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JS SDK Example
Steps to run different modules of the Polygon ID JS SDK with exampling code.
polygon id
js sdk

JS SDK Example

This tutorial shows the steps to run different modules of the Polygon ID JS SDK with exampling code. After the steps for each module, you will find a sample output which is generated when these modules are run.

Steps to Run Example Code

We have created a JS SDK Example repository that you can download and run. Follow these steps:

  1. Download the latest circuits from the following curl command:

    curl --output

    where s3 is a bucket that has been created for storing the circuits' data in one of the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for specific regions across the globe.

    The folder is accessed from the s3 bucket and is the output to the local file.

    Unzip the folder downloaded above to the circuits folder in the repository:

    unzip -d circuits
  2. To run the scripts, set the values for the following variables:

    export WALLET_KEY="...key in hex format with matic balance"
    export RPC_URL="...url to polygon amoy network rpc node"
    export RHS_URL="..reverse hash service url"
    export CONTRACT_ADDRESS="..state v2 contract address in the amoy network"
    export CIRCUITS_PATH="..path to the circuits folder"
  3. Run the npm command. For this, Node.js (which contains the npm package) must be installed on your system.

      npm run start

Identity Creation

  1. Initialize DataStorage: To initialize DataStorage, we need a new CredentialStorage, which could be as simple as a Memory Data Storage (InMemoryDataSource). Using Memory Data Storage for new credential storage is not recommended for the production environment. Instead, we could use Browser Data Storage or any other data storage.

    const dataStorage = {
      credential: new CredentialStorage(new InMemoryDataSource<W3CCredential>()),
      identity: new IdentityStorage(
        new InMemoryDataSource<Identity>(),
        new InMemoryDataSource<Profile>()
      mt: new InMemoryMerkleTreeStorage(40),
      states: new EthStateStorage(defaultEthConnectionConfig),


The CredentialStorage accepts the interface of the Data Storage; it does not require Memory or Browser Storage. You can implement your own storage, be it SQL storage or any other type of storage.


Identity stores identities and profiles. mt stores Merkle Trees. states stores Ethereum states of identities.

  1. Initialize CredentialWallet and IdentityWallet: To initialize Identity Wallet, we need dataStorage, and kms (Key Management System).

    const memoryKeyStore = new InMemoryPrivateKeyStore();
    const bjjProvider = new BjjProvider(KmsKeyType.BabyJubJub, memoryKeyStore);
    const kms = new KMS();
    kms.registerKeyProvider(KmsKeyType.BabyJubJub, bjjProvider);
    const statusRegistry = new CredentialStatusResolverRegistry();
    statusRegistry.register(CredentialStatusType.SparseMerkleTreeProof, new IssuerResolver());
      new RHSResolver(dataStorage.states)
    const credWallet = new CredentialWallet(dataStorage, statusRegistry);
    const wallet = new IdentityWallet(kms, dataStorage, credWallet);

    For kms, we need to define a provider that works with keys. For example, we can provide a Baby Jubjub Provider (BJJProvider), an Ethereum Key Provider, or a Register Key Provider(registerKeyProvider), to name a few. For each Provider, we need to pass the storage: AbstractPrivateKeyStore. This storage allows you to create customized encrypted storage. For demo purposes, we have used memoryKeyStore. So in a nutshell, we create storage(memoryKeyStore), pass it to the Provider(BJJProvider), and register this Provider in the Key Management System(registerKeyProvider).

  2. After initialization is complete, to create identity, we need to pass some options, which are accepted by the IdentityCreationOptions interface. The options are as follows:

export interface IdentityCreationOptions {
  method?: DidMethod;
  blockchain?: Blockchain;
  networkId?: NetworkId;
  revocationOpts: {
    id: string;
    type: CredentialStatusType;
    nonce?: number;
  seed?: Uint8Array;

For example:

const seedPhrase: Uint8Array = byteEncoder.encode("seedseedseedseedseedseedseedseed");

const { did, credential } = await wallet.createIdentity({
  method: DidMethod.Iden3,
  blockchain: Blockchain.Polygon,
  networkId: NetworkId.Amoy,
  seed: seedPhrase,
  revocationOpts: {
    type: CredentialStatusType.Iden3ReverseSparseMerkleTreeProof,
    id: "",

If we do not use rhsUrl within createIdentity() method, we get a credentialStatus with a URL as id, which contains an API to fetch the revocation status. Also, in this case, the type of the credentialStatus is SparseMerkleTreeProof.


revocationOpts should provide info on how to fetch the status of a credential. If we use CredentialStatusType.Iden3ReverseSparseMerkleTreeProof within createIdentity() method, we get a credentialStatus with a Reverse Hash Service URL (rhsUrl) as id, which, upon running on a browser, shows a response that contains information about the identity state. If we use CredentialStatusType.Iden3SparseMerkleTreeProof within createIdentity() method, we get a credentialStatus with a URL as id, which contains an API to fetch the revocation status.


Issue Credential

  1. Initialize all storage types

    const dataStorage = {
      credential: new CredentialStorage(new InMemoryDataSource<W3CCredential>()),
      identity: new IdentityStorage(
        new InMemoryDataSource<Identity>(),
        new InMemoryDataSource<Profile>()
      mt: new InMemoryMerkleTreeStorage(40),
      states: new EthStateStorage(defaultEthConnectionConfig),
    const memoryKeyStore = new InMemoryPrivateKeyStore();
    const bjjProvider = new BjjProvider(KmsKeyType.BabyJubJub, memoryKeyStore);
    const kms = new KMS();
    kms.registerKeyProvider(KmsKeyType.BabyJubJub, bjjProvider);
    const credWallet = new CredentialWallet(dataStorage);
    const statusRegistry = new CredentialStatusResolverRegistry();
    statusRegistry.register(CredentialStatusType.SparseMerkleTreeProof, new IssuerResolver());
      new RHSResolver(dataStorage.states)
      new OnChainResolver([defaultEthConnectionConfig])
    resolvers.register(CredentialStatusType.Iden3commRevocationStatusV1, new AgentResolver());
    const credWallet = new CredentialWallet(dataStorage, statusRegistry);
    const wallet = new IdentityWallet(kms, dataStorage, credWallet);
  2. Create Issuer's Identity

    const seedPhraseIssuer: Uint8Array = byteEncoder.encode("seedseedseedseedseedseedseedseed");
    const { did: issuerDID, credential: issuerAuthCredential } = await wallet.createIdentity({
      method: DidMethod.Iden3,
      blockchain: Blockchain.Polygon,
      networkId: NetworkId.Amoy,
      seed: seedPhraseIssuer,
      revocationOpts: {
        type: CredentialStatusType.Iden3ReverseSparseMerkleTreeProof,
        id: "",
  3. Create User's Identity

    const seedPhraseUser: Uint8Array = byteEncoder.encode("userseedseedseedseedseedseeduser");
    const { did: userDID, credential: authBJJCredentialUser } = await identityWallet.createIdentity({
      method: DidMethod.Iden3,
      blockchain: Blockchain.Polygon,
      networkId: NetworkId.Amoy,
      seed: seedPhraseUser,
      revocationOpts: {
        type: CredentialStatusType.Iden3ReverseSparseMerkleTreeProof,
        id: "",
  4. Create Credential Request (credentialRequest) and Issue Credential (issueCredential):

    const claimReq: CredentialRequest = {
      type: "KYCAgeCredential",
      credentialSubject: {
        id: userDID.toString(),
        birthday: 19960424,
        documentType: 99,
      expiration: 12345678888,
      revocationOpts: {
        type: CredentialStatusType.Iden3ReverseSparseMerkleTreeProof,
        id: "",
    const issuerCred = await wallet.issueCredential(issuerDID, claimReq);

Output of Run Command

  "id": "urn:ad777d04-15e9-42ad-bc31-f8acd7191439",
  "@context": [
  "type": ["VerifiableCredential", "KYCAgeCredential"],
  "expirationDate": "2361-03-21T19:14:48.000Z",
  "issuanceDate": "2023-04-26T18:54:26.210Z",
  "credentialSubject": {
    "id": "did:iden3:polygon:amoy:wzwAyDLHL6Nhtj3TnFfUnP7osASXb9hS8BTfa2zeo",
    "birthday": 19960424,
    "documentType": 99,
    "type": "KYCAgeCredential"
  "issuer": "did:iden3:polygon:amoy:wzokvZ6kMoocKJuSbftdZxTD6qvayGpJb3m4FVXth",
  "credentialSchema": {
    "id": "",
    "type": "JsonSchemaValidator2018"
  "credentialStatus": {
    "id": "",
    "revocationNonce": 4303,
    "type": "Iden3ReverseSparseMerkleTreeProof"
  "proof": [
      "type": "BJJSignature2021",
      "issuerData": {
        "id": "did:iden3:polygon:amoy:wzokvZ6kMoocKJuSbftdZxTD6qvayGpJb3m4FVXth",
        "state": {
          "rootOfRoots": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
          "revocationTreeRoot": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
          "claimsTreeRoot": "6091193ec58a6c020183c2d889a92c32410f31812595f228d67a2bf37e04a729",
          "value": "ed17a07e8b78ab979507829fa4d37e663ca5906714d506dec8a174d949c5eb09"
        "authCoreClaim": "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",
        "mtp": {
          "existence": true,
          "siblings": []
        "credentialStatus": {
          "id": "",
          "revocationNonce": 0,
          "type": "Iden3ReverseSparseMerkleTreeProof"
      "coreClaim": "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",
      "signature": "ede3a863f234a29a0e2bb80746c37f4f1cfbe2cb0d1c0668d44b6a69ea7b1b110008effb865ffde590ccaf52a16c7188eaa79a52dcf2ab2baa5145e618526b05"

Generate Proof

  1. Initialize all storages including dataStorage, identityWallet, credentialWallet, circuitStorage, and stateStorage.

    const proofService: IProofService = new ProofService(
      { ipfsNodeURL: "" }

    IPFS node option is mandatory if you are going to support schemas with ipfs:// prefix.

  2. Create Issuer's Identity

  3. Create User's Identity

  4. Create Credential Request (credentialRequest):

    const claimReq: CredentialRequest = {
      type: "KYCAgeCredential",
      credentialSubject: {
        id: userDID.toString(),
        birthday: 19960424,
        documentType: 99,
      expiration: 1693526400,
      revocationOpts: {
        type: CredentialStatusType.Iden3ReverseSparseMerkleTreeProof,
        id: rhsUrl,
  5. Issue Credential (issueCredential):

    const issuerCred = await idWallet.issueCredential(issuerDID, claimReq);
  6. Save Credential(saveCredential):

  7. Add Credentials to Merkle Tree (addCredentialsToMerkleTree) AtomicQueryMTPV2 circuit only :

    const res = await identityWallet.addCredentialsToMerkleTree([credential], issuerDID);
  8. Publish state to Reverse Hash Service(publishStateToRHS) and then to blockchain AtomicQueryMTPV2 circuit only.

    await identityWallet.publishStateToRHS(issuerDID, rhsUrl);
    const ethSigner = new ethers.Wallet(walletKey, (dataStorage.states as EthStateStorage).provider);
  9. Transit State(transitState) AtomicQueryMTPV2 circuit only:

    const txId = await proofService.transitState(

    The transaction ID(txId) is sent to the network.

  10. Generate Proof for ZeroKnowledgeProofRequest. It uses the AtomicQuerySignV2 as the CircuitId.

  • Processe Proof Request:

    const proofReq: ZeroKnowledgeProofRequest = {
      id: 1,
      circuitId: CircuitId.AtomicQueryMTPV2,
      optional: false,
      query: {
        allowedIssuers: ["*"],
        type: claimReq.type,
        credentialSubject: {
          documentType: {
            $eq: 99,
  • Generate Signature Proof

    const { proof, vp } = await proofService.generateProof(proofReq, userDID);

Output of Run Command

  "id": 1,
  "circuitId": "credentialAtomicQueryMTPV2",
  "proof": {
    "pi_a": [
    "pi_b": [
      ["1", "0"]
    "pi_c": [
    "protocol": "groth16",
    "curve": "bn128"
  "pub_signals": [

Verify Proof

  1. Once the proof is generated, the Verifier can verify the proof (Signature or MTP).
  • Verify Proof:

    const sigProofOk = await proofService.verifyProof(
      CircuitId.AtomicQuerySigV2 // or CircuitId.AtomicQueryMTPV2