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Domain Scan Orchestration

Set up

The steps that follow are needed to set up the mechanism to schedule jobs.

First - clone the repo:

git clone

Second - Providing credentials:

  • options.creds - this is a json file that was serialized with python's built in json library and the following code:
	import json
	dicter = { 
		"censys_id": "", 
		"censys_key": "", 
		"query": "parsed.subject.common_name:/gov/ or parsed.extensions.subject_alt_name.dns_names:/gov/", 
		"export": true

You'll need to fill in censys_id and censys_key with your credentials from censys.

`github_token.creds` - this is a json file that was serialized with python's built in json library and the following code:
	import json
	github_token = ""
	json.dump(github_token, open("github_token.creds","w"))

You'll need to get a github token by following the directions found here

Make sure both of these commands are run from the top level directory.

Third - login to

logging in

Fourth - create a database and name it celery-test

To create the database, follow the steps outlined here:

I'm not sure if you need to run this step, it might be possible to just have the manifest files run this, but I created the database manually and it worked. I didn't have time to test with having the database get automatically get created from the manifest file.

Fifth - run the deployer script:


Run the above command to deploy the three seperate manifests found in:

  • manifest.yml

  • manifest_celery_worker.yml

  • manifest_celery_beat.yml

The next thing you'll need to do is very, very hacky -

Head over to

You'll need to do this to initialize the database to Flask-SQLAlchemy. This is probably possible to do more easily, but I couldn't figure it out.

Then you'll need to upload a csv with a single column called Domain that has a list of all the domains you'll want to scan. Head to and upload the file to the upload button that should be on the page.

If you want to make sure that the scheduler is running you can head over to:

This will kick off the process manually. If you don't see a change, you can reset the csv by hitting: and then hitting again.

The csv should return to it's original state which can be found here:


Once you are confident the scheduler works, you can just let it run! The schedule is set in here:

schedule = {
    "gatherer": {
        "task": "app.gatherer",
        "schedule": crontab(0, 0, day_of_week=2),

If you want to add other tasks, simply add them there.


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