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Writing HmsLogs in Local Storage

Save Logs from SDK in Local Storage

Logs from hmsSDK can be saved as a file in local storage by setting the settings from HmsLogSettings in Builder of hmsSDK instance. In this , whenever there is a log printed from hmsSDK it will be saved in a seperate file.

馃挕 Each new meeting will have a seperate session log with file name as session-log-<room_id> file, where <room_id> is a placeholder

Implementation Details

HmsLogSettings must be passed as a parameter in hmsSdk builder object during instantiation.


maxDirSizeInBytes - max dir size in bytes to be maintained for /logs default - set to 10mb.

馃挕 Note : if the directory size exceeds the maxDirSizeInBytes provided by client, then it will delete the oldest files next time user starts a meeting to make room for new ones.

A background service is also started once a day to make sure that size of directory never exceeds the desired size.

isLogStorageEnabled - set to true if /logs are to be saved else false default - false.
level - set log level for logs to observe default - HMSLogger.Debug

<Tabs id="save-log-dir" items={['Kotlin', 'Java']} />

    private val hmsLogSettings : HMSLogSettings = HMSLogSettings(LogAlarmManager.DEFAULT_DIR_SIZE,true)

    val hmsSDK = HMSSDK
    HMSLogSettings hmsLogSettings = new HMSLogSettings(LogAlarmManager.DEFAULT_DIR_SIZE,true, HMSLogger.LogLevel.DEBUG);

    HMSSDK hmssdk = new HMSSDK.Builder(application)

馃挕 whenever there is a crash in hmsSDK , it will be logged in the file named as crash-log-<room_id> where <room_id> is a placeholder.

Fetching the Log Directory From SDK

It could look something like this:


<Tabs id="fetch-log-dir" items={['Kotlin', 'Java']} />

       val dir : File = LogUtils.getDirPath(context = context)
       File dir = LogUtils.getDirPath(context)