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File metadata and controls

230 lines (161 loc) · 20.1 KB


http defines an HTTP client implementation. It is a thin wrapper around the Go standard package net/http but in Python requests style.


get(url,params={},headers={},auth=(),timeout=30,allow_redirects=True,verify=True) response

Perform an HTTP GET request, returning a response.


name type description
url string URL to request.
headers dict optional. dictionary of headers to add to request.
auth tuple optional. (username,password) tuple for HTTP Basic authorization.
timeout float optional. how many seconds to wait for the server to send all the data before giving up. 0 means no timeout.
allow_redirects bool optional. whether to follow redirects.
verify bool optional. whether to verify the server's SSL certificate.

put(url,params={},headers={},body="",form_body={},form_encoding="",json_body={},auth=(),timeout=30,allow_redirects=True,verify=True) response

Perform an HTTP PUT request, returning a response.


name type description
url string URL to request.
headers dict optional. dictionary of headers to add to request.
body string optional. raw string body to provide to the request.
form_body dict optional. dict of values that will be encoded as form data. the value can be a string or a list of two strings (filename, file content) for file attachments.
form_encoding string optional. application/x-www-form-url-encoded (default) or multipart/form-data.
json_body any optional. JSON data to supply as a request. handy for working with JSON-API's.
auth tuple optional. (username,password) tuple for HTTP Basic authorization.
timeout float optional. how many seconds to wait for the server to send all the data before giving up. 0 means no timeout.
allow_redirects bool optional. whether to follow redirects.
verify bool optional. whether to verify the server's SSL certificate.

post(url,params={},headers={},body="",form_body={},form_encoding="",json_body={},auth=(),timeout=30,allow_redirects=True,verify=True) response

Perform an HTTP POST request, returning a response.


name type description
url string URL to request.
headers dict optional. dictionary of headers to add to request.
body string optional. raw string body to provide to the request.
form_body dict optional. dict of values that will be encoded as form data. the value can be a string or a list of two strings (filename, file content) for file attachments.
form_encoding string optional. application/x-www-form-url-encoded (default) or multipart/form-data.
json_body any optional. JSON data to supply as a request. handy for working with JSON-API's.
auth tuple optional. (username,password) tuple for HTTP Basic authorization.
timeout float optional. how many seconds to wait for the server to send all the data before giving up. 0 means no timeout.
allow_redirects bool optional. whether to follow redirects.
verify bool optional. whether to verify the server's SSL certificate.

postForm(url,params={},headers={},form_body={},form_encoding="",auth=(),timeout=30,allow_redirects=True,verify=True) response

Perform an HTTP POST request with form data, returning a response.


name type description
url string URL to request.
headers dict optional. dictionary of headers to add to request.
form_body dict optional. dict of values that will be encoded as form data. the value can be a string or a list of two strings (filename, file content) for file attachments.
form_encoding string optional. application/x-www-form-url-encoded (default) or multipart/form-data.
auth tuple optional. (username,password) tuple for HTTP Basic authorization.
timeout float optional. how many seconds to wait for the server to send all the data before giving up. 0 means no timeout.
allow_redirects bool optional. whether to follow redirects.
verify bool optional. whether to verify the server's SSL certificate.

delete(url,params={},headers={},body="",form_body={},form_encoding="",json_body={},auth=(),timeout=30,allow_redirects=True,verify=True) response

Perform an HTTP DELETE request, returning a response.


name type description
url string URL to request.
headers dict optional. dictionary of headers to add to request.
body string optional. raw string body to provide to the request.
form_body dict optional. dict of values that will be encoded as form data. the value can be a string or a list of two strings (filename, file content) for file attachments.
form_encoding string optional. application/x-www-form-url-encoded (default) or multipart/form-data
json_body any optional. JSON data to supply as a request. handy for working with JSON-API's.
auth tuple optional. (username,password) tuple for HTTP Basic authorization.
timeout float optional. how many seconds to wait for the server to send all the data before giving up. 0 means no timeout.
allow_redirects bool optional. whether to follow redirects.
verify bool optional. whether to verify the server's SSL certificate.

patch(url,params={},headers={},body="",form_body={},form_encoding="",json_body={},auth=(),timeout=30,allow_redirects=True,verify=True) response

Perform an HTTP PATCH request, returning a response.


name type description
url string URL to request.
headers dict optional. dictionary of headers to add to request.
body string optional. raw string body to provide to the request.
form_body dict optional. dict of values that will be encoded as form data. the value can be a string or a list of two strings (filename, file content) for file attachments.
form_encoding string optional. application/x-www-form-url-encoded (default) or multipart/form-data.
json_body any optional. JSON data to supply as a request. handy for working with JSON-API's.
auth tuple optional. (username,password) tuple for HTTP Basic authorization.
timeout float optional. how many seconds to wait for the server to send all the data before giving up. 0 means no timeout.
allow_redirects bool optional. whether to follow redirects.
verify bool optional. whether to verify the server's SSL certificate.

options(url,params={},headers={},body="",form_body={},form_encoding="",json_body={},auth=(),timeout=30,allow_redirects=True,verify=True) response

Perform an HTTP OPTIONS request, returning a response.


name type description
url string URL to request.
headers dict optional. dictionary of headers to add to request.
body string optional. raw string body to provide to the request.
form_body dict optional. dict of values that will be encoded as form data. the value can be a string or a list of two strings (filename, file content) for file attachments.
form_encoding string optional. application/x-www-form-url-encoded (default) or multipart/form-data.
json_body any optional. JSON data to supply as a request. handy for working with JSON-API's.
auth tuple optional. (username,password) tuple for HTTP Basic authorization.
timeout float optional. how many seconds to wait for the server to send all the data before giving up. 0 means no timeout.
allow_redirects bool optional. whether to follow redirects.
verify bool optional. whether to verify the server's SSL certificate.


Set the global timeout for all HTTP requests.


name type description
timeout float The timeout in seconds. Must be non-negative. This timeout will be used for all subsequent HTTP requests made by the module.

get_timeout() float

Get the current global timeout setting for HTTP requests. returns: The current timeout in seconds used for HTTP requests.



The result of performing a HTTP request.


name type description
url string the URL that was ultimately requested (may change after redirects).
status_code int response status code (for example: 200 == OK).
headers dict dictionary of response headers.
encoding string transfer encoding. example: "octet-stream" or "application/json".


body() string

output response body as a string.

json() object

attempt to parse response body as json, returning a JSON-decoded result, or None if the response body is empty or not valid JSON.


Encapsulates HTTP request data in a format accessible to both Go code and Starlark scripts.


name type description
method string The HTTP method (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
url string The request URL.
proto string The protocol used for the request (e.g., HTTP/1.1).
host string The host specified in the request.
remote string The remote address of the client.
headers dict The HTTP headers included in the request.
query dict The query parameters included in the request.
encoding []string The transfer encodings specified in the request.
body string The request body data
json any The request body data as JSON, or None if the request body is empty or not valid JSON.


Enables HTTP response manipulation within Starlark scripts, facilitating dynamic preparation of HTTP responses in Go-based web servers.


set_status(code uint16)

Sets the HTTP status code for the response.

set_code(code uint16)

Alias for set_status.

add_header(key, value string)

Adds a header with the given key and value to the response.

set_content_type(contentType string)

Sets the Content-Type header for the response, it will overwrite any existing or implicit Content-Type header.

set_data(data string|bytes)

Sets the response data as binary data, and the Content-Type header to application/octet-stream.

set_json(data starlark.Value)

Sets the response data as JSON, marshaling the given Starlark value to JSON, and the Content-Type header to application/json.

set_text(data string|bytes)

Sets the response data as plain text, and the Content-Type header to text/plain.

set_html(data string|bytes)

Sets the response data as HTML, and the Content-Type header to text/html.