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88 lines (61 loc) · 1.68 KB

File metadata and controls

88 lines (61 loc) · 1.68 KB


Tech Stack

  • Typescript
  • PostgreSQL
  • Prisma
  • Express
  • Postgres sessions

API Routes

Auth Routes

  • /me
  • /login
  • /logout
  • /register

Category Routes

  • /category
  • /categories
  • /categories/sum
  • /category/delete/:categoryId

Transaction Routes

  • /transaction
  • /transactions
  • /transaction/delete/:transactionId

User Routes

  • /updateprofile
  • /updateprofile/password
  • /userprofile/delete

Database Schema


> yarn build ### builds and compiles down to js
> yarn watch ### builds in dev mode with watch
> yarn start ### starts the server
> yarn dev ### starts the server in dev mode with watch mode on
> yarn start:tsnode ### starts the server with the ts-node
> yarn prisma:generate ### generates the sql migration file
> yarn gen-env ### generates .env.example file and generates the types for the environment variables

How to run on your machine

> git clone
> cd personal-expense-log-server
  • Have your postgres database up and running
  • Create .env file and setup your env variables
DATABASE_URL=    ### your postgres connection url 
PORT=            ### port you want the server to run on
NODE_ENV=        ### production | dev
CORS_ORIGIN=     ### your client url
SECRET=          ### express session secret

run these commands

> yarn
> yarn watch
> yarn prisma:generate


you can run the docker file