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2740 lines (1875 loc) · 59.2 KB





Creates a function that always returns a given value

const always = require('1-liners/always');

const T = always(true);
T(); // => true
T(); // => true

const fortyTwo = always(42);
fortyTwo(); // => 42
fortyTwo(); // => 42
SpecSource: val => () => val;


Same as a && b.

const and = require('1-liners/and');

and(true, true); // => true
and(false, true); // => false
SpecSource: (x, y) => x && y;


Returns a new object and assigns assign to object.

const assign = require('1-liners/assign');

const yedi = { id: 1, age: 100 };

assign({ name: 'Yoda', age: 900 }, yedi);  // => { id: 1, name: 'Yoda', age:900 }
SpecSource: (assign, object) => ({ ...object, ...assign });


Returns the average of all items of an array.

const average = require('1-liners/average');

average([2, 3, 4]);        // => 3
average([]);               // => NaN
SpecSource: (array) => array.reduce((a, b) => (a + b), 0) / array.length;


Return number if it’s greater than min and lower than max. Else return min or max respectively.

const between = require('1-liners/between');

between(1, 10, 2.5);  // => 2.5
between(1, 10, -5);   // => 1
between(1, 10, 25);   // => 10
SpecSource: (min, max, number) => (number < min ? min : (number > max ? max : number));


Binds a context to a function. Same as fun.bind(thisArg[, arg1[, arg2[, ...]]])

const bind = require('1-liners/bind');

setTimeout(bind(console, ['Hello'], console.log), 2000); // => 'Hello' (after 2s)
SpecSource: (thisArg, args, fun) => fun.bind(thisArg, ...args);


Same as a & b.

const bitAnd = require('1-liners/bitAnd');

bitAnd(1, 2); // => 0
bitAnd(2, 2); // => 2
SpecSource: (x, y) => x & y;


Same as a | b.

const bitOr = require('1-liners/bitOr');

bitOr(0, 1); // => 1
bitOr(1, 1); // => 1
SpecSource: (x, y) => x | y;


Return a copy of array, without the last item.

import butLast from '1-liners/butLast';

const array = [1, 2, 3];

butLast(array);  // => [1, 2]
array;           // => [1, 2, 3]
SpecSource: (array) => array.slice(0, -1);


Same as a / b

const by = require('1-liners/by');

by(6, 2); // => 3
SpecSource: (a, b) => a / b;


If the provided value is an array returns a copy of it otherwise returns an array containing the original value.

const castArray = require('1-liners/castArray');

castArray([1, 2, 3]);  // => [1, 2, 3]
castArray(1);  				 // => [1]
castArray(null);  	   // => [null]
SpecSource: (value) => Array.isArray(value) ? value.slice(0) : [value];


Same as 'STR'.charAt(0).

const charAt = require('1-liners/charAt');

charAt(0, 'super') // => s
SpecSource: (index, str) => str.charAt(index);


Same as 'STR'.charCodeAt(0).

const charCodeAt = require('1-liners/charCodeAt');

charCodeAt(0, 'super') // => 115
SpecSource: (index, str) => str.charCodeAt(index);


Same as 'STR'.codePointAt(0).

const codePointAt = require('1-liners/codePointAt');

codePointAt(0, 'super') // => 115
SpecSource: (index, str) => str.codePointAt(index);


A pure function to make a list compact and remove falsey values

const compact = require('1-liners/compact');

compact([1, 2, false, 45]); // => [1, 2, 45]
SpecSource: arr => arr.filter(a => a === 0 || !!a);


A pure function to make a object compact and remove falsey values

const compactObject = require('1-liners/compactObject');

compactObject({value: 'ebvk', fgs: undefined,}); // => {value: 'ebvk'}
SpecSource: (obj) => Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, a) => Object.assign(acc, !!obj[a] ? {[a]: obj[a]} : {}), {});


Compose a new function from two given functions.

const compose = require('1-liners/compose');

compose(f, g)(1, 2) === f(g(1, 2));
SpecSource: (f, g) => (...args) => f(g(...args));


Compose a new function with a given array of functions.

const composeAll = require('1-liners/composeAll');

composeAll([f, g, h])(1, 2) === f(g(h(1, 2)));
SpecSource: (fns) => fns.reduce( (f, g) => (...args) => f(g(...args)) );


Returns a copy of array with values or value appended at the end. Same as array.concat(values) or array.concat(value).

const concat = require('1-liners/concat');

concat(['c', 'd'], ['a', 'b']);  // => ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
concat(['c'], ['a', 'b']);       // => ['a', 'b', 'c']
concat('c', ['a', 'b']);         // => ['a', 'b', 'c']
SpecSource: (values, array) => array.concat(values);


Converge two functions into one.

const converge = require('1-liners/converge');

converge(f, g, h)(1, 2) === f(g(1, 2), h(1, 2));
SpecSource: (f, g, h) => (...args) => f(g(...args), h(...args));


Curry a function – split its list of parameters into 2 lists.

import curry from '1-liners/curry';
import reduce from '1-liners/reduce';
import compose from '1-liners/compose';

// You can use reduce and compose to create curry3,4 and so on.
const curry3 = compose(curry, curry);
const curry4 = reduce(compose, [curry, curry, curry]);

const f = (a, b, c, d) => a * b * c * d;
const  = curry(f);  // ~= curry2
const  = curry3(f); // ~= curry3
const  = curry4(f); // ~= curry4

f(1, 2, 3, 4)  === 24

(1)(2, 3, 4) === 24
(1, 2)(3, 4) === 24
(1, 2, 3)(4) === 24

(1)(2)(3, 4) === 24
(1)(2, 3)(4) === 24

(1)(2)(3)(4) === 24
SpecSource: (f) => (...a) => (...b) => f(...a, ...b);


Curry a function from the right – split its parameters into 2 lists. Apply the second list of parameters first, without changing the order within the lists.

import curryRight from '1-liners/curryRight';

const g = (a, b, c, d) => a + b * c - d;
g(1, 2, 3, 4);  // => 3

const  = curryRight(g);
(4)(1, 2, 3);  // => 3
(3, 4)(1, 2);  // => 3
(2, 3, 4)(1);  // => 3
SpecSource: (f) => (...a) => (...b) => f(...b, ...a);


Same as a - 1

const dec = require('1-liners/dec');

dec(1); // => 0
SpecSource: (val) => val - 1;


Returns the tail of array after dropping the first n elements. Use this in place of String's .substr(startIndex) and .substring(startIndex)

const drop = require('1-liners/drop');

const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const string = 'Hello World';

drop(2, array);  // => [3, 4, 5]
drop(6, string); // => 'World'
SpecSource: (n, array) => array.slice(Math.max(n, 0), Infinity);


Same as str.endsWith(searchString).

const endsWith = require('1-liners/endsWith');

endsWith('liners', '1-liners');  // => true
endsWith('stoeffel', 'nope');  // => false
SpecSource: (searchString, str) => str.endsWith(searchString);


Same as str.endsWith(searchString, position).

const endsWithAt = require('1-liners/endsWithAt');

endsWithAt(8, 'liners', '1-liners/endsWithAt');  // => true
endsWithAt(2, 'stoeffel', 'nope');  // => false
SpecSource: (position, searchString, str) => str.endsWith(searchString, position);


Returns an array of a given object's own enumerable property [key, value] pairs Same as Object.keys(obj).map(key => [key, obj[key]]).

const entries = require('1-liners/entries');

entries({ foo: 'bar', baz: 42 }); // => [ ['foo', 'bar'], ['baz', 42] ]
entries(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); // => [ [0, 'foo'], [1, 'bar'], [2, 'baz'] ]
entries({ foo: 'bar', [Symbol('baz')]: 42 }); // => [ ['foo', 'bar'] ]
entries('foo'); // => [ ['0', 'f'], ['1', 'o'], ['2', 'o'] ]
SpecSource: (obj) => Object.keys(obj).map(key => [key, obj[key]]);


Same as a === b.

const equal = require('1-liners/equal');

equal(true, true); // => true
equal(false, true); // => false
equal(1, true); // => false
SpecSource: (x, y) => x === y;


Same as [1,2,3].every(GreaterThan16).

const every = require('1-liners/every');

every(elem => elem > 16, [16,17,18]); // => false
SpecSource: (every, arr) => arr.every(every);


Same as regexObj.exec(str).

const exec = require('1-liners/exec');
const haystack = 'hAyHAYhayneEdLEHayHAy';

exec(haystack, /needle/i);  // => ['neEdLE']
exec(haystack, /n(.+)e/i);  // => ['neEdLE', 'eEdL']
exec(haystack, /needle/);   // => null
SpecSource: (str, regexObj) => regexObj.exec(str);


The opposite of implode.

const explode = require('1-liners/explode');

const sum = (numbers) => numbers.reduce((a, b) => a + b);

explode(sum)(1, 2, 3, 4);  // => 10
SpecSource: (func) => (...args) => func(args);


Same as [1, 2, 3].filter(isOdd).

const filter = require('1-liners/filter');

filter(isOdd, [1, 2, 3]); // => [1, 3]
SpecSource: (filter, arr) => arr.filter(filter);


A pure function to find key from object, matching a predicate similar to or Array.findIndex()

const findKey = require('1-liners/findKey');

const data = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };
findKey((x) => x > 2, data); // => 'c'
SpecSource: (fn, obj) => Object.keys(obj).find(k => fn(obj[k]));


Map a function over a collection and flatten the result by one-level.

const flatMap = require('1-liners/flatMap');

flatMap((x) => [x, x], [1, 2, 3]); // => [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]
SpecSource: (fn, array) => [].concat.apply([],;


Flip a function’s arguments.

const flip = require('1-liners/flip');

const f = (a, b) => a / b;

flip(f)(2, 6);        // => 3
flip(flip(f))(6, 2);  // => 3
SpecSource: (f) => (...args) => f(...args.reverse());


Same as array.reduce.

const fold = require('1-liners/fold');

fold(sum, 8, [1, 2, 3]); // => 2
SpecSource: (fold, initial, arr) => arr.reduce(fold, initial);


Same as array.reduceRight.

const foldRight = require('1-liners/foldRight');

foldRight(sub, 1, [1, 2, 3]); // => -5
SpecSource: (fold, initial, arr) => arr.reduceRight(fold, initial);


Same as [1, 2, 3].forEach(Math.sqrt).

const forEach = require('1-liners/forEach');

forEach(i => console.log('Item: ' + i), [9, 25]); // => logs "Item: 9" and "Item: 25"
SpecSource: (forEach, arr) => arr.forEach(forEach);


Gets the value at path of object.

const get = require('1-liners/get');

 let obj = { a: { b: 42 } };
 get('a.b', obj); // => 42
SpecSource: (path, obj) => path.split('.').reduce((acc, current) => acc && acc[current], obj);


Same as a >= b.

const greaterOrEqual = require('1-liners/greaterOrEqual');

greaterOrEqual(2, 1); // => true
greaterOrEqual(2, 2); // => true
greaterOrEqual(1, 2); // => false
SpecSource: (x, y) => x >= y;


Same as a > b.

const greaterThan = require('1-liners/greaterThan');

greaterThan(2, 1); // => true
greaterThan(2, 2); // => false
greaterThan(1, 2); // => false
SpecSource: (x, y) => x > y;


Same as obj.hasOwnProperty(prop).

const hasOwnProperty = require('1-liners/hasOwnProperty');

hasOwnProperty('a', {a: 1, b: 2});  // => true
hasOwnProperty('c', {a: 1, b: 2});  // => false
SpecSource: (prop, obj) => obj.hasOwnProperty(prop);


Returns the first item of an array.

const head = require('1-liners/head');

head([1, 2, 3]); // => 1
SpecSource: ([head,]) => head;


Returns the value you pass to the function

const identity = require('1-liners/identity');

identity(true); // => true
identity(1); // => 1
identity({ foo: 1 }); // => { foo: 1 }
identity("1-liners"); // => "1-liners"
SpecSource: I => I;


Creates a function which calls then if the predicate is true and returns undefined if the predicate is false.

const ifThen = require('1-liners/ifThen');

const words = ifThen((str) => typeof str === 'string', (str) => str.split(' '));

words('Hello ES2015'); // => ['Hello', 'ES2015']
    words(['Hello', 'ES2015']); // => undefined
SpecSource: (predicate, then) => (...args) => predicate(...args) ? then(...args) : undefined;


Creates a function which calls then if the predicate is true and otherwise if the predicate is false.

const ifThenElse = require('1-liners/ifThenElse');

const eq = (a, b) => a === b;
const add = (a, b) => a + b;
const sub = (a, b) => a - b;

const addIfEq = ifThenElse(eq, add, sub);

addIfEq(1, 1); // => 2
addIfEq(2, 1); // => 1
SpecSource: (predicate, then, otherwise) => (...args) => predicate(...args) ? then(...args) : otherwise(...args);


Collapse a list of arguments into an array of arguments.

const implode = require('1-liners/implode');

const f = (a, b) => a + b;

	[1, 2],
	[3, 4],
	[5, 6],
].map(implode(f));  // => [3, 7, 11]
SpecSource: (func) => (args) => func(...args);


Same as a + 1

const inc = require('1-liners/inc');

inc(1); // => 2
SpecSource: (val) => val + 1;


Same as 'Blue Whale'.includes('blue').

const includes = require('1-liners/includes');

includes('blue', 'Blue Whale') // => false
SpecSource: (searchString, str) => str.includes(searchString);


Same as 'str'.indexOf('t').

const indexOf = require('1-liners/indexOf');

indexOf('a', 'hallo') // => 1
SpecSource: (searchValue, str) => str.indexOf(searchValue);


Check if the number lies between min and max, inclusive.

const isBetween = require('1-liners/isBetween');

isBetween(1, 10, 2.5);  // => true
isBetween(1, 10, -5);   // => false
isBetween(1, 10, 25);   // => false
SpecSource: (min, max, number) => (min <= number && number <= max);


Same as typeof value === 'boolean'.

const isBoolean = require('1-liners/isBoolean');

isBoolean(false);            // => true
isBoolean(true);             // => true

isBoolean(null);             // => false
isBoolean(/anything else/);  // => false
SpecSource: (value) => typeof value === 'boolean';


Same as x === false.

const isFalse = require('1-liners/isFalse');

isFalse(false);  // => true

isFalse('yes');  // => false
isFalse(true);   // => false
isFalse([]);     // => false
isFalse('');     // => false
isFalse(0);      // => false
SpecSource: (x) => x === false;


Same as !.

const isFalsy = require('1-liners/isFalsy');

isFalsy('yes');  // => false
isFalsy(true);   // => false
isFalsy([]);     // => false

isFalsy('');     // => true
isFalsy(0);      // => true
isFalsy(false);  // => true
SpecSource: (x) => !x;


Same as typeof value === 'function'.

const isFunction = require('1-liners/isFunction');

isFunction(function() {});        // => true
isFunction(function named() {});  // => true

isFunction('any other value');    // => false
SpecSource: (value) => typeof value === 'function';


Same as === null.

const isNull = require('1-liners/isNull');

isNull(null);             // => true

isNull(undefined);        // => false
isNull(NaN);              // => false
isNull('anything else');  // => false
SpecSource: (value) => (value === null);


Same as typeof value === 'number'. Use Number.isFinite instead if you want to filter out NaN and Infinity.

const isNumber = require('1-liners/isNumber');

isNumber(1);                // => true
isNumber(3.14);             // => true
isNumber(NaN);              // => true
isNumber(Infinity);         // => true

isNumber('3.14');           // => false
isNumber(/anything else/);  // => false
SpecSource: (value) => typeof value === 'number';


Same as value !== null && typeof value === 'object'.

const isObject = require('1-liners/isObject');

isObject({});               // => true
isObject([]);               // => true
isObject(/anything/);       // => true

isObject(null);             // => false
isObject('anything else');  // => false
SpecSource: (value) => (value !== null && typeof value === 'object');


Checks if an object inherits directly from null or Object.prototype – like an object literal ({...}) does.

Heads up! This function is not supported on IE 10 and below.

const isPlainObject = require('1-liners/isPlainObject');

isPlainObject({});                   // => true
isPlainObject(Object.create(null));  // => true

isPlainObject(null);                 // => false
isPlainObject([]);                   // => false
isPlainObject(/anything else/);      // => false
SpecSource: (value) => (value && typeof value === 'object' && (value.__proto__ == null || value.__proto__ === Object.prototype));


Check if an object's prototype exists in another object's prototype chain

function Foo(){};
function Bar(){};

Bar.prototype = new Foo();

const foo = new Foo();
const bar = new Bar();

Foo.prototype.isPrototypeOf(bar); // => true
Bar.prototype.isPrototypeOf(foo); // => false
SpecSource: (prototypeObj, obj) => prototypeObj.prototype.isPrototypeOf(obj)


Same as typeof value === 'string'.

const isString = require('1-liners/isString');

isString('');               // => true
isString('anything');       // => true

isString(/anything else/);  // => false
SpecSource: (value) => typeof value === 'string';


Same as x === true.

const isTrue = require('1-liners/isTrue');

isTrue(true);   // => true

isTrue('yes');  // => false
isTrue([]);     // => false
isTrue('');     // => false
isTrue(0);      // => false
isTrue(false);  // => false
SpecSource: (x) => x === true;


Same as !!.

const isTruthy = require('1-liners/isTruthy');

isTruthy('yes');  // => true
isTruthy(true);   // => true
isTruthy([]);     // => true

isTruthy('');     // => false
isTruthy(0);      // => false
isTruthy(false);  // => false
SpecSource: (x) => !!x;


Same as typeof value === TYPE.

const isTypeOf = require('1-liners/isTypeOf');

isTypeOf('boolean', false);            // => true
isTypeOf('boolean', true);             // => true

isTypeOf('boolean', null);             // => false
isTypeOf('boolean', /anything else/);  // => false
SpecSource: (type, value) => typeof value === type;


Returns true if a value or reference is undefined.

const isUndefined = require('1-liners/isUndefined');

isUndefined(undefined);        // => true

isUndefined(null);             // => false
isUndefined(false);            // => false
isUndefined(NaN);              // => false
isUndefined('anything else');  // => false
SpecSource: (value) => (value === void 0);


Same as == null.

const isUnknown = require('1-liners/isUnknown');

isUnknown(null);             // => true
isUnknown(undefined);        // => true

isUnknown(false);            // => false
isUnknown('');               // => false
isUnknown(NaN);              // => false
isUnknown(/anything else/);  // => false
SpecSource: (value) => (value == null);


Same as [1, 'liners'].join('-')

const join = require('1-liners/join');

join('-', [1, 'liners']); // => '1-liners'
SpecSource: (superglue, arr) => arr.join(superglue);


Creates an object composed of keys generated from the results of running each element of collection thru iteratee.

const keyBy = require('1-liners/keyBy');
const array = [{id: 1, name: 'One'}, {id: 2, name: 'Two'}];
const dict = keyBy(array, o =>; // => {1: {id: 1, name: 'One'}, 2: {id: 2, name: 'Two'} }
SpecSource: (array, iteratee) => array.reduce((result, item) => (result[iteratee(item)] = item, result), {});


Same as Object.keys(obj).

const keys = require('1-liners/keys');

keys({ 100: 'a', 2: 'b', 7: 'c' }); // => ['2', '7', '100']
keys([1, 2, 3]); // => [0, 1, 2]
SpecSource: (obj) => Object.keys(obj);


Returns the last item of array.

const last = require('1-liners/last');

last([1, 2, 3]);  // => 3
SpecSource: (array) => array[array.length - 1];


Same as 'wow'.lastIndexOf('w').

const lastIndexOf = require('1-liners/lastIndexOf');

lastIndexOf('f', 'waffle') // => 3
SpecSource: (searchValue, str) => str.lastIndexOf(searchValue);


Returns the length of an array.

const length = require('1-liners/length');

length([0, 1, 2]); // => 3
SpecSource: (arr) => arr.length;


Same as a <= b.

const lessOrEqual = require('1-liners/lessOrEqual');

lessOrEqual(1, 2); // => true
lessOrEqual(1, 1); // => true
lessOrEqual(2, 1); // => false
SpecSource: (x, y) => x <= y;


Same as a < b.

const lessThan = require('1-liners/lessThan');

lessThan(1, 2); // => true
lessThan(1, 1); // => false
lessThan(2, 1); // => false
SpecSource: (x, y) => x < y;


Same as 'A'.localeCompare('B').

const localeCompare = require('1-liners/localeCompare');

localeCompare('B', 'A') // => -1
SpecSource: (compareString, str) => str.localeCompare(compareString);


Same as a == b.

const looseEqual = require('1-liners/looseEqual');

looseEqual(true, true); // => true
looseEqual(false, true); // => false
looseEqual(1, true); // => true
SpecSource: (x, y) => x == y;


Same as [1, 2, 3].map(Math.sqrt).

const map = require('1-liners/map');

map(Math.sqrt, [9, 25]); // => [3, 5]
SpecSource: (map, arr) =>;


Same as haystack.match(needle).

const match = require('1-liners/match');

match(/\d+/g, 'Items: 3,2'); // => ["3", "2"]
SpecSource: (needle, haystack) => haystack.match(needle);


Same as Math.max – but with a stable number of arguments.

const max = require('1-liners/max');

max(3, 6);  // => 6

[3, 6, 9].reduce(max);       // => 9
[3, 6, 9].reduce(Math.max);  // => NaN
SpecSource: (a, b) => ((a > b) ? a : b);


Same as object[method](...args)

const method = require('1-liners/method');

const object = {
	base: 1,
	add(number) { return this.base + number; },

method('add', object)(5);  // => 6
SpecSource: (method, object) => (...args) => object[method](...args);


Same as Math.min – but with a stable number of arguments.

const min = require('1-liners/min');

min(3, 6);  // => 3

[3, 6, 1].reduce(min);       // => 1
[3, 6, 1].reduce(Math.min);  // => NaN
SpecSource: (a, b) => ((a > b) ? b : a);


Same as a - b

const minus = require('1-liners/minus');

minus(3, 2); // => 1
SpecSource: (a, b) => a - b;


Same as !(a && b).

const nand = require('1-liners/nand');

nand(0, 0); // => true
nand(1, 1); // => false
SpecSource: (x, y) => !(x && y);


Same as function(){}.

const noop = require('1-liners/noop');

window.console = {
		log: noop,
		error: noop,
		warn: noop,
		table: noop
SpecSource: () => {};


Same as !(a || b).

const nor = require('1-liners/nor');

nor(0, 0); // => true
nor(1, 0); // => false
SpecSource: (x, y) => !(x || y);


Same as 'STR'.normalize().

const normalize = require('1-liners/normalize');

normalize('NFD', '\u1E9B\u0323') // => ẛ̣
SpecSource: (form, str) => str.normalize(form);


Same as !a.

const not = require('1-liners/not');

not(true); // => false
not(false); // => true
SpecSource: (a) => !a;


Returns the nth item of an array.

const nth = require('1-liners/nth');

nth(1, [1, 2, 3]); // => 2
SpecSource: (n, arr) => arr[n];


Creates a copy of the object without the given props.

const omit = require('1-liners/omit');

const object = {foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3};

omit(['foo', 'baz'], object);  // => {bar: 2}
SpecSource: (props, obj) => props.reduce((newObj, val) => (({ [val]: dropped, }) => rest)(newObj), obj);


Creates a function that is restricted to invoking passed function once.

const once = require('1-liners/once');
let count = 0;
let countOnce = once(() => ++count);
countOnce(); // => 1, (count = 1)
countOnce(); // => 1, (count = 1)
SpecSource: (fn) => ((first = true) => () => first ? (first = !first, fn = fn()) : fn)();


Same as a || b.

const or = require('1-liners/or');

or(true, true); // => true
or(false, true); // => true
or(false, false); // => false
SpecSource: (a, b) => a || b;


Partially apply a function.

const partial = require('1-liners/partial');

const add = (a, b, c) => a + b + c;

 const fivePlus = (add, 2, 3);

 fivePlus(4) === 9
SpecSource: (f, ...args) => (...moreArgs) => f(...args, ...moreArgs);


Creates an array of elements split into two groups, the first of which contains elements predicate returns truthy for, the second of which contains elements predicate returns falsey for. The predicate is invoked with one argument: (value).

const partition = require('1-liners/partition');

const [even, odd] = partition([1, 2, 3, 4], n => n % 2 === 0); // => even: [2, 4], odd: [1, 3]
SpecSource: (array, predicate) => array.reduce((result, item) => (result[Number(!predicate(item))].push(item), result), [[], []]);


Copies only specified properties from an object into a new object.

const pick = require('1-liners/pick');

const object = {foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3};

pick(['foo', 'baz'], object);  // => {foo: 1, baz: 3}
SpecSource: (properties, object) => Object.assign({}, => ({[key]: object[key]})));


Pipe arguments through functions.

const pipe = require('1-liners/pipe');

pipe(f, g)(1, 2) === g(f(1, 2));
SpecSource: (f, g) => (...args) => g(f(...args));


Pipe arguments through an array of functions.

const pipeAll = require('1-liners/pipeAll');

pipeAll([f, g, h])(1, 2) === h(g(f(1, 2)));
SpecSource: (fns) => fns.reduceRight( (f, g) => (...args) => f(g(...args)) );


Same as a + b.

const plus = require('1-liners/plus');

plus(2, 8);      // => 10
plus('a', 'b');  // => 'ab'
SpecSource: (a, b) => a + b;


Returns the product of all items of an array.

const product = require('1-liners/product');

product([2, 3, 4]);        // => 24
product([]);               // => 1
SpecSource: (array) => array.reduce((a, b) => (a * b), 1);


Same as object[property]

const property = require('1-liners/property');

const object = {foo: 1};

property('foo', object);  // => 1
SpecSource: (property, object) => object[property];


Returns a Boolean indicating whether the specified property is enumerable.

const FOO = {
 'bar' : 'bar'
FOO.propertyIsEnumerable('bar') // => true
FOO.propertyIsEnumerable('length') // => false
SpecSource: (obj, property) => obj.propertyIsEnumerable(property)


Same as push but immutable.

const push = require('1-liners/push');

push(4, [1, 2, 3]); // => [1, 2, 3, 4]
SpecSource: (element, arr) => [...arr, element];


Same as Object.assign({}, obj, {[key]: val})

const put = require('1-liners/put');

const object = {id: 1};

put('name', 'stoeffel', object);  // => { id: 1, name: 'stoeffel' }
SpecSource: (key, val, obj) => Object.assign({}, obj, {[key]: val});


A pure function to generate a range of numbers from start(including) to end(excluding)

const range = require('1-liners/range');

range(1, 5); // => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
SpecSource: (start, end) => Array.from({length: (end - start)}, (v, k) => k + start);


Same as [1, 2, 3].reduce(sum).

const reduce = require('1-liners/reduce');

reduce(sum, [1, 2, 3]); // => 6
SpecSource: (func, arr) => arr.reduce(func);


Same as [1, 2, 3].reduceRight(sub).

const reduceRight = require('1-liners/reduceRight');

reduceRight(sub, [1, 2, 3]); // => -4
SpecSource: (reduce, arr) => arr.reduceRight(reduce);


Same as 'STR'.repeat(1).

const repeat = require('1-liners/repeat');

repeat(1, 'super') // => super
SpecSource: (times, str) => str.repeat(times);


Same as haystack.replace(needle, replace).

const replace = require('1-liners/replace');

replace(/\d+/g, sub => `"${sub}"`, 'Items: 3,2'); // => Items: "3","2"
replace(':', '=', 'Items: 3,2'); // => Items= 3,2
SpecSource: (needle, replace, haystack) => haystack.replace(needle, replace);


Same as 'STR'.search(regexp).

const search = require('1-liners/search');

search(/s/, 'super') // => 0
SpecSource: (regexp, str) =>;


Copy all properties of an object into a new plain object.

import shallowClone from '1-liners/shallowClone';

const source = {
	value: 'value',
	reference: /reference/,
const target = shallowClone(source);

target === source                      // => false
target.value === source.value          // => true
target.reference === source.reference  // => true
SpecSource: (object) => Object.assign({}, object);


Shave ensures that a function is called with n arguments.

const shave = require('1-liners/shave');

map(parseInt, [0, 1.1, 2.2]); // => [0, NaN, NaN]
map(shave(1, parseInt), [0, 1.1, 2.2]); // => [0, 1, 2]
SpecSource: (shave, f) => (...args) => f(...(args.slice(0, shave)));


Returns the sign of a number. 1 if n is positive, -1 if n is negative and 0 if n is 0. Otherwise returns NaN.

const signum = require('1-liners/signum');

signum(-5);         // => -1
signum(-Infinity);  // => -1

signum(10);         // => 1
signum(Infinity);   // => 1

signum(0);          // => 0
signum(-0);         // => 0
SpecSource: (n) => (n === 0 ? 0 : (n > 0 ? 1 : (n < 0 ? -1 : NaN)));


Same as '1-liners'.slice(2,4) or [1,2,3,4].slice(1,3) Use in place of '1-liners'.substring(2,6)

const slice = require('1-liners/slice');

slice(2, 6, '1-liners'); // => 'line'
slice(1, 3, [1,2,3,4]); // => [2,3]
SpecSource: (startIndex, endIndex, arg) => arg.slice(Math.max(startIndex, 0), endIndex);


Same as [1,2,3].some(GreaterThan16)

const some = require('1-liners/some');

some(elem => elem > 16, [16,17,18]); // => true
SpecSource: (some, arr) => arr.some(some);


Same as '1-liners'.split('-')

const split = require('1-liners/split');

split('-', '1-liners'); // => [1, 'liners']
SpecSource: (split, str) => str.split(split);


Same as str.startsWith(searchString).

const startsWith = require('1-liners/startsWith');

startsWith('1', '1-liners');  // => true
startsWith('stoeffel', 'nope');  // => false
SpecSource: (searchString, str) => str.startsWith(searchString);


Same as str.startsWith(searchString, position).

const startsWithAt = require('1-liners/startsWithAt');

startsWithAt(2, 'liners', '1-liners/startsWithAt');  // => true
startsWithAt(2, 'stoeffel', 'nope');  // => false
SpecSource: (position, searchString, str) => str.startsWith(searchString, position);


Sums all items of an array.

const sum = require('1-liners/sum');

sum([1, 2, 3]);        // => 6
sum([]);               // => 0
SpecSource: (array) => array.reduce((a, b) => (a + b), 0);


Returns the tail of an array

const tail = require('1-liners/tail');

tail([1, 2, 3]); // => [2, 3]
SpecSource: ([,...tail]) => tail;


Take n items of an array. Same as arr.slice(0, n).

const take = require('1-liners/take');

take(2, [1, 2, 3]); // => [1, 2]
SpecSource: (take, arr) => arr.slice(0, take);


Take items of an array until they fulfill a predicate.

const takeUntil = require('1-liners/takeUntil');

takeUntil(i => i % 2 === 1, [2, 4, 6, 8, 7, 8, 8]); // => [2, 4, 6, 8]
SpecSource: (pred, arr) => arr.reduce((newArr, i) => { if (pred(i)) arr.length = 0; else newArr.push(i); return newArr; }, []);


Take items of an array while they fulfill a predicate.

const takeWhile = require('1-liners/takeWhile');

takeWhile(i => i % 2 === 0, [2, 4, 6, 8, 7, 8, 8]); // => [2, 4, 6, 8]
SpecSource: (pred, arr) => arr.reduce((newArr, i) => { if (!pred(i)) arr.length = 0; else newArr.push(i); return newArr; }, []);


Same as regexObj.test(str).

const test = require('1-liners/test');
const haystack = 'hAyHAYhayneEdLEHayHAy';

test(haystack, /needle/);   // => false
test(haystack, /needle/i);  // => true
SpecSource: (str, regexObj) => regexObj.test(str);


Same as a * b

const times = require('1-liners/times');

times(3, 2); // => 6
SpecSource: (a, b) => a * b;


Same as 'STR'.toLowerCase().

const toLowerCase = require('1-liners/toLowerCase');

toLowerCase('HALLO') // => 'hallo'
SpecSource: (str) => str.toLowerCase();


typeOf is a function that return the true type of a variable.

import toType from '1-liners/toType';

 toType({a: 4}); //"object"
 toType([1, 2, 3]); //"array"
 (function() {console.log(toType(arguments))})(); //arguments
 toType(new ReferenceError); //"error"
 toType(new Date); //"date"
 toType(/a-z/); //"regexp"
 toType(Math); //"math"
 toType(JSON); //"json"
 toType(new Number(4)); //"number"
 toType(new String("abc")); //"string"
 toType(new Boolean(true)); //"boolean"
SpecSource: (obj) => ({})\s([a-zA-Z]+)/)[1].toLowerCase();


Same as 'str'.toUpperCase().

const toUpperCase = require('1-liners/toUpperCase');

toUpperCase('hallo') // => 'HALLO'
SpecSource: (str) => str.toUpperCase();


Same as 'STR'.trim().

const trim = require('1-liners/trim');

trim('  super  ') // => super
SpecSource: (str) => str.trim();


Truncate string when longer than maxLength and add the Unicode Character horizontal ellipsis keeping the total within maxLength.

const truncate = require('1-liners/truncate');

truncate('super', 5) // => super
truncate('super', 4) // => sup…
SpecSource: (str, maxLength) => str.length > maxLength ? `${str.substr(0, maxLength - 1)}…` : str


Uncurry a function – collapse 2 lists of parameters into one.

import uncurry from '1-liners/uncurry';

const f = (a) => (b) => a + b;
const  = uncurry(f);
(1, 2);  // => 3

const g = (a) => (b, c) => a + b + c
const  = uncurry(g);
(1, 2, 3);  // => 6
SpecSource: (f) => (a, => f(a)(;


Uncurry a function – collapse 3 lists of parameters into one.

import uncurry3 from '1-liners/uncurry3';

const f = (a) => (b) => (c) => a + b + c;
const  = uncurry3(f);
(1, 2, 3);  // => 6

const g = (a) => (b) => (c, d) => a + b + c + d;
const  = uncurry3(g);
(1, 2, 3, 4);  // => 10
SpecSource: (f) => (a, b, => f(a)(b)(;


Builds a list from a seed value.

const unfold = require('1-liners/unfold');

const fn = n => n < 20 ?  [n, n + 1] : false;
unfold(fn, 10); // => [10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19]

// range in terms of unfold
const range = (from, to) => unfold((seed) => seed < to ? [seed, seed + 1] : false, from);
range(1, 10); // => [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
SpecSource: function unfold (fn, seed, acc = [], next = fn(seed)) { return next ? unfold(fn, next[1], [...acc, next[0]]) : acc }


Creates a duplicate-free version of an array.

const uniq = require('1-liners/uniq');

uniq([1, 2, 2]); // => [1, 2]
SpecSource: (array) => array.filter((value, index, self) => index === self.findIndex(other => other === value));


Remove duplicates from an array of objects by invoking iteratee for each object.

const get = require('1-liners/uniqBy');

let array = [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 1 }];
uniqBy(array, o =>; // => [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }]
SpecSource: (array, iteratee) => array.filter((value, index, self) => index === self.findIndex(other => iteratee(other) === iteratee(value)));


Get all values of an object Same as Object.keys(obj).map(i => obj[i]).

const values = require('1-liners/values');

values({ 100: 'a', 2: 'b', 7: 'c' }); // => ['a', 'b', 'c']
values(['a', 'b', 'c']); // => ['a', 'b', 'c']
SpecSource: (obj) => Object.keys(obj).map(i => obj[i]);


Same as (x && !y) || (!x && y)

const xor = require('1-liners/xor');

xor(0, 1); // => 1
xor(1, 1); // => 0
SpecSource: (x, y) => (x && !y) || (!x && y)


Creates an array of grouped elements, the first of which contains the first elements of the given arrays, the second of which contains the second elements of the given arrays, and so on.

const zip = require('1-liners/zip');
zip(['a', 'b'], [1, 2], [true, false]) // => [['a', 1, true], ['b', 2, false]]
SpecSource: (...arrays) => Array.from({ length: Math.max( => a.length)) }).map((_, i) => => a[i]));