than 2 values; the shade indicates the count
  • a color, indicating the "operator_name" value, according to the top legend

Moreover, in a heatmap with details, on mouse-over the overlay will display additional data about the unique row in the table corresponding to the current point. In the following image the overlayed information displays information from two additional columns, "operator_name" and "worker_id".

Heatmap details overlay

The heatmap view menu has the following operations:

View menu

  • refresh: Redraws the heatmap

  • swap axes: Swaps the X and Y axes.

  • # buckets: Change the number of buckets used to display the heatmap.

  • table: Displays the data in the current heatmap in a tabular form.

  • histogram: Draws a 2D histogram of the data in the two columns that are used for the heatmap display.

  • Quartiles vector: Draw the data in the heatmap as a histogram of quartiles. This is only possible if the Y axis is a numeric column.

  • group by: Groups data by a third column creating a Trellis plot.

  • Confidence threshold...: this option is only available if the data displayed uses differential privacy. This is a factor that is multiplied with the confidence of each data value; only data whose count exceeds the result is displayed.

  • Show/hide regression: will toggle the linear regression line (if available)

  • Change detail column...: offer the user the option to choose the column that is used to display additional details.

For a description of the combine menu see combining two views.

5.4.1 Selection from a heatmap

Users can select a rectangular area from a heatmap with the mouse.

Selection from a heatmap

5.5 Singular value spectrum views

The view display the singular-value decomposition of a matrix composed of a set of numeric columns. The singular values are plotted as a bar-chart, as in the following figure:

Singular value spectrum

The user can inspect the displayed spectrum of singular values and choose how many values to use in a principal component analysis (PCA), as described below. In the picture above the first 3 singular values explain most of the variance of the data.

6 Trellis plots

Hillview can display multiple histograms, heatmaps, or quartiles in a grid view called a Trellis plot. Each plot corresponds to data from a contiguous range of values from a column -- the trellis plots are always "grouped" on this particular column. For example, the figure below shows a Trellis plot of histograms of the arrival delay, where each histogram is drawn for a different group of states.

Trellis plot with one histogram for a group of states

Selection in a Trellis plot can be done in several ways:

  • clicking on the title button of the trellis plot will only select the data in the corresponding chart in the grid.

  • dragging the mouse within a single plot will perform selection on the X axis of that plot, as shown in the following figure.

Selection within a single plot

  • dragging the mouse across multiple plots will select the data corresponding the all plots contiguously between the first one selected and the last one selected

A Trellis plot that contains a single group degenerates into a simpler plot; for example, a Trellis plot of 1D histograms that contains a single group will be displayed as a simple histogram plot instead.

Selection across multiple plots

6.1 Trellis plots of 1D histograms

Hillview can display multiple histograms in a grid, using a so-called Trellis plot view.

A Trellis plot of 1D histograms

The following operations are available from the View menu of a Trellis histogram view:

View operations on Trellis histograms

  • refresh: will redraw the view
  • table: will display the underlying data in a tabular view.
  • exact: will compute and display the histograms without approximation
  • #buckets: allows the user to change the number of buckets displayed for each histogram
  • #groups: allows the user to change the number of groups used for displaying the Trellis plot
  • correlate...: allows the user to specify a second column that is used for displaying a Trellis plot of 2D histograms

6.2 Trellis plots of 2D histograms

A Trellis plot of 2D histograms

The following operations are available from the View menu of a Trellish view of 2D histograms:

  • refresh: will redraw the view
  • table: will display the underlying data in a tabular view.
  • exact: will compute and display the histograms without approximation
  • #buckets: allows the user to change the number of buckets displayed for each histogram
  • swap axes: swaps the X and Y axes of the histogram plots
  • heatmap: displays the data using a Trellis view of heatmaps
  • #groups: allows the user to change the number of groups used for displaying the Trellis plot
  • relative/absolute: this is similar to the 2D histogram relative/absolute menu

6.2.1 Selection using the colormap

Selection using the colormap is similar to the selection for simple 2D histograms. The user can either select a range of data in the colormap to filter the data. If the user keeps the shift key pressed while selecting in a colormap the result is to just highlight on the screen the histogrm buckets whose value is in the selected range.

Highlighting ranges in a Trellis view of 2D histogram

6.3 Trellis plots of heatmaps

A Trellis plot of heatmap views

A Trellis plot is an array of heatmaps, grouped by a third column. Each heatmap displays data that corresponds to a range of values in the grouping column.

6.4 Trellis plots of quartile vectors

A Trellis plot of quartile vectors

This is a Trellis plot is an array of quartile vector views, grouped by a third column. Each plot displays data that corresponds to a range of values in the grouping column.

6.5 Correlation heatmaps

Correlation heatmaps display a matrix of pairwise heatmaps between a set of numeric columns. The heatmaps can be used to detect columns that are strongly correlated.

Pairwise correlations

Selection is done as in heatmaps, but selection is restricted to a single heatmap.

6.6 Geographic views

Plotting geographic views require the presence of some geographic metadata on the Hillview root node, and also some dataset-specific metadata that ties a column to a specific geographic feature. This is documented in the Geographic metadata section.

Geographic views

A geographic view uses a color map to assign a color to each geographic feature. This image displays the count of rows that correspond to each state. Note that:

  • rows with missing data are not displayed on the map
  • rows that have a value for the column that does not correspond to any value found in the geographic database are not displayed. For example, when displaying data about "Yugoslavia" on a recent map, this information would not be visible, since the map contains no such country. It is the responsibility of the data management administratory to use proper map databases and link them with correct geographic metadata.

Each view is supposed to display a relatively small number of polygons -- each polygon is expected to be larger than a few pixels. In consequence, columns that contain geographic features are assumed to have a small number of distinct values -- fewer than the number of pixels on the screen.

The buttons above a geographic view allow the user to zoom-in and out, and to pan the view in different directions. The first button fits the plot on the screen.

6.7 Combining two views

Any view represents logically a subset of rows from an original table. Two different views can be combined by performing a set operation between the rows that they represent. This is done using the "Combine" menu, which is present in almost all views.

Combining two views

The operations are as follows:

  • Select current: this selects the current view for a subsequent combining operation.

  • Union: combines the previously-selected view with the current one by keeping all rows that appear in either view.

  • Intersection: combines the previously-selected view with the current one by keeping only the rows that appear in both views.

  • Exclude: combines the previously-selected view the current one by excluding from the current view all the rows from the previous one.

  • Replace: replaces the data in the current view with the data from the previously-selected one.

6.8 Exporting data to a local CSV file

The "export/AS CSV" menu for each chart will save the data in the chart in a local file (usually placed in the Downloads folder) in a CSV format. Note that the data that is exported does not reflect the whole dataset, but only the data that is currently visible in the chart.