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Support buffer local variants of most options
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xolox committed Jun 27, 2011
1 parent 82d2b7e commit 2e05e0e
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Showing 4 changed files with 42 additions and 57 deletions.
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions
Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,14 @@ Note that this command will be executed automatically every once in a while, ass

## Options

The easytags plug-in should work out of the box but if you don't like the default configuration you can change how it works by setting the variables documented below. Most of these variables can also be changed for specific files by setting a buffer local variable instead of the global variable. For example to disable automatic highlighting (enabled by default) only in Python files you can add the following line to your [vimrc script] [vimrc]:

:autocmd FileType python let b:easytags_auto_highlight = 0

Note that buffer local variables always override global variables, so if you want to undo this for a specific file you have to use [:unlet] [unlet]:

:unlet b:easytags_auto_highlight

### The `g:easytags_cmd` option

The plug-in will try to determine the location where Exuberant Ctags is installed on its own but this might not always work because any given executable named `ctags` in your `$PATH` might not in fact be Exuberant Ctags but some older, more primitive `ctags` implementation which doesn't support the same command line options and thus breaks the easytags plug-in. If this is the case you can set the global variable `g:easytags_cmd` to the location where you've installed Exuberant Ctags, e.g.:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,20 +110,12 @@ By default the plug-in automatically updates and highlights your tags when you s

:let g:easytags_auto_update = 0

If you want to disable automatic updating for a single file you can execute the following command while editing the file:

:let b:easytags_auto_update = 0

### The `g:easytags_auto_highlight` option

By default the plug-in automatically updates and highlights your tags when you stop typing for a moment. If you want to disable automatic highlighting while keeping automatic updating enabled you can set this option to false:

:let g:easytags_auto_highlight = 0

If you want to disable automatic highlighting for a single file you can execute the following command while editing the file:

:let b:easytags_auto_highlight = 0

### The `g:easytags_autorecurse` option

When the `:UpdateTags` command is executed automatically or without arguments, it defaults to updating just the tags for the current file. If you'd rather have it recursively scan everything below the directory of the current file then set this option to true (1):
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21 changes: 11 additions & 10 deletions autoload/xolox/easytags.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
" Vim script
" Author: Peter Odding <>
" Last Change: June 26, 2011
" Last Change: June 27, 2011
" URL:

" Public interface through (automatic) commands. {{{1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ function! s:check_cfile(silent, filter_tags, have_args) " {{{3
return ''
let silent = a:silent || a:filter_tags
if g:easytags_autorecurse
if xolox#misc#option#get('easytags_autorecurse', 0)
let cdir = s:resolve(expand('%:p:h'))
if !isdirectory(cdir)
if silent | return '' | endif
Expand All @@ -132,20 +132,21 @@ function! s:check_cfile(silent, filter_tags, have_args) " {{{3

function! s:prep_cmdline(cfile, tagsfile, firstrun, arguments) " {{{3
let cmdline = [g:easytags_cmd, '--fields=+l', '--c-kinds=+p', '--c++-kinds=+p']
let program = xolox#misc#option#get('easytags_cmd')
let cmdline = [program, '--fields=+l', '--c-kinds=+p', '--c++-kinds=+p']
if a:firstrun
call add(cmdline, shellescape('-f' . a:tagsfile))
call add(cmdline, '--sort=' . (&ic ? 'foldcase' : 'yes'))
call add(cmdline, '--sort=no')
call add(cmdline, '-f-')
if g:easytags_include_members
if xolox#misc#option#get('easytags_include_members', 0)
call add(cmdline, '--extra=+q')
let have_args = 0
if a:cfile != ''
if g:easytags_autorecurse
if xolox#misc#option#get('easytags_autorecurse', 0)
call add(cmdline, '-R')
call add(cmdline, shellescape(a:cfile))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -504,14 +505,14 @@ endfunction

function! xolox#easytags#get_tagsfile() " {{{2
" Look for a writable project specific tags file?
if g:easytags_dynamic_files
if xolox#misc#option#get('easytags_dynamic_files', 0)
let files = tagfiles()
if len(files) > 0 && filewritable(files[0]) == 1
return files[0]
" Default to the global tags file.
let tagsfile = expand(g:easytags_file)
let tagsfile = expand(xolox#misc#option#get('easytags_file'))
" Check if a file type specific tags file is useful?
if !empty(g:easytags_by_filetype) && index(xolox#easytags#supported_filetypes(), &ft) >= 0
let directory = xolox#misc#path#absolute(g:easytags_by_filetype)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -583,7 +584,7 @@ endfunction
" Miscellaneous script-local functions. {{{1

function! s:resolve(filename) " {{{2
if g:easytags_resolve_links
if xolox#misc#option#get('easytags_resolve_links', 0)
return resolve(a:filename)
return a:filename
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -618,7 +619,7 @@ function! s:python_available() " {{{2

function! s:highlight_with_python(syntax_group, tagkind) " {{{2
if g:easytags_python_enabled && s:python_available()
if xolox#misc#option#get('easytags_python_enabled', 1) && s:python_available()
" Gather arguments for Python function.
let context = {}
let context['tagsfiles'] = tagfiles()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -702,7 +703,7 @@ call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
highlight def link cEnum Identifier
highlight def link cFunction Function

if g:easytags_include_members
if xolox#misc#option#get('easytags_include_members', 0)
call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
\ 'filetype': 'c',
\ 'hlgroup': 'cMember',
Expand Down
38 changes: 21 additions & 17 deletions doc/easytags.txt
Expand Up @@ -97,6 +97,20 @@ assuming you haven't changed |g:easytags_on_cursorhold|.
Options ~

The easytags plug-in should work out of the box but if you don't like the
default configuration you can change how it works by setting the variables
documented below. Most of these variables can also be changed for specific
files by setting a buffer local variable instead of the global variable. For
example to disable automatic highlighting (enabled by default) only in Python
files you can add the following line to your |vimrc| script:
:autocmd FileType python let b:easytags_auto_highlight = 0
Note that buffer local variables always override global variables, so if you
want to undo this for a specific file you have to use |:unlet|:
:unlet b:easytags_auto_highlight
The *g:easytags_cmd* option

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,11 +221,6 @@ keeping automatic highlighting enabled you can set this option to false:
:let g:easytags_auto_update = 0
If you want to disable automatic updating for a single file you can execute
the following command while editing the file:
:let b:easytags_auto_update = 0
The *g:easytags_auto_highlight* option

Expand All @@ -221,11 +230,6 @@ keeping automatic updating enabled you can set this option to false:
:let g:easytags_auto_highlight = 0
If you want to disable automatic highlighting for a single file you can
execute the following command while editing the file:
:let b:easytags_auto_highlight = 0
The *g:easytags_autorecurse* option

Expand All @@ -240,7 +244,7 @@ You have to explicitly enable this option because it should only be used while
navigating around small directory trees. Imagine always having this option
enabled and then having to edit a file in e.g. the root of your home
directory: The 'easytags.vim' plug-in would freeze Vim for a long time while
you'd have to wait for Exuberant Cags to scan thousands of files...
you'd have to wait for Exuberant Ctags to scan thousands of files...

Note that when you enable this option the 'easytags.vim' plug-in might ignore
other options like |g:easytags_resolve_links|. This is an implementation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -433,8 +437,8 @@ is to reduce the number of tagged identifiers...

In my case the solution was to move most of the tags from '/usr/include/' over
to project specific tags files which are automatically loaded by Vim when I
edit files in different projects because I've set the |'tags'| option as
edit files in different projects because I've set the ['tags' option] ['tags']
as follows:
:set tags=./.tags;,~/.vimtags
Expand All @@ -444,11 +448,11 @@ also recurses upwards so that you can nest files arbitrarily deep under your
project directories.

The plug-in doesn't seem to work in Cygwin [12] ~
The plug-in doesn't seem to work in Cygwin ~

If you want to use the plug-in with Vim under Cygwin, you need to have the
Cygwin version of Ctags installed instead of the Windows version (thanks to
Alex Zuroff for reporting this!).
If you want to use the plug-in with Vim under Cygwin [12], you need to have
the Cygwin version of Ctags installed instead of the Windows version (thanks
to Alex Zuroff for reporting this!).

Expand Down
24 changes: 2 additions & 22 deletions plugin/easytags.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
" Vim plug-in
" Author: Peter Odding <>
" Last Change: June 26, 2011
" Last Change: June 27, 2011
" URL:
" Requires: Exuberant Ctags (

Expand All @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ if &cp || exists('g:loaded_easytags')

let g:easytags_version = '2.4.7'
let g:easytags_version = '2.4.8'

" Configuration defaults and initialization. {{{1

Expand All @@ -24,18 +24,10 @@ if !exists('g:easytags_file')

if !exists('g:easytags_dynamic_files')
let g:easytags_dynamic_files = 0

if !exists('g:easytags_by_filetype')
let g:easytags_by_filetype = ''

if !exists('g:easytags_resolve_links')
let g:easytags_resolve_links = 0

if !exists('g:easytags_events')
let g:easytags_events = []
if !exists('g:easytags_on_cursorhold') || g:easytags_on_cursorhold
Expand All @@ -50,18 +42,6 @@ if !exists('g:easytags_ignored_filetypes')
let g:easytags_ignored_filetypes = '^tex$'

if !exists('g:easytags_autorecurse')
let g:easytags_autorecurse = 0

if !exists('g:easytags_include_members')
let g:easytags_include_members = 0

if !exists('g:easytags_python_enabled')
let g:easytags_python_enabled = 1

if !exists('g:easytags_python_script')
let g:easytags_python_script = expand('<sfile>:p:h') . '/../misc/easytags/'
Expand Down

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