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Fixing Issues with Mod Dependencies

04Slash edited this page Feb 10, 2021 · 4 revisions

First off, we must go over how we figure out this is an issue with mod depenencies.

A very good indication is when you see this, a NoClassDefFoundError. Usually you can tell what mod has the issue by looking at the information right after the error: gigaherz/common/client/ModelHandle. Only the first two bits are useful. gigaherz is going to be the mod author’s name, or the group they are a part of. The next bit usually has the mod name, but in this case it does not. Luckily the crash tells us that it’s guidebook that has the issue.

From here you would look up either the mod name, if present, or the author and try and figure out which mod you are missing. By using the knowledge in the crashes section of this repository you should be able to find where the mod loading has stopped by looking at the mods section.

To find what the mod dependency is requires you to go to curseforge. Here we will find the mod with the issue. Here I will use Tinkers Construct. Just click the Files tab and click on the mod.jar, as shown in the above picture. You can also click on any of the file names below, if you’re not using the latest version of the mod.

The requires, and suggested, mod dependencies will be listed just below the changelog. Here we see that Mantle is a required dependency.

If you happen to know the coremod(so Mantle) but not which mods depend on mantle we can use the ‘Relations’ tab to figure this out. It can be a pain because modpacks are sometimes listed, or other mods that depend on the mod which you may not be using. Here we can search for both the dependency type and if we want dependencies or dependents. You will almsot always want the Required Dependency which should narrow the search down quite a bit.

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