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Prebuilt Quickstart
Pawan Dixit


This guide will walk you through the steps to create a video conferencing/live-streaming app using the Prebuilt component of the Roomkit SDK.

RoomKit SDK for iOS enables you to integrate our production-ready conferencing and livestreaming UI into your own app effortlessly. This doc will guide you through the integration process and provide examples of common use cases.


  • 100ms account: You need to have a 100ms account to create a room and get a room-code/auth-token. You can create a 100ms account here.
  • Xcode 14 or higher
  • iOS 15 or higher
  • NSMicrophoneUsageDescription (ie. Privacy - Microphone Usage Description) in info.plist of your app
  • NSCameraUsageDescription (ie. Privacy - Camera Usage Description) in info.plist of your app

👀 To see an example app implementation of a conferencing/livestreaming app using 100ms RoomKit SDK, checkout the example folder of 100ms-roomkit-iosrepository.


You can integrate RoomKit SDK into your project using Swift Package Manager (SPM). Follow these steps:

  1. Open your Xcode project.
  2. Navigate to File > Add Package Dependency.
  3. In the dialog that appears, enter the following URL as the package source:
  4. Click Next and follow the prompts to add the package to your project.

RoomKit Basics

Import SDK

You import the RoomKit SDK with following import statement

import HMSRoomKit

Instantiate HMSPrebuiltView

You use SwiftUI view called HMSPrebuiltView to instantiate a production-ready conferencing and livestreaming UI. You can either pass q room code or an auth token to HMSPrebuiltView.

Initialize HMSPrebuiltView with a room code

// Initialize with room code
HMSPrebuiltView(roomCode: /*pass room code as string here*/)

Initialize HMSPrebuiltView with an auth token

// Initialize with auth token
HMSPrebuiltView(token: /*pass role's auth token as string here*/)

Example usage

Fully Featured Conferencing/Livestreaming App with Room Code

To create a fully featured conferencing/Livestreaming app with just a room code for a role, use the following code snippet. Make sure to pass a valid room code as a string:

import SwiftUI
import HMSRoomKit

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        HMSPrebuiltView(roomCode: /*pass room code as string here*/)

Fully Featured Conferencing/Livestreaming App with Auth Token

To create a fully featured conferencing/Livestreaming app with just an Auth Token for a role, use the following code snippet. Pass the role's auth token as a string:

import SwiftUI
import HMSRoomKit

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        HMSPrebuiltView(token: /*pass role's auth token as string here*/)

Following demo video shows you how to integrate RoomKit SDK in your app by follwing instructions above

Adding Screen Sharing Feature

To add screen sharing to your app that uses Prebuilt, follow these steps:

  1. Use the code snippet below, replacing the placeholders with your App Group ID and Broadcast Upload Extension's bundle ID:
import SwiftUI
import HMSRoomKit

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        HMSPrebuiltView(roomCode: "<your-room-code>")
          .screenShare(appGroupName: "", screenShareBroadcastExtensionBundleId: "live.100ms.videoapp.roomkit.Screenshare")
  1. Ensure you have set up a broadcast upload extension target in your app and connected it with 100ms-ios-broadcast-sdk. For detailed instructions, refer to this guide.

Showing Prebuilt Screen Conditionally

To conditionally display the Prebuilt Screen from other views in your app, use the following code snippet:

import SwiftUI
import HMSRoomKit

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var roomCode = ""
    @State var isMeetingViewPresented = false
    var body: some View {
        if isMeetingViewPresented && !roomCode.isEmpty {
            HMSPrebuiltView(roomCode: roomCode, onDismiss: {
                isMeetingViewPresented = false
        else {
            VStack {
                TextField("Enter Room Code", text: $roomCode)
                Button {
                } label: {

This code allows you to conditionally display the Prebuilt Screen based on user input.