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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

area: portico
area: portico
area: production installer
area: production installer
area: production
area: production
area: provision
area: provision
area: public access
area: public access
Issues related to logged-out access in Zulip
area: real-time sync
area: real-time sync
area: recent-conversations
area: recent-conversations
Issues related to "Recent conversations" view.
area: refactoring
area: refactoring
area: right-sidebar
area: right-sidebar
area: search
area: search
area: security
area: security
Security and hardening issues. Please report vulnerabilities to
area: settings (admin/org)
area: settings (admin/org)
area: settings UI
area: settings UI
area: settings (user groups)
area: settings (user groups)
User groups related settings issues
area: settings (user)
area: settings (user)
area: stream settings
area: stream settings
area: support
area: support
area: testing-coverage
area: testing-coverage
area: testing-infrastructure
area: testing-infrastructure
area: tooling
area: tooling
area: topics
area: topics
area: typescript migration
area: typescript migration
Issues for migrating Zulip to TypeScript
area: uploads
area: uploads
area: widgets
area: widgets
Poll and similar widgets
backport candidate
backport candidate
Items we should consider backporting to the bug fix release series.
bootstrap removal
bootstrap removal
Tasks involved in removing Bootstrap
buddy review
buddy review
GSoC buddy review needed. review review
Added by maintainers when a PR requires testing to proceed.