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133 lines (117 loc) · 3.92 KB

497. Random Point in Non-overlapping

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133 lines (117 loc) · 3.92 KB

leetcode Daily Challenge on August 22th, 2020.

Difficulty : Medium

Related Topics : RandomBinary Search

Given a list of non-overlapping axis-aligned rectangles rects, write a function pick which randomly and uniformily picks an integer point in the space covered by the rectangles.


  • An integer point is a point that has integer coordinates.
  • A point on the perimeter of a rectangle is included in the space covered by the rectangles.
  • ith rectangle = rects[i] = [x1,y1,x2,y2], where [x1, y1] are the integer coordinates of the bottom-left corner, and [x2, y2] are the integer coordinates of the top-right corner.
  • length and width of each rectangle does not exceed 2000.
  • 1 <= rects.length <= 100
  • pick return a point as an array of integer coordinates [p_x, p_y]
  • pick is called at most 10000 times.

Example 1:


Example 2:


Explanation of Input Syntax:

  • The input is two lists: the subroutines called and their arguments. Solution's constructor has one argument, the array of rectangles rects. pick has no arguments. Arguments are always wrapped with a list, even if there aren't any.


same as 528. Random Pick with Weight

  • mine
    • Java
      • Runtime: 54 ms, faster than 99.51%, Memory Usage: 45.9 MB, less than 81.98% of Java online submissions
        Random random;
        int[] sum;
        int[][] rects;
        int n;
        public Solution(int[][] rects) {
            this.rects = rects;
            n = rects.length;
            random = new Random();
            sum = new int[n + 1];
            for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
                sum[i + 1] = sum[i] + (rects[i][2] - rects[i][0] + 1) * (rects[i][3] - rects[i][1] + 1);
        public int[] pick() {
            int next = random.nextInt(sum[n]);
            int l = 1, r = n;
            while(l < r){
                int mid = (l + r) >>> 1;
                if(next >= sum[mid]){
                    l = mid + 1;
                    r = mid;
            int[] t = rects[l - 1];
            int w = t[2] - t[0] + 1;
            int h = t[3] - t[1] + 1;
            next = next - (sum[l] - w * h);
            return new int[]{t[0] + next % w, t[1] + next / w};
            //return new int[]{t[0] + next / h, t[1] + next % h};

  • the most votes
  • Runtime: 56 ms, faster than 96.12%, Memory Usage: 45.9 MB, less than 82.29% of Java online submissions
    int[][] rects;
    List<Integer> psum = new ArrayList<>();
    int tot = 0;
    Random rand = new Random();
    public Solution(int[][] rects) {
        this.rects = rects;
        for (int[] x : rects){
            tot += (x[2] - x[0] + 1) * (x[3] - x[1] + 1);
    public int[] pick() {
        int next = rand.nextInt(tot);
        int lo = 0;
        int hi = rects.length - 1;
        while (lo != hi) {
            int mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1;
            if (next >= psum.get(mid)) lo = mid + 1;
            else hi = mid;
        int[] x = rects[lo];
        int width = x[2] - x[0] + 1;
        int height = x[3] - x[1] + 1;
        int base = psum.get(lo) - width * height;
        next -= base;
        return new int[]{x[0] + next % width, x[1] + next / width};