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To start with, you will need GitHub, PyPi , TestPyPi and Codecov accounts. If you don't have one, please follow the links to get it before you get started on this tutorial.

If you are new to Git and GitHub, you should probably spend a few minutes on some of the tutorials at the top of the page at GitHub Help

Step 1: Install Python Project Wizard with Jupyter Book (ppwjb)

Install ppwjb with pip:

pip install ppwjb

Step 2: Generate Your Package

Now it's time to generate your Python package.

Run the following command and feed with answers:


Finally a new folder will be created under current folder, the name is the answer you provided to project_slug.

The project layout should look like:

├── .GitHub
│   ├──
│   └── workflows
│       ├── dev.yml
│       └── release.yml
├── book
│   ├── _config.yml
│   ├── _toc.yml
│   ├── api.rst
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └── logo.svg
│   └── references.bib
│   └──
├── ppwjb_0420_01
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── tests
│   ├──
│   └──
├── .editorconfig
├── .flake8
├── .gitignore
├── .isort.cfg
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml
├── .python-version
├── Makefile
├── pyproject.toml
├── pyrightconfig.json
└── tox.ini

Here the project_slug is ppwjb_0420_01, when you generate yours, it will be your name.

Also, be noticed that there is pyproject.toml in this folder. This is the main poetry configuration file of our project.

Step 3: Install Dev Requirements

You should still be in the folder named as project_slug, which containing the pyproject.toml file.

Install the new project's local development requirements inside a virtual environment:

make install-dev
make check

We start with install poetry, since the whole project is managed by poetry. Then we installed extra dependency need by developer, such as documentation build tools, lint, formatting and test tools etc.

We also launch a smoke test here by running tox inside make check. This will give you a test report and lint report. You should see no errors except some lint warnings.

Extra dependencies are grouped into three groups, `doc`, `dev` and `test` for better
granularity. When you ship the package, dependencies in groups `doc`, `dev` and `test`
might not be shipped.

As the developer, you will need to install all the dependencies.
If you found errors like the following during tox run `ERROR: InterpreterNotFound: python3.9`
don't panic, this is just because python3.x is not found on your machine. If you
decide to support that version of Python in your package, please install it on your
machine. Otherwise, remove it from tox.ini and `pyproject.toml` (search python3.x then
remove it).
If you are using pyenv, see `.python-version` file which specifies exact version of python to be tried by tox.

Step 4: Create a GitHub Repo

Go to your GitHub account and create a new repo named mypackage, where mypackage matches the [project_slug] from your answers to running cookiecutter.

Then go to repo > Settings > Secrets, click on 'New repository secret', add the following secrets:

Step 5: Set Up Codecov Integration

If you have already setup Codecov integration and configured access for all your
repositories, you can skip this step.

In your browser, visit install codecov app, you'll be landed at this page:

Click on the green Install button at top right, choose All repositories then click on Install button, following directions until all set.

Step 6: Upload Code to GitHub

Back to your develop environment, find the folder named after the project_slug. Move into this folder, and then setup git to use your GitHub repo and upload the code:

cd mypackage

git add .
git commit -m "Initial skeleton."
git branch -M main
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main

Where myusername and mypackage are adjusted for your username and package name.

You'll need a ssh key to push the repo. You can Generate a key or Add an existing one.

If you answered 'yes' to the question if install pre-commit hooks at last step,
then you should find pre-commit be invoked when you run `git commit`, and some files
may be modified by hooks. If so, please add these files and **commit again**.

Check Result

After pushing your code to GitHub, goto GitHub web page, navigate to your repo, then click on actions link, you should find screen like this:

There should be one workflow running. After it finished, go to [testpyi], check if a new artifact is published under the name project_slug.

Step 7. Check Documentation

Documentation will be published and available at https://{your_github_account}{your_repo} once:

  1. the branch is released
  2. the commit is tagged, and the tag name is started with v
  3. build/testing executed by GitHub CI passed

If you'd like to see what it's look like now, you could run the following command:

ghp-import -n -p -f book/_build/html

then check your documentation at https://{your_github_account}{your_repo}

Step 8. Make Official Release

After done with your phased development, switch to release branch, following instructions at release checklist, trigger first official release and check result at PyPi.