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Ipos Deblector: A New Tool for Debugging POS Software

Ipos is a leading provider of point-of-sale (POS) software solutions in the Middle East, offering intuitive customer relation management, data-based analysis, and agile development methods[^2^]. Ipos software is designed to adapt to the needs of various businesses and customers, while streamlining their operations.

However, like any software, Ipos may encounter bugs and errors that need to be fixed. Debugging is the process of finding and resolving these issues in a software program. Debugging can be challenging and time-consuming, especially for complex and large-scale software systems like Ipos.

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That's why Ipos has developed a new tool called Ipos Deblector, which is a plugin for Visual Studio that allows developers to debug their Ipos software using reflection[^3^]. Reflection is a feature of .NET that enables programmers to inspect and modify the code and data of a running program at runtime.

Ipos Deblector enables developers to attach to a running Ipos process and view its internal state, such as variables, fields, properties, methods, events, and assemblies. Developers can also modify the values of these elements and invoke methods on them, as well as set breakpoints and step through the code execution.

Ipos Deblector also supports command-line interface, which allows developers to execute commands and scripts on the attached process without using the graphical user interface (GUI). This can be useful for automation and batch processing.

Ipos Deblector is compatible with Visual Studio 2019 and .NET Framework 4.8. It requires the application to be set to run as a 32-bit application on 64-bit platforms[^3^]. It also requires the user to have administrator privileges on the machine where the Ipos process is running.

Ipos Deblector is available for download from SoundCloud, where users can also listen to an audio sample of the tool[^1^]. Ipos encourages its users to try out this new tool and provide feedback on its performance and usability.

In this article, we will show you how to use Ipos Deblector to debug an Ipos software application. We will assume that you have already installed Visual Studio 2019, .NET Framework 4.8, and Ipos Deblector on your machine.

Step 1: Launch Visual Studio and open the Ipos project

Open Visual Studio and select File -> Open -> Project/Solution. Browse to the folder where your Ipos project is located and select the .sln file. The project should load in Visual Studio.

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Step 2: Set the platform target to x86

Since Ipos Deblector only works with 32-bit applications, you need to set the platform target of your project to x86. To do this, right-click on the project name in the Solution Explorer and select Properties. In the Build tab, change the Platform target to x86 and click OK.

Step 3: Build and run the Ipos application

Now you can build and run your Ipos application as usual. To do this, select Debug -> Start Debugging or press F5. The application should launch and run normally.

Step 4: Attach to the Ipos process using Ipos Deblector

To start debugging with Ipos Deblector, you need to attach to the running Ipos process using Visual Studio. To do this, select Debug -> Attach to Process or press Ctrl+Alt+P. In the Attach to Process dialog box, find the process name that matches your Ipos application (e.g., ipos.exe) and select it. Then click on the Select button next to the Attach to field and choose Managed (v4.8) code from the list of available code types. Click OK and then click Attach.

You should see a message in the Output window that says "Attached to process 'ipos.exe' using 'Ipos Deblector'". This means that you have successfully attached to the Ipos process using Ipos Deblector.

Step 5: Explore and modify the internal state of the Ipos process using Ipos Deblector

Now you can use Ipos Deblector to explore and modify the internal state of the Ipos process using reflection. To do this, select View -> Other Windows -> Deblector Window or press Ctrl+Alt+D. This will open a new window called Deblector Window in Visual Studio.

In the Deblector Window, you can see a tree view of all the elements in the Ipos process, such as assemblies, modules, types, methods, fields, properties, events, etc. You can expand and collapse these elements by clicking on the plus and minus signs next to them.

To view the value of an element, simply select it in the tree view and look at the Value column in the grid view below. You can also edit the value of an element by double-clicking on it in the grid view and typing a new value.

To invoke a method on an element, right-click on it in the tree view and select Invoke Method from the context menu. This will open a dialog box where you can enter the parameters for the method invocation and click Invoke.

To set a breakpoint on an element, right-click on it in the tree view and select Toggle Breakpoint from the context menu. This will add a red circle next to the element name in the tree view, indicating that a breakpoint has been set on it.

To step through the code execution of an element, right-click on it in the tree view and select Step Into from the context menu. This will switch to the code editor window and highlight the line of code corresponding to that element.

Step 6: Use command-line interface for advanced debugging with Ipos Deblector

If you prefer to use command-line interface for debugging with Ipos Deblector, you can do so by opening a new window called Deblector Commandline Window in Visual Studio.

To open this window, select View -> Other Windows 8cf37b1e13