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Noise Cancellation

100ms offers noise cancellation at the mic if you need it. This removes noise from outgoing audio.

It supports the same minSdk as the core HMS SDK which is 21 (Android 5.0, Lollipop).

The noise cancellation is opt-in, here are the steps to enable it:

  1. Add the following import to your app
implementation "live.100ms:hms-noise-cancellation-android:$hmsVersion"
  1. Toggle noise cancellation on in your application with hmsSDK.setNoiseCancellationEnabled(true) in your onJoin callback.

Note: Adding the library for noise cancellation will increase app size by 5.6 Mb.
Noise cancellation is turned off by default for all calls.

How to Join with Noise cancellation Enabled

To enable noise cancellation by default, add the option in the audio track settings while constucting the HMSSDK object.

This is the same as enabling noise cancellation in your onJoin callback as seen above.

<Tabs id="noise-cancellation" items={['Kotlin', 'Java']} />

private val hmsTrackSettings = HMSTrackSettings.Builder()

    val hmsSDK = HMSSDK
HMSAudioTrackSettings audioSettings = new HMSAudioTrackSettings.Builder()
HMSTrackSettings hmsTrackSettings = new HMSTrackSettings.Builder()

HMSSDK hmsSdk = new HMSSDK.Builder(application)

How to Enable and Disable Noise Cancellation After Joining

Noise cancellation can be turned on or off dynamically. When starting calls it is always off by default.

Toggle it on or off during a call with:

hmsSDK.setNoiseCancellationEnabled(true) // or false

To get the current state of noise cancellation call:

val enabled : Boolean = hmsSDK.getNoiseCancellationEnabled()


To debug issues with noise cancellation call hmsSDK.isNoiseCancellationSupported()

This will either return AvailabilityStatus.Available or it will return AvailabilityStatus.NotAvailable(val reason : String)

To see the reason why it's not available, check the reason provided in NotAvailable. Possible reasons may be:

  1. The noise cancellation import was not added.
val availability : AvailabilityStatus = hmsSDK.isNoiseCancellationSupported()

if(availability == AvailabilityStatus.Available) {
    /// is available, but not necessarily enabled
} else {
    val reason = (availability as AvailabilityStatus.NotAvailable).reason
    Log.d("NoiseCancellation","Not available because of $reason")