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area: internationalization
area: internationalization
area: invitations
area: invitations
area: keyboard UI
area: keyboard UI
area: left sidebar (display)
area: left sidebar (display)
Left sidebar visual design
area: left sidebar (features)
area: left sidebar (features)
New left sidebar functionality
area: left sidebar (logic & sorting)
area: left sidebar (logic & sorting)
Left sidebar business logic and sorting
area: left sidebar (misc)
area: left sidebar (misc)
area: left sidebar (popovers)
area: left sidebar (popovers)
Left sidebar popovers and tooltips
area: left sidebar (ui)
area: left sidebar (ui)
Left sidebar buttons/interactions excluding popovers
area: markdown (embeds/previews)
area: markdown (embeds/previews)
area: markdown (LaTeX)
area: markdown (LaTeX)
math with KaTeX
area: markdown (linkifiers)
area: markdown (linkifiers)
area: markdown (mentions)
area: markdown (mentions)
Mentions for users/groups/stream/topic/time.
area: markdown
area: markdown
area: message feed (display)
area: message feed (display)
Web frontend rendering of messages (post markdown)
area: message feed (embeds)
area: message feed (embeds)
Embedded images, videos, and other previews.
area: message feed (scrolling)
area: message feed (scrolling)
Scroll behavior, performance, and side-effects (marking as read)
area: message feed (UI)
area: message feed (UI)
Buttons/UI directly in the message feed (not popovers, etc.)
area: message feed (uncategorized)
area: message feed (uncategorized)
area: message-editing (topics)
area: message-editing (topics)
area: message-editing
area: message-editing
area: mobile web
area: mobile web
The webapp, but on mobile browsers.
area: mobile
area: mobile
Mobile push notifications; features motivated by mobile; issues requiring changes in mobile code.
area: navbar
area: navbar
area: notifications (messages)
area: notifications (messages)
area: notifications (other)
area: notifications (other)
area: onboarding
area: onboarding
area: performance
area: performance
Performance and scalability issues
area: popovers
area: popovers
Popovers, including general message actions.