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461 lines (378 loc) · 17 KB

File metadata and controls

461 lines (378 loc) · 17 KB



<xmlv title="Hello XMLV"/>


  1. 名词元素
  2. 动词元素




  1. JSON
  2. Preload
  3. CSS



{"type":"button","text":"i am a button"}


当前仅有三种JSON根元素,分别是:JsonObject, JsonArray and null:


{"type":"button","text":"i am a button"}


[{"type":"button","text":"i am a button","x":100,"y":100}]


canvas.text("i am a canvas",100,100)


控件 类型 父控件 字符串属性 数字属性 布尔属性
Node - - id rotate,opacity disable,visible
Cavans canvas Node - width,height -
Control - Node name,value x,y,width,height -
Chart - Node title,titleside,legendside x,y,width,height -
View - Node - x,y,width,height -
ImageView img,image,imageview View url,image - -
Label label Control text - -
Button button Control text - -
Hyperlink hyperlink Control text - -
TextField textfield Control text - -
控件 类型 父控件 字符串属性 JSON数组[String]属性
ChoiceBox choicebox Control value item,items
控件 类型 父控件 字符串属性 JSON数组[String]属性 布尔属性
TableView table,tableview Control - header,headers,column,

	"type": "table", "id": "table001",
	"x": 0,"y": 0,
	"headers": [
		{"Asia": [{"name": "Japan","type": "checkbox"}, 
			  {"name": "China","type": "combobox","items": ["1", "2"]},
			  {"name": "Korea","type": "choicebox","items": ["3", "4"]}]}],
	"values": [[1, true, 1, 3], 
		   {"USA": 3,"Japan": false,"Korea": 3,"China": 2}

控件 类型 父控件 字符串属性 数字属性 JSON数组[String]属性
Form form Control text,action,method - children
<script type="groovy">
button001.action = { event ->


控件 类型 父控件 字符串属性 数字属性 JSON数组[{String:Number}]属性
PieChart piechart Chart - - data
	"title":"Pie Chart","titleside":"Bottom","legendside":"top",

控件 类型 父控件 字符串属性 JSON数组[String/Number]属性 JSON数组{String:[Number]}属性
XYChart - Chart xlabel,ylabel xaxis data
LineChart linechart XYChart - - -
BarChart barchart XYChart - - -
ScatterChart scatterchart XYChart - - -
AreaChart areachart XYChart - - -
	"title":"Line Chart","titleside":"left","legendside":"right",

控件 类型 父控件 JSON对象{String:[{"x":Number,"y":Number,"z":Number}]}属性
BubbleChart bubblechart XYChart data
	"title":"Bubble Chart","titleside":"left","legendside":"right",



wav mp3,mp4 png,jpg,gif,bmp etc
AudioClip Media Image





<script type="groovy">
Image image = image001
Image image = preload.get('image001')

缺省情况下资源会被缓存起来,用户可设置new:/renew:/New:/Renew: 前缀强迫浏览器重新下载资源,无论资源是否已经被缓存。




.progress-bar > .bar {
    -fx-background-color: linear-gradient(
        from 0px .75em to .75em 0px,
        -fx-accent 0%,
        -fx-accent 49%,
        derive(-fx-accent, 30%) 50%,
        derive(-fx-accent, 30%) 99%


        #button001 {-fx-background-color : red}
        #button002 {-fx-background-color : green}

更多关于CSS文件格式信息,请参阅 JavaFX CSS Reference Guide.



  1. Script
  2. Class


放置在script元素中的是一段解释型(而非编译型)脚本语言。针对超级浏览器运行环境打造。其主要用途是制作在线程序,包括动画以及在线视频游戏等。当前超级浏览器支持3种脚本语言: Javascript, Ruby and Groovy。脚本语言类型可在type属性中设置。

	<script type="javascript">
		x = 0
		timer = app.timer
		timer.action = function (now) {
			canvas.text('hello world',x,x)


脚本元素支持超链接属性,可在<script href=" ">中定义

	<script href="" type="javascript"/>



		[{"type":"button","id":"button001","x":10,"y":10,"text":"i am a button"}]
	<script type="javascript">
		button001.action = function(event){//button001 is the component id, which would be used as the object reference in scripts
			button001.x = button001.x + 10


screen shot 2017-10-20 at 6 50 48 pm



		[{"type":"button","id":"button001","x":10,"y":10,"text":"i am a button"},
		{"type":"button","id":"button002","x":10,"y":50,"text":"i am a bound button"}]
	<script type="javascript">

		button001.action = function(event){
			button001.x = button001.x + 10

'i am a bound button'按钮的x坐标属性被绑定至'i am a button'按钮x坐标属性,每当'i am a button'按钮向右移动,被绑定的按钮亦会向右移动。

screen shot 2017-10-20 at 6 54 12 pm


缺省状况下,脚本执行时长控制为10秒,10秒后系统将会尝试介入线程执行,12秒后系统将会强行打断线程执行。脚本执行时长建议控制在10秒以内,但有时浏览器需要超过10秒以上的执行时长,例如视频游戏。此时开发者应使用animation timer定时器以执行程序。

	<script type="javascript">
		x = 0
 		timer = app.timer
		timer.action = function (now) {
			canvas.text('hello world',x,10)
控件 方法名 参数 返回类型 解释
App load String url void Redirect page to the address:url.
App send Number port,String address, String message void Redirect page to the address:url.
App listen Number port void Listen on a UDP port, the result will be store in the buffer(byte[]) object.
App listen Number port, Number length void Listen on a UDP port with maximum buffer length.
App buffer, getBuffer, get_buffer, getbuffer - Buffer Get buffer object.
App received - String Get received buffer string.
App received String encoding String Get received buffer string with specific encoding.
App flush - void Create a new buffer.
App play Media media Mediaplayer Play the media, which is loaded and defined in the preload.
App play Media media, Number cycle Mediaplayer Play the media with cycle times.
App play Media media, Number cycle, Number[0,1] volume Mediaplayer Play the media with cycle times and the specific volume.
App timer, getTimer, get_timer, gettimer void AnimationTimer Get animation timer.
App key, getKey, get_key, getkey void KeyEventHandler Get key event handler.
App mouse, getMouse, get_mouse, getmouse void MouseEventHandler Get mouse event handler.
Canvas clear - void Clear whole canvas.
Canvas text String text void Draws a text at 0, 0 position.
Canvas text String text, Number x, y void Draws a text at x, y position.
Canvas text String text, Number x, y, maxwidth void Draws a text at x, y position with maxwidth.
Canvas image Image image, Number x, y void Draws an image at the given x, y position for the upper left of the image.
Canvas image Image image, Number x, y, width, height void Draws an image into the given destination rectangle of the canvas.
Canvas image Image image, Number sx, sy, swidth, sheight, dx, dy, dwidth, dheight void Draws the specified source rectangle of the given image to the given destination rectangle of the Canvas.
Canvas line Number sx,sy,ex,ey void Draws a line from sx,sy to ex,dy.
Canvas reset - void Reset paint.
Canvas alpha Number[0,1] alpha void Sets the alpha of paint.
Canvas color String color void Sets paint color with web color string.
Canvas rgb Number[0,255] red, green, blue void Sets the color of paint with rgb value.
Canvas argb Number[0,1] alpha, Number[0,255] red, green, blue void Sets the color of paint with argb value.
Canvas hsb Number[0,360] hue, Number[0,1] saturation, brightness void Sets the color of paint with hsb value.
Canvas rect Number x, y, width, height void Strokes a rectangle with current paint.
Canvas rect Number x, y, width, height, Bool filled void Fills or strokes a rectangle with current paint.
Canvas oval Number x, y, width, height void Strokes an oval with current paint.
Canvas oval Number x, y, width, height, Bool filled void Fills or strokes an oval with current paint.
Canvas square Number topleftx, toplefty, side void Strokes a square with current paint.
Canvas square Number topleftx, toplefty, side, Bool filled void Fills or strokes a square with current paint.
Canvas circle Number centrex, centrey, radius void Strokes a circle with current paint.
Canvas circle Number centrex, centrey, radius, Bool filled void Fills or strokes a circle with current paint.
Canvas rotateImage, rotate_image, rotateimage Image image, Number tlx, tly, width, height, angle, px, py void Draws an image on a graphics context. The image is drawn at (tlx, tly) rotated by angle pivoted around the point (px, py).
Timer action lambda(now->) void Defines an action with current time parameter which is invoked in each frame.
Timer start - void Starts the timer action.
Timer stop - void Stops the timer action.
Key press lambda(keycode->) void Defines an action which is invoked when key is pressed.
Key release lambda(keycode->) void Defines an action which is invoked when key is released.
Mouse press lambda(x,y->) void Defines an action which is invoked when mouse left key is pressed.
Mouse release lambda(x,y->) void Defines an action which is invoked when mouse left key is released.
Mouse move lambda(x,y->) void Defines an action which is invoked when mouse is moved.
Mouse rightPress, right_press, rightpress lambda(x,y->) void Defines an action which is invoked when mouse right key is pressed.
Mouse rightRelease, right_release, rightrelease lambda(x,y->) void Defines an action which is invoked when mouse right key is released.
Button action lambda(event->) void Defines an action when button is clicked.
Hyperlink action lambda(event->) void Defines an action when hyperlink is clicked.
Form send - void Sends a HTTP request with JSON body to the action address. The JSON body includes all children page elements.
Form submit - void Submits a HTTP request with Form body to the action address. The Form body includes all children page elements.



	<class url="" name="com.whitewoodcity.MyClass1" function="test"/>
	<class url="" name="com.whitewoodcity.MyClass2" function="test"/>

远程class文件的绝对地址为: 在该文件中需包含有以下方法:

	public Object void test(){...}
