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A hardware DES cracker


This project aims at estimating as accurately as possible the time it would take to crack the DES (Data Encryption Standard) encryption algorithm using Zybo boards. You will design a hardware DES encryption engine, code it in VHDL, validate it and synthesize it for the FPGA part of the zynq core of your Zybo board. Based on the performance results that you will get (resources usage and maximum reachable clock frequency), you will then design a cracking machine by instantiating as many DES encryption engines as you can and by distributing the computation effort among them.

The cracking machine will be given a plaintext $P$, a ciphertext $C$, 64 bits each, and a 56-bits starting secret key $K_0$. It will try to encrypt $P$ with all possible 56-bits keys $K\ge K_0$ until the result equals $C$. When the match will have been found the cracking machine will store the corresponding secret key $K_1$ in a register and raise an interrupt to inform the software stack that runs on the ARM CPU of the Zynq core.

The cracking machine will communicate with the CPU using the same AXI4 lite interface we used for the DHT11 controller (12 bits addresses, 32 bits data).


You can use as many VHDL source files as you wish (provided that they are clearly listed in your report, with a brief explanation of their content), but the top-level of your design (entity and architecture) must be coded in the file named des_cracker.vhd. Edit it and code an entity named des_cracker with the following input-output ports:

Name Type Direction Description
aclk std_ulogic in master clock from CPU part of Zynq core, the design is synchronized on the rising edge of aclk
aresetn std_ulogic in synchronous active low reset from CPU part of Zynq core (the leading a means AXI, not asynchronous)
s0_axi_araddr std_ulogic_vector(11 downto 0) in read address from CPU (12 bits = 4kB)
s0_axi_arvalid std_ulogic in read address valid from CPU
s0_axi_arready std_ulogic out read address acknowledge to CPU
s0_axi_awaddr std_ulogic_vector(11 downto 0) in write address from CPU (12 bits = 4kB)
s0_axi_awvalid std_ulogic in write address valid flag from CPU
s0_axi_awready std_ulogic out write address acknowledge to CPU
s0_axi_wdata std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) in write data from CPU
s0_axi_wstrb std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0) in write byte enables from CPU
s0_axi_wvalid std_ulogic in write data and byte enables valid from CPU
s0_axi_wready std_ulogic out write data and byte enables acknowledge to CPU
s0_axi_rdata std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) out read data response to CPU
s0_axi_rresp std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0) out read status response (OKAY, EXOKAY, SLVERR or DECERR) to CPU
s0_axi_rvalid std_ulogic out read data and status response valid flag to CPU
s0_axi_rready std_ulogic in read response acknowledge from CPU
s0_axi_bresp std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0) out write status response (OKAY, EXOKAY, SLVERR or DECERR) to CPU
s0_axi_bvalid std_ulogic out write status response valid to CPU
s0_axi_bready std_ulogic in write response acknowledge from CPU
irq std_ulogic out interrupt request to CPU
led std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0) out wired to the four user LEDs


In the same VHDL source file add an architecture named rtl and code it according the following specifications.

Internal registers

In the architecture body add one or several synchronous processes to implement several internal registers, synchronized on the rising edges of aclk, all forced to zero on rising edges of aclk where aresetn is low. Declare the following internal signals to model the outputs of the registers, and write your synchronous processes according the specified behavior:

Name Type Behavior Base address
p std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0) the plaintext 0x000
c std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0) the ciphertext 0x008
k0 std_ulogic_vector(55 downto 0) the starting secret key 0x010
k std_ulogic_vector(55 downto 0) the current secret key 0x018
k1 std_ulogic_vector(55 downto 0) the found secret key 0x020

p and c are regular read-write registers without side effect. k1 is a regular read-only register without side effect.

k0 is a regular read-write register but it has a side effect: the DES cracker machine starts when its most significant word ([0x014..0x017]) is written and stops when the least significant word ([0x010..0x013]) is written. Note that, for proper operations, p, c must be written first, then the least significant word of k0, then its most significant word. The cracking machine is idle after reset. It starts only after the most significant word of k0 is written.

k is a regular read-only register but it has a side effect. During normal cracking operation, k is constantly updated with the largest secret key that has already been totally processed. This how the software running on the ARM processor can observe the progress of the cracking operation. In order to guarantee a correct 64-bits read, in two consecutive 32-bits reads, k is frozen when its least significant word is read. Its regular update resumes only after the most significant word is read. Note that, for proper read of k, the least significant word must be read first. Else, the two halves of the 64-bits read value could come from two different consecutive values of k.

Bits k(33 downto 30) drive the led output.

When the correct secret key has been found, it is stored in register k1, the irq output is asserted high during one clock period and the cracking machine stops until a new starting key is provided. If the largest key has been reached before the correct key has been found, the key wraps around zero and continues until the correct key has been found.

AXI4 lite machinery

Add concurrent signal assignments, combinatorial processes and synchronous processes to implement the slave side of the AXI4 lite protocol with the following constraints:

  1. We do not make any hypothesis about the behavior of the CPU:

    • The processor can assert its ready flags (s0_axi_rready and s0_axi_bready) high by default.
    • The processor can submit read and write requests simultaneously and if it does so they must be served simultaneously.
  2. In the 4kB address range that our peripheral sees, we map only the ten first 32-bits words (40 bytes, [0x000..0x027]). Bytes [0x000..0x017] are read-write. Bytes [0x018..0x027] are read-only.

  3. We ignore the alignment of accesses, that is, we ignore the 2 least significant bits of the address buses. The CPU receives the same response for accesses at addresses 0x000, 0x001, 0x002 or 0x003.

  4. Read accesses at mapped addresses return the OKAY response status and the read data corresponding to the accessed internal register. The most significant byte of the three 56-bits registers always reads as zero.

  5. Read accesses at other addresses return the DECERR (DECode ERRor) response status and the all-zero read data.

  6. Write accesses to the [0x000..0x017] range return the OKAY response status and the write data is stored in the target register. When writing to register k0 the most significant byte is ignored.

  7. Write accesses to the [0x018..0x027] range return a SLVERR (SLaVe ERRor) response status because the k and k1 registers are read-only.

  8. Write accesses at other addresses return the DECERR (DECode ERRor) response status.

  9. The peripheral groups write address and write data requests: it waits until both are pending before acknowledging both and responding.

  10. The read and write acknowledges (arready, awready, wready) are not asserted high by default. They are asserted only after the rising edge of the clock for which valid request flags are asserted high.

  11. Read and write requests are served as soon as possible: when a valid request is pending on a rising edge N of clock, the acknowledge(s) is(are) asserted high, and the response is submitted. After the next (N+1) rising edge of the clock the acknowledge(s) is(are) de-asserted. If the microprocessor acknowledges the response on the same rising edge, the response is also de-asserted. Else the response is maintained until a rising edge of the clock where the microprocessor acknowledges the response.

  12. New read (write) requests are ignored as long as a pending read (write) response has not been acknowledged.

  13. The s0_axi_rdata, s0_axi_rresp and s0_axi_bresp outputs of the wrapper are outputs of dedicated internal registers: they are assigned in a synchronous process. They are not targets of concurrent signal assignments (even with registered right-hand sides). This is mandatory to fulfill all requirements of the AXI4 lite protocol. Note that if s0_axi_rdata, for instance, was assigned by a concurrent signal assignment, there would be a possibility that its value changes while s0_axi_rvalid is asserted high, which is strictly forbidden by the protocol: s0_axi_rdata and s0_axi_rresp must be assigned a value when s0_axi_rvalid is asserted high to respond a read request, and they must remain unmodified until the response is acknowledged by the master (with s0_axi_rready). Same for s0_axi_bresp for the write responses.

The following waveform represents several read transactions. The rising edges of the clock where the peripheral notices a read request are indicated by a blue vertical line. The rising edges of the clock where the processor acknowledges a read response are indicated by a red vertical line. The highest possible throughput (two clock cycles per read operation) corresponds to the two last transactions. Write transactions are similar (remember that the peripheral groups write address and write data requests).

des_cracker waveform


Design simulation environment(s) to validate your design(s) (e.g. with Modelsim). Document them in your report. Explain what they simulate and what results you obtained.

Synthesis and test

Starting from the synthesis script that we used for the AXI4 lite wrapper for the DHT11 controller design a synthesis script for your DES cracker. Explain the various results you obtained in your report. Remember that your goal is to optimally use the FPGA resources of the Zynq core of the Zybo to crack DES as fast as possible. Test your cracking machine on the Zybo board. Use carefully crafted plaintext, ciphertext and starting key to observe the discovery of the secret key in a reasonable amount of time.

Linux software driver

Starting from the lab on a Linux software driver for the DHT11 controller, design a Linux software driver for your cracking machine. Clearly specify it in your report. Test it on the Zybo.