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Skillful Network


Clone the projet:

git clone

Run the frontend:

cd skillful_network_client
ng serve

Run the backend in another terminal:

cd skillful_network_server
mvn clean package spring-boot:run -DskipTests

Here, the options specifies the dev profile for easy-to-run demo or development. The database is h2 in the memory and there is no email sent (look at the console when you register).

Check that the application is running by going to the following url:


You can login using and Qwerty123, or create a new account (the temporary code will appear in the console of the backend).

Code organization


The backend is organized as follows:

  • app: root of the project
    • login: contains everything related to the first screen: login and register.
    • shared: contains common and shared apis.
      • components: contains abstract and custom material components. Should be reused a maximum.
      • models: contains classes to represent the data manipulated by the application.
      • services: contains all the services to requests the backend
    • home: contains everythin concerning the rest of the platform.

We must reuse a maximum the abstract components in order to avoid redundancy of code. Create a new one if you need to. Every requests made to the backend should be handled by the, i.e. calls to the API http: HttpClient. However, every components must use a unique and dedicated service to make these requests, and not direclty the The relation between frontend services and backend controllers must be one-to-one, i.e. each frontend service requests a unique backend controller. But, a service can use others services if it needs to.


The backend is organized as follows:

Each responsability, i.e. entities, repositories, services, controllers has its own package. Each reponsible package is divided as follow:

  • application: contains classes related to job and training applications.
  • user: contains classes related to the users and their information. If any class is direclty in the responsible package, it means that there is no sub-package that corresponds to the class. All services must be declared as an interface in the package All implementations of services must be in the sub-package impl, i.e. namely

We adopt the following basic rules:

  • The link between controllers and services is one-to-one, i.e. a controller use an unique service.
  • controllers must not access directly to repositories and must use services instead.
  • All the business logic must be in services.
  • All the network logic must be in the controllers.
  • The link between services and repositories is one-to-one, i.e. a service use an unique repository.

Others packages are the following:

  • request: contains class definitions of objects send by the frontend.
  • security: contains the classes related to the security configuration.
  • tools: contains helper classes.


The API is available at the following url: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html while the application backend is running.

H2 Database

The database for development used in H2, that is loaded in the memory. This database is initialized using the json files in skillful_network_server/main/resources/data/.

While the application backend is running, the database is available at the following url: localhost:8080/h2. The username is sa and the password is empty ``.

The json files are generated using the test class fr.uca.cdr.skillful_network.JSONGenerator. If you need special instances of entities, you should update the test with you required datas by constructing new objects (please, respect the separation of concerns, each entity has its own method to be generated), generate the json file, and commit your change in the JSONGenerator and in json files. This is done in order to share and populate the development database.