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altsource.js 🚧

Manipulate and Create AltStore Sources in NodeJS

🚧 a WIP Dependency 🚧


npm install altsource


const AltSource = require('altsource')

const source = new AltSource({
    name: "AltSource.js Test",
    identifier: "space.charliecat.altsource.test",
    website: "",
    subtitle: "Altsource.js Test Source",
    description: "beeb boop",
    publisher: "0CharlieCat",

    name: "test App",
    bundle: "",
    version: "0",
    versionDate: new Date(),
    versionDescription: "Test app version 1.0",
    downloadURL: "",
    size: "100"

console.log(JSON.stringify(source, null, 4))

Example in Express.js

const express = require('express')
const app = express()

const AltSource = require('altsource')

    name: "AltSource.js Test",
    identifier: "space.charliecat.altsource.test",
    website: "",
    subtitle: "Altsource.js Test Source",
    description: "beeb boop",
    publisher: "0CharlieCat",

app.get('/addApp', (req, res) => {
    	name: "test App",
    	bundle: "",
    	version: "0",
    	versionDate: new Date(),
    	versionDescription: "Test app version 1.0",
    	downloadURL: "",
    	size: "100"



  • class AltSource

    • constructor(config) new AltSource(config)
      • param config Object
        • name : String The name of your source as it will appear in AltStore.
        • identifier: String unique and reverse-DNS format
        • subtitle: String (optional) A short, one-sentence description of your source. This will appear underneath the source's name on its About page.
        • description: String (optional) A full-length description of your source. This can include any information you believe is relevant for your source, such as information about your apps or additional links.
        • iconURL: String || Class that has .toString() (optional) A link to an image that will be used to visually identify your source. It will appear as a circle.
        • headerURL: String || Class that has .toString() (optional) A link to an image that will be displayed as the header of your source's About page. The image will be blurred by default, but can be viewed by swiping the source's info banner.
        • website: String || Class that has .toString() (optional) A link to the primary website for your source. It will be displayed underneath your source's name on its About page.
        • tintColor : String || Class that has .toString() (optional) tint color of the source
        • featuredApps: App[]||String[] (optional) if Array element is App then it's automaticly added to the apps property
        • apps: App[] optional, Apps can be added later on via <Altsource>.addApp(App)
        • news: NewsItem[] optional, News Items can be added later on via <Altsource>.addNewsItem(News)
        • producer: String (optional) default <App>.developerName
      • returns AltSource
    • .toJSON() - JSONifies Source and Returns is
      • returns Any
    • .addNewsItem(newsItem
      • param newsItem NewsItem||Object
        • title String The title of your News item.
        • identifier String (optional) if isn't provided it's automaticly generated
        • caption String A short, one-sentence description of your News item.
        • date Date||String (optional) Any Date string supported by JS Date Class, automatically parsed to ISO 8601 format. If isn't provided it's set to
        • tintColor : String || Class that has .toString() (optional) tint color of the news item
        • imageURL: String||URL|| Class that has .toString() (optional) A link to the image you want featured with your News item.
        • notify: Boolean (optional) When true, AltStore will send a push notification about this News item when it next checks for updates in the background.
        • url: String||URL|| Class that has .toString() (optional) A link that AltStore should open when the News item is tapped. Links will be opened in an in-app web browser.
        • appID : String||App The bundle identifier of an associated app. This will make the app's info banner appear below the News item, which will open the app's Store page when tapped.
      • returns void
    • .addApp(app)
      • param app Object||App
        • name : String The name of your app as it will appear on its store page.
        • bundleIdentifier: String Your app's bundle identifier (CFBundleIdentifier). It is case sensitive and should match exactly what is in your Info.plist.
        • developerName: String (optional) The name of the developer or developers as it will appear on the store page. If isn't provided <AltSource>.producer is used
        • subtitle: String (optional) A short, one-sentence description of your app that will appear in the Browse tab of AltStore.
        • localizedDescription: String A full-length description of your app.
        • iconURL: String || Class that has .toString() (optional) A link to you app's icon image
        • tintColor : String || Class that has .toString() (optional) tint color of the app
        • screenshotURLs : String[] || URL[] Links to screenshots/images of your app.
        • versions: AppVersion[] A list of all the published versions of your app. Newest to the front
        • permisions: AppPermisions[] (optional) Property found in source, use at your own risk, might break your source or behave in an unexpected way
      • returns void
    • .setSourceURL(url)
      • param url String||Class with .toString() - Property found in many other Sources
    • .listApps() - lists all the apps in the source
      • returns App[]
    • .getApp(query)
      • param query: String - App Name or Bundle ID
      • returns App||null
  • class App

    • constructor(config) new App(e) || <AltSource>.addApp(e, altsource)
      • param app Object||App
        • name : String The name of your app as it will appear on its store page.
        • bundleIdentifier: String Your app's bundle identifier (CFBundleIdentifier). It is case sensitive and should match exactly what is in your Info.plist.
        • developerName: String (optional) The name of the developer or developers as it will appear on the store page. If isn't provided <AltSource>.producer is used
        • subtitle: String (optional) A short, one-sentence description of your app that will appear in the Browse tab of AltStore.
        • localizedDescription: String A full-length description of your app.
        • iconURL: String || Class that has .toString() (optional) A link to you app's icon image
        • tintColor : String || Class that has .toString() (optional) tint color of the app
        • screenshotURLs : String[] || URL[] Links to screenshots/images of your app.
        • versions: AppVersion[] A list of all the published versions of your app. Newest to the front
        • permisions: AppPermisions[] (optional) Property found in source, use at your own risk, might break your source or behave in an unexpected way
        • beta: Boolean (optional) Property found in source, use at your own risk, might break your source or behave in an unexpected way
      • param altsource AltSource (optional) - parent AltSource
    • .newVersion( version ) - Adds new version to the app and updates version related properties
      • param version: Object||AppVersion
        • version: String Your app's version number (CFBundleShortVersionString). It is case sensitive and should match exactly what is in your Info.plist.
        • date: String||Date (optional) Any Date string supported by JS Date Class, automatically parsed to ISO 8601 format. If isn't provided it's set to
        • localizedDescription: String (optional) A description of what's new in this version. You can use this to tell users about new features, bugs fixes, etc.
        • downloadURL: String||URL The URL where your .ipa is hosted.
      • returns void
    • .newPermission(permission)
      • permission: String||AppPermission
      • returns void
    • .getLatestVersion()
      • returns String latest version
    • .getAppPermissions()
      • returns String[]||null
    • .isBeta()
      • returns Boolean
    • .toJSON() - JSONifies App and Returns it
      • returns Any
    • .toString()
      • returns String "App Name (Bundle ID i.e."
    • .toggleBeta()
      • returns Boolean the current value of <App>.beta
  • class AppVersion

    • constructor(version) new AppVersion(version) || <App>.newVersion(version)
      • param version: Object||AppVersion
        • version: String Your app's version number (CFBundleShortVersionString). It is case sensitive and should match exactly what is in your Info.plist.
        • date: String||Date (optional) Any Date string supported by JS Date Class, automatically parsed to ISO 8601 format. If isn't provided it's set to
        • localizedDescription: String (optional) A description of what's new in this version. You can use this to tell users about new features, bugs fixes, etc.
        • downloadURL: String||URL The URL where your .ipa is hosted.
      • returns AppVersion
    • .toJSON() - JSONifies AppVersion and Returns it
      • returns Any
    • .toString()
      • returns String version name
  • class AppPermission

    current known App Permisssions are:

    • background-audio
    • background-fetch

    if you find new ones please create an issue

    this is a feature that isn't officially documented, please procced with caution

    • constructor(permission) new AppPermission(permission || <App>.newPermission(permission)
      • param permission: String
      • returns AppPermission||null if the Permission isn't valid then it returns null
    • .toJSON() - JSONifies AppPermission and Returns it
      • returns Any
    • .toString()
      • returns String permission name
  • class NewsItem

    • constructor(newsItem) new NewsItem(newsItem) || <AltSource>.addNewsItem(newsItem)
      • param newsItem NewsItem||Object
        • title String The title of your News item.
        • identifier String (optional) if isn't provided it's automaticly generated
        • caption String A short, one-sentence description of your News item.
        • date Date||String (optional) Any Date string supported by JS Date Class, automatically parsed to ISO 8601 format. If isn't provided it's set to
        • tintColor : String || Class that has .toString() (optional) tint color of the news item
        • imageURL: String||URL|| Class that has .toString() (optional) A link to the image you want featured with your News item.
        • notify: Boolean (optional) When true, AltStore will send a push notification about this News item when it next checks for updates in the background.
        • url: String||URL|| Class that has .toString() (optional) A link that AltStore should open when the News item is tapped. Links will be opened in an in-app web browser.
        • appID : String||App The bundle identifier of an associated app. This will make the app's info banner appear below the News item, which will open the app's Store page when tapped.
      • returns NewsItem
    • .toJSON() - JSONifies NewsItem and Returns is
      • returns Any
  • Express Middleware

    require('altsource').middleware(Configuration, ExtendedConfig)

    Automatically adds AltSource to Express and publishes it on ExtendedConfig.path or /altstore.json

    • param Configuration Object||AltSource
      • same as AltSource
    • param ExtendedConfig Object (optional)
      • path: String (optional) defaults to /altstore.json
    • returns MiddlewareFunction

    MiddlewareFunction(Request, Response, Next)

    When called checks if the path is  `ExtendedConfig.path` or `/altstore.json`
       if not then drops AltSource to `Request.AltSource`
       if it is then responds with the AltSource