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An app that allow users with different authorization access levels to keep track of their daily caloric intake and provide them with useful analytics

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Add a .env file in the Server folder. This file would contain all non-shareable config.

Database Setup

  1. Setup MongoDb databases for production and testing then enter the url in the .env file as mongodbMealURI and mongodbMealMockURI respectively
  2. Add indexes to the database to ensure high performance running the following commands
    • db.users.ensureIndex({"" : 1})
    • db.users.ensureIndex({"meals._id" : 1})
    • db.users.ensureIndex({"googleId" : 1})
    • db.users.ensureIndex({"facebookId" : 1})

Mailer Config

  1. Add mailerUser (sender email address) and mailerPass (sender email password) to the .env file

Nutritionix Api Config

  1. Go to and signup for an account to get your app id and app key
  2. Add nutritionixAppId and nutritionixAppKey with their corresponding values to the .env file

Social Sign in


  1. Go to and add a Facebook Login product
  2. Add the following Valid OAuth Redirect URIs
  3. Add to the .env file the clientId and clientSecret using the following props respectively: facebookClientId and facebookClientSecret


  1. Go to
  2. Add the same urls as shown above in "Authorized JavaScript origins" section
  3. Add to the .env file the clientId and clientSecret using the following props respectively: googleClientId and googleClientSecret

Google Recaptcha

  1. Go to and signup for api keys
  2. Add to the .env file the site key and secret key using the following props respectively: captchaSiteKey and captchaSecretKey

Local Json Web Token

  1. Add secret to the .env for jwt

All .env file properties

  • facebookClientId
  • facebookClientSecret
  • googleClientId
  • googleClientSecret
  • mailerPass
  • mailerUser
  • mongodbMealMockURI
  • mongodbMealURI
  • nutritionixAppId
  • nutritionixAppKey
  • secret
  • captchaSiteKey
  • captchaSecretKey


Development Server

  1. Run npm run dev to fire up nodemon

Production Server

  1. Run npm start


  1. Signup for a user and manually change the user's role in MongoDb to admin. Make sure this user has the following credentials: email: "", password: "1234567a"
  2. Ensure the availability for a manager user with the following credentials email: "", password: "1234567a"
  3. Add NODE_ENV="testing" to your .env file or replace the current NODE_ENV value. This is to ensure Google Recaptcha would not fail our tests
  4. Run npm test for api and unit tests

Client side


For Development: Run npm start to build the project and use the dev-server. Then navigate to http://localhost:4400/ For Production: Run npm run prod to build the project in the public directory in the Server folder.

Running unit tests

Run npm t to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Running end-to-end tests

You might need to update webdriver manager before running tests by running npm run update-wd

  1. Run npm start
  2. Run npm run e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.


  1. Register for an app in heroku
  2. Use the following command to install heroku-config package. heroku plugins:install heroku-config
  3. Make sure you are loggin into heroku cli. If not use the heroku login command
  4. Use the following git command in the root folder to push only backend node.js api to heroku. git subtree push --prefix Server heroku master
    • Use the following command for heroku logs. heroku logs -t --app "app-name"

To push and pull environment variables: heroku plugins:install heroku-config cd Server heroku config:push


The code has been tested on a Windows 10 x64 machine. No guarantees that the development environment would work in other operating systems; hopefully it does


An app that allow users with different authorization access levels to keep track of their daily caloric intake and provide them with useful analytics






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