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executable file
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File metadata and controls

executable file
96 lines (69 loc) · 4.19 KB

Commands list

Hi dspp v9.0.0
╔═══════════════════════════════════ `runner` commands list ═══════════════════════════════════╗
║list_commands (?)                                               Display all available commands║
║quit (q)                                                                                      ║
╠════════════════════════════════════ `dspp` commands list ════════════════════════════════════╣
║config $config_name                                                                           ║
║parse                                                                                         ║
║plan [$commit]                                                                                ║
║apply [$force_config]                                                                         ║
║version                                                                                       ║
║config_prune                                                                                  ║
║update $path, $value                                                                          ║

"config" command: precompile a dynamic config into a flat file

This command has no need for the Docker socket.

Automate with:

dspp production.yml --ir://run=config --config_name=configs/azerty.yml --ir://raw > configs/azerty.flat.ext

"config_prune" command: prune orphan configs from the stack

This command requires a read-write connection to the Docker socket.

Automate with:

dspp production.yml --ir://run=config_prune

"parse" command: output the raw compose file

This command has no need for the Docker socket.

The write parameter instructs dspp to write on disk all the files required by the current filter. This is what apply would also do before calling docker stack deploy.

Automate with:

# output the parsed stack and redirect to a YAML file of your choice
dspp production.yml --ir://raw --ir://run=parse > production.flat.yml
# deploy the stack (replace "my-stack" with our own stack name)
dspp production.yml --ir://raw --ir://run=parse --write | docker stack deploy --compose-file - my-stack

"plan" command: prepare the compose file and diff against the running stack

This command requires a read-only connection to the Docker socket.

In an interactive session, can be used to observe the difference of local changes against the current stack.

The commit parameter does not affect the live stack, but only the internal representation in-memory for dspp.

Automate with:

# plan and ask for confirmation
dspp production.yml --ir://run=plan --ir://raw
# plan and skip confirmation
dspp production.yml --ir://run=plan --commit --ir://raw

"apply" command: send the contents of the current plan to the stack for deployment

This command requires a read-write connection to the Docker socket.

In an interactive session, can only be used after plan. After the docker stack deploy command it is meant to do, this function also runs a docker service ls command.

Automate with:

# plan, ask for confirmation and apply
dspp production.yml --ir://run=plan --ir://run=apply --ir://raw
# plan and apply in one go
dspp production.yml --ir://run=plan --commit --ir://run=apply --ir://raw

"update" command: used internally

This command requires a read-write connection to the Docker socket.

Do not use.

"version" command: show Docker version information

This command requires a read-only connection to the Docker socket.

Automate with:

# dspp version number (plain text) and docker version (JSON)
dspp --ir://run=version --ir://json