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Luc Yriarte edited this page Oct 14, 2013 · 22 revisions

Welcome to the cloudeebus wiki!

Installing Cloudeebus, running the server, testing from a web page.


A block diagram of the Cloudeebus components.

Developing with Cloudeebus. How to develop a web app, or implement a web API on top of DBus services using Cloudeebus. Current version is API level 6.

Running the server with credentials and a services whitelist, accessing the Javascript API using a manifest.

Live demos and applications

Below the live demos url are the commands for running the cloudeebus server from the following live demos and applications main folder, traces enabled. Change the host and port parameters in the url to run cloudeebus on another server.

cloudeebus live demo.

From the cloudeebus root folder: -d -c ./doc/sample/CREDENTIALS -w ./doc/sample/WHITELIST

FOSDEM2013 live slides on Cloudeebus.

The slides include a live demo. This one doesn't have creds and whitelist files so it can be run from any folder: -d -o -p 9001

cloud-neard NFC application. (wiki)

From the cloud-neard root folder: -d -c ./js/lib/config/CREDENTIALS -w ./js/lib/config/WHITELIST

cloud-dLeyna DLNA test application and mobile DMC. (wiki)

From the cloud-dleyna root folder: -d -c ./js/lib/config/CREDENTIALS -w ./js/lib/config/WHITELIST

telerender DLNA web browser extension.

No live demo for this one, this is an extension not a web page. Install the extension according to the README then run the server, from the telerender root folder: -d -c ./server/CREDENTIALS -w ./server/WHITELIST

cloudeebus as DBus service

The following example runs 2 cloudeebus instances, one exposes a DBus service, the other calls it. This also works with one single instance of the server.

sample server.

Uses cloudeebus to expose a DBus interface, and can be tested with the corresponding client. From the cloudeebus root folder: -d -c ./doc/agent/CREDENTIALS -s ./doc/agent/SAMPLELIST -p 9003

corresponding client.

Calls sample server. From the cloudeebus root folder: -d -c ./doc/agent/CREDENTIALS -w ./doc/agent/SAMPLELIST -p 9002

Packaged distributions

Python installer on PyPI

node.js version with npm

yocto / OpenEmbedded recipe