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title: libigl Tutorial author: Alec Jacobson date: 17 June 2015 css: tutorial/style.css html header: <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

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Libigl version tracking

Version Short description
1.2.1 Reorganization opengl-dependent functions: opengl and opengl2 extras
1.2.0 Reorganization of "extras", rm deprecated funcs, absorb boost & svd3x3
1.1.7 Switch build for static library to cmake.
1.1.6 Major boolean robustness fix, drop CGAL dependency for AABB/distances
1.1.5 Bug fix in booleans
1.1.4 Edge collapsing and linear program solving
1.1.3 Bug fixes in active set and boundary_conditions
1.1.1 PLY file format support
1.1.0 Mesh boolean operations using CGAL and cork, implementing [Attene 14]
1.0.3 Bone heat method
1.0.2 Bug fix in winding number code
1.0.1 Bug fixes and more CGAL support
1.0.0 Major beta release: many renames, tutorial, triangle, org. build
0.4.6 Generalized Winding Numbers
0.4.5 CGAL extra: mesh selfintersection
0.4.4 STL file format support
0.4.3 ARAP implementation
0.4.1 Migrated much of the FAST code including extra for Sifakis' 3x3 svd
0.4.0 Release under MPL2 license
0.3.7 Embree2.0 support
0.3.6 boost extra, patches, mosek 7 support, libiglbbw (mosek optional)
0.3.5 More examples, naive primitive sorting
0.3.3 Many more examples, ambient occlusion with Embree.
0.3.1 Linearly dependent constraints in min_quad_with_fixed, SparseQR buggy
0.3.0 Better active set method support
0.2.3 More explicits, active set method, opengl/anttweakbar guards
0.2.2 More explicit instanciations, faster sorts and uniques
0.2.1 Bug fixes in barycenter and doublearea found by Martin Bisson
0.2.0 XML serializer more stable and fixed bug in remove_duplicate_vertices
0.1.8 Embree and xml (windows only) extras
0.1.5 Compilation on windows, bug fix for compilation with cygwin
0.1.1 Alpha release with core functions, extras, examples

Version 1.2 Changes

This change introduces better organization of dependencies and removes some deprecated/repeated functions. The 3x3 svd code and dependent functions (including ARAP) were absorbed into the main library. Similarly, the boost dependency extra was absorbed.

External libraries as git subrepos

The core functionality of libigl (still) just depends on stl, c++11 and Eigen. There are additional optional dependencies (e.g. CGAL, embree, glfw, tetgen, triangle). Libigl functions using these are located (still) in sub-folders of the include directory (e.g. include/igl/cgal/, include/igl/embree/). Prior to version 1.2 we included copies of the code for some of these dependencies in the external/ directory. As of version 1.2, these have been replaced with git sub-repos. If you have cloned libigl before version 1.2 then you should issue

git submodule update --init --recursive

Deprecated/repeated functions

Old New
igl::angles igl::internal_angles
igl::get_modifiers [deleted]
igl::nchoosek(offset,K,N,std::vector) igl::nchoosek(Eigen,K,Eigen)
#include <igl/boost/components.h> #include <igl/components.h>
#include <igl/boost/bfs_orient.h> #include <igl/bfs_orient.h>
#include <igl/boost/orientable_patches.h> #include <igl/orientable_patches.h>
#include <igl/svd3x3/arap.h> #include <igl/arap.h>
#include <igl/svd3x3/arap_dof.h> #include <igl/arap_dof.h>
#include <igl/svd3x3/fit_rotations.h> #include <igl/fit_rotations.h>
#include <igl/svd3x3/polar_svd3x3.h> #include <igl/polar_svd3x3.h>
#include <igl/svd3x3/svd3x3.h> #include <igl/svd3x3.h>
#include <igl/svd3x3/svd3x3_avx.h> #include <igl/svd3x3_avx.h>
#include <igl/svd3x3/svd3x3_sse.h> #include <igl/svd3x3_sse.h>

Version 1.0 Changes

Our beta release marks our confidence that this library can be used outside of casual experimenting. To maintain order, we have made a few changes which current users should read and adapt their code accordingly.

Renamed functions

The following table lists functions which have changed name as of version 1.0.0:

Old New
igl::add_barycenter igl::false_barycentric_subdivision
igl::areamatrix igl::vector_area_matrix
igl::barycentric2global igl::barycentric_to_global
igl::boundary_faces igl::boundary_facets
igl::boundary_vertices_sorted igl::boundary_loop
igl::cotangent igl::cotmatrix_entries
igl::edgetopology igl::edge_topology
igl::gradMat igl::grad
igl::is_manifold igl::is_edge_manifold
igl::mexStream igl::MexStream
igl::moveFV igl::average_onto_vertices
igl::moveVF igl::average_onto_faces
igl::plot_vector igl::print_vector
igl::pos igl::HalfEdgeIterator
igl::plane_project igl::project_isometrically_to_plane
igl::project_points_mesh igl::line_mesh_intersection
igl::read igl::read_triangle_mesh
igl::removeDuplicates.cpp igl::remove_duplicates
igl::removeUnreferenced igl::remove_unreferenced
igl::tt igl::triangle_triangle_adjacency
igl::vf igl::vertex_triangle_adjacency
igl::write igl::write_triangle_mesh
igl::manifold_patches igl::orientable_patches
igl::selfintersect igl::remesh_self_intersections
igl::project_mesh igl::line_mesh_intersection
igl::triangulate igl::polygon_mesh_to_triangle_mesh
igl::is_manifold igl::is_edge_manifold
igl::triangle_wrapper igl::triangulate


  • To match interfaces provided by (all) other quadratic optimization libraries, igl::min_quad_with_fixed and igl::active_set now expect as input twice the quadratic coefficients matrix, i.e. the Hessian. For example, igl::min_quad_with_fixed(H,B,...) minimizes $\frac{1}{2}x^T H x+x^T B$.
  • We have inverted the IGL_HEADER_ONLY macro to IGL_STATIC_LIBRARY. To compile using libigl as a header-only library, simply include headers and libigl in the header search path. To link to libigl, you must define the IGL_STATIC_LIBRARY macro at compile time and link to the libigl*.a libraries.
  • Building libigl as a static library is now more organized. There is a build/ directory with Makefiles for the main library (Makefile) and each dependency (e.g. Makefile_mosek for libiglmosek.a)
  • igl::polar_svd now always returns a rotation in R, never a reflection. This mirrors the behavior of igl::polar_svd3x3. Consequently the T part may have negative skews.
  • We have organized the static library build
  • The previous igl::grad function, which computed the per-triangle gradient of a per-vertex scalar function has been replaced. Now igl::grad computes the linear operator (previous computed using igl::gradMat). The gradient values can still be recovered by multiplying the operator against the scalar field as a vector and reshaping to have gradients per row.
  • The function igl::project_normals, which cast a line for each vertex of mesh A in the normal direction and found the closest intersection along these lines with mesh B, has been removed.