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Boomstarter ICO

Boomstarter token and sale contracts


This is a truffle project. Make sure you have all the required modules installed by running:

$ npm install


Check that production is set to false in all migrations files starting from 2_:

var production = false;

Make sure ganache is running with enough accounts:

$ ganache-cli -a 8 --gasPrice 200 -l 100000000 -e 100

In order to run tests through ganache you need to have ethereum-bridge. Run it in active mode with the following command (from the ethereum-bridge dir):

$ node bridge --dev

Wait for the bridge to deploy its contracts, then finally run the tests:

$ truffle test

To deploy on a testnet set testnet flag in all migrations to true

var testnet = true;

Also, set appropriate addresses in the code defining addresses for testnet

} else if (testnet) {
  _owners = [


Note, that stages already deployed to productoin go under if (!producton) condition. So full migration cycle runs only in testnet or ganache mode.

Before running deploy please make sure the following values are correct:

  • in "migrations/" in all files starting from 2_: production should be true
  • in "migrations/" in all files starting from 2_: _owners and beneficiary under if (production) condition should be replaced with appropriate values
  • if you're going to use infura, then in "infura_conf.js", there should be appropriate mnemonic and token
  • in "truffle.js" in the network you are going to use, check that gasPrice equals to the current safe value from here
  • if you're going to use a local node, make sure it's syncronized, main account is unlocked (--unlock <address> in geth) and rpc mode is enabled (--rpc flag in geth)
  • check production<...> addresses (such as productionTokenAddress) in all migration files: they are the ones that are already deployed and should be used instead of relying on .deployed() artifacts

To deploy (as an example to infura ropsten) run:

$ truffle migrate --network infura_ropsten

Look into "truffle.js" for different networks


Presale Summary

  1. During deploy, BoomstarterPresale automatically launches updateEthPriceInCents() and the first one is free. But keep in mind that first, the update will be completed after 12 hours, and second, when it's completed it's going to call delayed update once more. For this call to succeed you need to have your contract to have some ether for oraclize transactions. You can add ether by calling topUp() and specifying the amount of ether to send.
  2. If you provide ether before the first update, the update process will continue without any additional input from your part. If you don't - then update is most likely stopped: not enough ether to pay for an oraclize transaction. To start update again run updateEthPriceInCents(), it's payable, so you can provide some oraclize ether without calling topUp(). If the price is within the bounds, it is updated once contract gets reply from oraclize. If not - price is not updated, but another update request is still called. To change price bounds let owners call setETHPriceUpperBound(uint _price) / setETHPriceLowerBound(uint _price). If you don't want or cannot start oraclize update, you can let owners call setETHPriceManually(uint _price) to set price to any value (it's a backup option and not recommended + can only be called if price is expired or the update is not running)
  3. To check the price update status call either priceExpired() to check if the price was updated more than two update intervals ago, or updateRequestExpired(), which means update can be called once more. Note that updateRequestExpired() returning true doesn't mean, that the update stopped. The callback from oraclize might still come through and call update automatically, so it's adviced to rerun it taking into consideration oraclize lag.
  4. When price is ready, investors can call buy(), tokens will be assigned to the buyer, ether will be transferred to the account specified as beneficiary during deploy. The amount of tokens will be calculated from the token price depending on phase and ether price, retrieved from oraclize or set by owners. NOTE: buy() cannot be called if priceExpired() returns true.
  5. If, at the time of investing, amount of tokens sold turns out more than the amount at which the price should increase (from $0.3 to $0.4 for a token), then the investor will receive only the part of tokens bought at the lower price, remaining ether will be refunded. All following calls to buy() will be using the higher price (as all lower-price tokens are sold now)
  6. Same goes if amount of tokens sold is more than the amount provided for presale: remaining ether will be refunded to the investor.
  7. When the sale is finished owners should call finishSale() to transfer all remaining tokens and ether to the new sale contract. Note that the new sale contract should be set before calling finish. Do that with setNextSale(address _sale) function (multisig required).

PreICO Summary

PreICO is the same as Presale (see Presale Summary) except for the following differences:

  1. Update repeats every 1 hour instead of every 12 hours
  2. Price of tokens is constant and is equal to $0.6
  3. Big investors (investing equal or more than $30k) receive a bonus of +20% tokens from the amount bought. Note, that the amount of an investment is calculated taking into account the sale cap (which is 5 million tokens) and not just the amount of ether sent during investment transaction. If the resulting number of tokens bought (without bonus) exceeds the sale cap, maximum available amount is used instead, and the investor receives the ether remainder. The actual ether amount left is used to calculate if the investor should receive the bonus or not (bonus is not affected by the sale cap, but for obvious reasons it can only happen once for the last investor buying all remaining in that sale tokens)

Full summary for convenience (modified Presale Summary):

  1. During deploy, BoomstarterPreICO automatically launches updateEthPriceInCents() and the first one is free. But keep in mind that first, the update will be completed after 1 hours, and second, when it's completed it's going to call delayed update once more. For this call to succeed you need to have your contract to have some ether for oraclize transactions. You can add ether by calling topUp() and specifying the amount of ether to send.
  2. If you provide ether before the first update, the update process will continue without any additional input from your part. If you don't - then update is most likely stopped: not enough ether to pay for an oraclize transaction. To start update again run updateEthPriceInCents(), it's payable, so you can provide some oraclize ether without calling topUp(). If the price is within the bounds, it is updated once contract gets reply from oraclize. If not - price is not updated, but another update request is still called. To change price bounds let owners call setETHPriceUpperBound(uint _price) / setETHPriceLowerBound(uint _price). If you don't want or cannot start oraclize update, you can let owners call setETHPriceManually(uint _price) to set price to any value (it's a backup option and not recommended + can only be called if price is expired or the update is not running)
  3. To check the price update status call either priceExpired() to check if the price was updated more than two update intervals ago, or updateRequestExpired(), which means update can be called once more. Note that updateRequestExpired() returning true doesn't mean, that the update stopped. The callback from oraclize might still come through and call update automatically, so it's adviced to rerun it taking into consideration oraclize lag.
  4. When price is ready, investors can call buy(), tokens will be assigned to the buyer, ether will be transferred to the account specified as beneficiary during deploy. The amount of tokens will be calculated from the constant token price of $0.6 and the ether price, retrieved from oraclize or set by owners. NOTE: buy() cannot be called if priceExpired() returns true.
  5. Big investors (investing equal or more than $30k) receive a bonus of +20% tokens from the amount bought. Note, that the amount of an investment is calculated taking into account the sale cap (which is 5 million tokens) and not just the amount of ether sent during investment transaction. If the resulting number of tokens bought (without bonus) exceeds the sale cap, maximum available amount is used instead, and the investor receives the ether remainder. The actual ether amount left is used to calculate if the investor should receive the bonus or not (bonus is not affected by the sale cap, but for obvious reasons it can only happen once for the last investor buying all remaining in that sale tokens)
  6. When the sale is finished owners should call finishSale() to transfer all remaining tokens and ether to the new sale contract. Note that the new sale contract should be set before calling finish. Do that with setNextSale(address _sale) function (multisig required).

ICO Summary

  1. During deploy, BoomstarterICO automatically launches updateEthPriceInCents() and the first one is free. But keep in mind that first, the update will be completed after 1 hours, and second, when it's completed it's going to call delayed update once more. For this call to succeed you need to have your contract to have some ether for oraclize transactions. You can add ether by calling topUp() and specifying the amount of ether to send.
  2. If you provide ether before the first update, the update process will continue without any additional input from your part. If you don't - then update is most likely stopped: not enough ether to pay for an oraclize transaction. To start update again run updateEthPriceInCents(), it's payable, so you can provide some oraclize ether without calling topUp(). If the price is within the bounds, it is updated once contract gets reply from oraclize. If not - price is not updated, but another update request is still called. To change price bounds let owners call setETHPriceUpperBound(uint _price) / setETHPriceLowerBound(uint _price). If you don't want or cannot start oraclize update, you can let owners call setETHPriceManually(uint _price) to set price to any value (it's a backup option and not recommended + can only be called if price is expired or the update is not running)
  3. Ether price never expires (priceExpired() is always false). Call updateRequestExpired() to see if price update request can be made once more. Note that updateRequestExpired() returning true doesn't mean, that the update stopped. The callback from oraclize might still come through and call update automatically, so it's advised to rerun it taking into consideration oraclize lag.
  4. Before anything can be invested, preICO should be finished, then init() must be called to set funds and tokens controlling addresses and the sum of investments collected during previous sales.
  5. When price is ready, investors can call buy(), tokens will be assigned to the buyer, ether will be transferred to the FundsRegistry. The amount of tokens will be calculated from the token price (which depends on current date, call getPrice() to see current price) and the ether price, retrieved from oraclize or set by owners. NOTE: buy() cannot be called if priceExpired() returns true.
  6. Big investors (investing equal or more than $50k) receive a bonus of +20% tokens from the amount bought. Note, that the amount of an investment is calculated taking into account the sale cap (which 75% of the token's total supply, the rest should be allocated manually) and not just the amount of ether sent during investment transaction. If the resulting number of tokens bought (without bonus) exceeds the sale cap, maximum available amount is used instead, and the investor receives the ether remainder. The actual ether amount left is used to calculate if the investor should receive the bonus or not (bonus IS affected by the ICO cap, if not enough tokens left to cover bonus, then the investor will only receive what's left)
  7. Sale can be paused at any time by any of the owners using pause(). If ICO is paused, it cannot accept investments. To unpause it, owners should call unpause() with multisig.
  8. Sale can only be finished when the finish date has passed. State change happens during any transaction. Once the state becomes finished, the amount of USD collected gets compared to the soft cap. If the collected amount is more or equal than the soft cap, then ICO is successful, owners can withdraw ether from FundsRegistry, the rest of tokens is sent to the account, responsible for distributing them into pools. If the collected amount is less than the soft cap, then ICO is unsuccessful, owners cannot withdraw ether, but can now freely withdraw tokens left using withdrawTokens(), investors can refund their investments via FundsRegistry.

BoomstarterSale Summary

The same as ICO, but with different bonus and finishing policies.

FundsRegistry Summary

  1. This is a separate smart contract responsible for holding ether collected during ICO. The ether can only be released after ICO finishes. This contract should be set as sale using setSale function of BoomstarterToken in order to be able to handle tokens in case of refund.
  2. Successful finish allows owners to withdraw it with sendEther() function.
  3. Unsuccessful finish allows for investors to get their refund by calling withdrawPayments(), however the amount of tokens bought during ico should be present on the caller's account and approved for the FundsRegistry. For each investor, refund happens once and exchanges all bought tokens for all invested ether. Tokens can be collected by owners with sendTokens function

BoomstarterToken Summary

  1. Initially all tokens are issued to the deployer. In the deploy script the deployer immediately sends all of them to Presale contract, changes its role to 'sale' and revokes their own 'sale' role. This is required because of the following logic with tokens: everything is frozen initially and the transfer functions family (as well as burn) can only be called from trusted contracts (the ones having 'sale' role).
  2. It shouldn't be required to set 'sale' manually as finishSale() in Presale takes care of it. However as a backup you can let owners call setSale(address, bool) to grant anyone 'sale' role.
  3. When all the sales are finished and you wish to unfreeze all tokens - let owners call thaw() and from now on the token will be behaving as a regular ERC20 one.
  4. The last thing that should be called by owners is disablePrivileged(). After that owners will have no control over the token.

Functions Reference

BoomstarterPresale contract and BoomstarterPreICO contract

buy() / fallback function

Main function for investors, is payable, ether sent will be further transferred to the beneficiary account, appropriate amount of tokens will be assigned to the caller account.


  • presale shouldn't be over, which happens either if the time deadline has passed, or finishSale was called by the owners
  • ether price should be non-zero. It's zero by default and updated by oraclize call after an hour-long delay
  • ether price shouldn't be expired, see priceExpired()


Function to run price update process in case it's not running yet. Is payable, put some ether for oraclize queries to use. Update continues indefinitely with the interval of 12 hours (Presale) or 1 hour (PreICO). Process stops if all ether is depleted.


  • update process shouldn't be already active, see updateRequestExpired()
  • BoomstarterPresale contract should have enough ether to pay for oraclize queries

setETHPriceUpperBound(uint _price) / setETHPriceLowerBound(uint _price)

Functions to set valid boundaries of the price retrieved by oraclize.

Requires 2 owners' multisignature

Input: _price - price value in US cents

setETHPriceManually(uint _price)

In case oraclize didn't update the price for some reason, call this to set any price manually.


  • 2 owners' multisignature
  • current price is expired - more than double the update interval passed since last price update, OR last update request is expired

Input: _price - price value in US cents


Payable function to send some ether to the contract for oraclize to use. Required because the fallback function sees incoming ether as investments. All unspent ether will be transferred to the next sale once this one is finished


Function to mark presale as over and transfer all remaining ether and tokens to the next sale.


  • 2 owners' multisignature
  • next sale address should be set using setNextSale

setNextSale(address _sale)

Set address that will handle next presale. Everything will be transferred once finishSale is called

Requires 2 owners' multisignature

Input: _sale - address of the next sale


Check if the price was last retrieved or set more than double the update interval ago

Output: true if expired


Check if the last update request was sent more than 1 update interval ago. If true update can be called manually

Output: true if expired


buy() / fallback function

Main function for investors, is payable, ether sent will be further transferred to the FundsRegistry address, appropriate amount of tokens will be assigned to the caller account.


  • current date should be inside the limits of ICO
  • ether price should be non-zero. It's zero by default and updated by oraclize call after an hour-long delay
  • ether price shouldn't be expired, see priceExpired()

nonEtherBuy(address investor, uint etherEquivalentAmount)

Account for investments outside of Ethereum. Can only be called by the nonEtherController.


  • investor - address to send tokens to
  • etherEquivalentAmount - amount of ether to use to calculate token amount

init(address _funds, address _tokenDistributor, uint _previouslySold)

Set appropriate state for ICO to start


  • _funds - FundsRegistry address
  • _tokenDistributor - address to send remaining tokens to after ICO
  • _previouslySold - how much sold in previous sales in cents


Return current token price in cents depending on the date

Output: price in cents


Returns the start time of the ICO

Output: start time in unix time format


Returns the finish time of the ICO

Output: finish time in unix time format


Stop accepting investments in case of emergency. Can be called by one of the owners. Call unpause() to revert


Resume paused ICO, requires multisig

withdrawTokens(address _to, uint _amount)

Allows for owners to withdraw remaining tokens if ICO failed. Requires multisig


  • _to - address to send tokens to
  • _amount - how much to send in token-wei

setToken(address _token)

Allows to set different token address. Requires multisig

Input: _token - address of deployed BoomstarterToken

setFundsRegistry(address _funds)

Allows to set different FundsRegistry address. Requires multisig

Input: _funds - address of deployed FundsRegistry

setNonEtherController(address _controller)

Allows to set account responsible for non-ether investments

Input: _controller - address of the account allowed to call nonEtherBuy


Check and change the state of the ico according to the time limits


Function to run price update process in case it's not running yet. Is payable, put some ether for oraclize queries to use. Update continues indefinitely with the interval of 1 hour. Process stops if all ether is depleted.


  • update process shouldn't be already active, see updateRequestExpired()
  • BoomstarterPresale contract should have enough ether to pay for oraclize queries

setETHPriceUpperBound(uint _price) / setETHPriceLowerBound(uint _price)

Functions to set valid boundaries of the price retrieved by oraclize.

Requires 2 owners' multisignature

Input: _price - price value in US cents

setETHPriceManually(uint _price)

In case oraclize didn't update the price for some reason, call this to set any price manually.


  • 2 owners' multisignature
  • current price is expired - more than double the update interval passed since last price update, OR last update request is expired

Input: _price - price value in US cents


Payable function to send some ether to the contract for oraclize to use. Required because the fallback function sees incoming ether as investments. All unspent ether will be transferred to the next sale once this one is finished


Check if the price was last retrieved or set more than double the update interval ago

Output: true if expired


Check if the last update request was sent more than 1 update interval ago. If true update can be called manually

Output: true if expired


The same as ICO, but init function does't take _previouslySold argument. Also has an extra function:


Requires 2 owners' multisignature, immediately triggers sale conclusion.


sendEther(address to, uint value)

Allows for owners to withdraw ether if ICO succeeds. Requires multisig


  • to - where to send ether
  • value - amount in wei to send

sendTokens(address to, uint value)

Allows for owners to withdraw tokens used to refund in case ICO fails. Requires multisig


  • to - where to send tokens
  • value - amount of token-wei to send


Allows for investors to refund their ether in case ICO fails, bought tokens are exchanged for ether. Caller is required to approve to fundsRegistry all the tokens they bought during ICO


Contract is compliant with ERC20 and mixbytes/multiowned interfaces. Non-standard functions:

setSale(address account, bool isSale)

Give (or revoke) 'sale' role from an account. The role is required for sale contracts and allows for frozen token transferring and making switch to the next sale contract.

Requires 2 owners' multisignature


  • account - address to set role to
  • isSale - true to grant, false to revoke


Prohibit all further administrative actions comming from owners.


  • 2 owner's multisignature
  • token should be already unfrozen using thaw


Unfreeze token - make it available for everyone to use as a regular ERC20 token. While the token is frozen, the only accounts able to transfer it are accounts with 'sale' role

Requires 2 owners' multisignature

burn(uint256 _amount)

Let the caller burn a certain number of tokens from their balance.

Requires token to be unfrozen

Input: _amount - number of tokens to burn


Boomstarter token sale contracts







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