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0red edited this page May 9, 2020 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the exeoutput_update wiki!

Hi To create update php/js application in exeoutput You can try my scripts.


this file canNOT be update via script later !!!


update file AES password $pass_buduj_plik='password'

You can change the zone $defaultTimeZone='Europe/Warsaw'

Setting the local PC directory $up_dir='C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\ExeOutput\UserApplication\{APP GUID}'."\\";

{APP GUID} - ExeOutput, Application Output, Output Settings --> Application GUID


$up_dir='C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\ExeOutput\UserApplication\{3AE5192C-F8CC-477F-B0E0-73D6D84D5BF2}'."\\"; // for windows cmd

$up_dir="/mnt/c/Users/<username>/AppData/Local/ExeOutput/UserApplication/{3AE5192C-F8CC-477F-B0E0-73D6D84D5BF2}/"; // for windoes subsystem for Linux (WSL)

update file will be stored as dane5.txt in that directory

Files to include in the update have to be put: function buduj_plik($small=0) { global $up_dir,$pass_buduj_plik; $ar=array( "dane.js", "pmo.php", "jr.js", "ipm.js", "jr.css", "jquery/leaflet.css", "jquery/leaflet-src.js", "jquery/jquery-3.4.1.min.js",

could be any file - except enc_file.php !!! (from practice)

Initial PHP file to open after upgrade $w=array('files'=>$w,'ts'=>$t,'main'=>"pmo.php"); // put HERE the YOUR INITIAL PAGE

Url for page Upload (could be same as for jr_check_update()) $url = 'https://www.<server>.com/pmo.php?upp';

proxy settings: function update_server($proxy='',$possible_proxy=1) {

$proxy - set the proxy manually

$possible proxy - see if ($possible_proxy && preg_match('/^10\\./',$ip)) $options['http']['proxy']='';


after setting You can "compile" initial app using: php enc_file.php build_file1 --> file $up_dir/dane.2.txt HAVE TO BE INCLUDED in Your EXE. file

after setting You can "compile" update using: php enc_file.php build_file

then **copy **to the server: php enc_file.php update_server

help: php enc_file.php help

erase local update copy: php enc_file.php delete_file


File to be set as initial page in EXEOutput

to trigger update

from Your js file main onLoad execute function jr_check_update(url,file_wynik,show_noupdate_info=true)


window.addEventListener("load", after_load);

function after_load() { delay(2000).then((x)=>{jr_check_update();}); }

server pmo.php file

file to be copied to the server


file to be copied to the server

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