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2GIS API Keys service

Use this Helm chart to deploy API Keys service, which is a part of 2GIS's On-Premise solution.


All On-Premise services are beta, and under development.

See the documentation to learn about:

  • Architecture of the service.

  • Installing the service.

    When filling in the keys for values-keys.yaml configuration file, refer to the documentation and the list of keys below.

  • Updating the service.


Docker Registry settings

Name Description Value
dgctlDockerRegistry Docker Registry endpoint where On-Premise services' images reside. Format: host:port. ""

Common settings

Name Description Value
imagePullSecrets Kubernetes image pull secrets. []
imagePullPolicy Pull policy. IfNotPresent
backend.image.repository Backend service image repository. 2gis-on-premise/keys-backend
backend.image.tag Backend service image tag. 1.79.0
admin.image.repository Admin service image repository. 2gis-on-premise/keys-ui
admin.image.tag Admin service image tag. 0.7.0
redis.image.repository Redis image repository. 2gis-on-premise/keys-redis
redis.image.tag Redis image tag. 6.2.6-alpine3.15

Flags for enabling/disabling certain features.

Name Description Value
featureFlags.enableAudit Enable audit logging. false

Admin service settings

Name Description Value
admin.replicas A replica count for the pod. 1
admin.strategy.type Type of Kubernetes deployment. Can be Recreate or RollingUpdate. RollingUpdate
admin.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable Maximum number of pods that can be created over the desired number of pods when doing rolling update. 0
admin.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge Maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the rolling update process. 1 Base URL for the admin web interface, ex: ""
admin.badge.title A name to describe an application installation. ""
admin.badge.titleColor A font color for admin.badge.title. Any css color value is valid, e.g. "#000". ""
admin.badge.backgroundColor A background color for admin.badge.title. Any css color value is valid, e.g. "#00F018". ""
admin.annotations Kubernetes annotations. {}
admin.labels Kubernetes labels. {}
admin.podAnnotations Kubernetes pod annotations. {}
admin.podLabels Kubernetes pod labels. {}
admin.nodeSelector Kubernetes node selectors. {}
admin.affinity Kubernetes pod affinity settings. {}
admin.tolerations Kubernetes tolerations settings. {}
admin.service.annotations Kubernetes service annotations. {}
admin.service.labels Kubernetes service labels. {}
admin.service.type Kubernetes service type. ClusterIP
admin.service.port Service port. 80

Kubernetes Ingress settings

Name Description Value
admin.ingress.enabled If Ingress is enabled for the service. false
admin.ingress.className Name of the Ingress controller class. nginx
admin.ingress.hosts[0].host Hostname for the Ingress service.
admin.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path Path of the host for the Ingress service. /
admin.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType Type of the path for the Ingress service. Prefix
admin.ingress.tls TLS configuration []

API service settings

Name Description Value
api.adminUsers Usernames and passwords of admin users. Format: username1:password1,username2:password2. ""
api.adminSessionTTL TTL of the admin users sessions. Duration string is a sequence of decimal numbers with optional fraction and unit suffix, like 100ms, 2.3h or 4h35m. Valid time units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, h. 336h
api.logLevel Log level for the service. Can be: trace, debug, info, warning, error, fatal. warning
api.replicas A replica count for the pod. 1
api.strategy.type Type of Kubernetes deployment. Can be Recreate or RollingUpdate. RollingUpdate
api.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable Maximum number of pods that can be created over the desired number of pods when doing rolling update. 0
api.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge Maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the rolling update process. 1
api.annotations Kubernetes annotations. {}
api.labels Kubernetes labels. {}
api.podAnnotations Kubernetes pod annotations. {}
api.podLabels Kubernetes pod labels. {}
api.nodeSelector Kubernetes node selectors. {}
api.affinity Kubernetes pod affinity settings. {}
api.tolerations Kubernetes tolerations settings. {}
api.service.annotations Kubernetes service annotations. {}
api.service.labels Kubernetes service labels. {}
api.service.type Kubernetes service type. ClusterIP
api.service.port Service port. 80

Kubernetes Ingress settings

Name Description Value
api.ingress.enabled If Ingress is enabled for the service. false
api.ingress.hosts[0].host Hostname for the Ingress service.

Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaling settings

Name Description Value
api.hpa.enabled If HPA is enabled for the service. false
api.hpa.minReplicas Lower limit for the number of replicas to which the autoscaler can scale down. 1
api.hpa.maxReplicas Upper limit for the number of replicas to which the autoscaler can scale up. 2
api.hpa.scaleDownStabilizationWindowSeconds Scale-down window. ""
api.hpa.scaleUpStabilizationWindowSeconds Scale-up window. ""
api.hpa.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage Target average CPU utilization (represented as a percentage of requested CPU) over all the pods; if not specified the default autoscaling policy will be used. 80
api.hpa.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage Target average memory utilization (represented as a percentage of requested memory) over all the pods; if not specified the default autoscaling policy will be used. ""

Import service settings

Name Description Value
import.logLevel Log level for the service. Can be: trace, debug, info, warning, error, fatal. warning
import.nodeSelector Kubernetes node selectors. {}

Migrate service settings

Name Description Value
migrate.logLevel Log level for the service. Can be: trace, debug, info, warning, error, fatal. warning
migrate.initialDelaySeconds Delay in seconds at the service startup. 0
migrate.nodeSelector Kubernetes node selectors. {}

Tasker service settings

Name Description Value
tasker.logLevel Log level for the service. Can be: trace, debug, info, warning, error, fatal. warning
tasker.delay Delay in seconds at the service startup. 30s
tasker.strategy.type Type of Kubernetes deployment. Can be Recreate or RollingUpdate. RollingUpdate
tasker.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable Maximum number of pods that can be created over the desired number of pods when doing rolling update. 0
tasker.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge Maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the rolling update process. 1
tasker.annotations Kubernetes annotations. {}
tasker.labels Kubernetes labels. {}
tasker.podAnnotations Kubernetes pod annotations. {}
tasker.podLabels Kubernetes pod labels. {}
tasker.nodeSelector Kubernetes node selectors. {}
tasker.affinity Kubernetes pod affinity settings. {}
tasker.tolerations Kubernetes tolerations settings. {}

Redis settings

Name Description Value
redis.port HTTP port for Redis to listen. 6379
redis.configPath Path to Redis configuration file. /opt/redis.conf
redis.password Redis password. Empty string if no authentication is required. ""
redis.useExternalRedis If true, external Redis server will be used. false External Redis hostname or IP. ""
redis.db External Redis database number. 1
redis.annotations Kubernetes annotations. {}
redis.labels Kubernetes labels. {}
redis.podAnnotations Kubernetes pod annotations. {}
redis.podLabels Kubernetes pod labels. {}
redis.nodeSelector Kubernetes node selectors. {}
redis.affinity Kubernetes pod affinity settings. {}
redis.tolerations Kubernetes tolerations settings. {}

Database access settings

Name Description Value Settings for the read-only access PostgreSQL hostname or IP. Required "" PostgreSQL port. 5432 PostgreSQL client connection timeout. 3s PostgreSQL database name. Required "" PostgreSQL database schema. If not specified, schema from SEARCH_PATH will be used. "" PostgreSQL username. Required "" PostgreSQL password. Required "" Settings for the read-write access PostgreSQL hostname or IP. Required "" PostgreSQL port. 5432 PostgreSQL client connection timeout. 3s PostgreSQL database name. Required "" PostgreSQL database schema. If not specified, schema from SEARCH_PATH will be used. "" PostgreSQL username. Required "" PostgreSQL password. Required ""

Kafka settings

Name Description Value
kafka.audit Settings for sending audit messages.
kafka.audit.bootstrapServers Comma-separated list of host and port pairs that are the addresses of the Kafka brokers (e.g. 'localhost:9092,localhost:9093'). ""
kafka.audit.username Username for authorization (SASL/PLAINTEXT SHA-512). ""
kafka.audit.password Password for authorization (SASL/PLAINTEXT SHA-512). ""
kafka.audit.topic Topic to produce audit messages. ""
kafka.audit.produce.retryCount Number of retries to produce a message. 5
kafka.audit.produce.idempotentWrite Flag to enable/disable idempotent write. true

LDAP connection settings

Name Description Value LDAP host. ""
ldap.port LDAP port. 3268
ldap.useStartTLS If LDAP should use TLS. false
ldap.useLDAPS Use LDAPS instead of LDAP. false
ldap.skipServerCertificateVerify Trust the server certificate without verification. false
ldap.serverName Server name. ""
ldap.clientCertificatePath Path to client certificate for authentication. ""
ldap.clientKeyPath Path to client key for authentication. ""
ldap.rootCertificateAuthoritiesPath Path to the Root CA certificate. ""
ldap.bind LDAP bind settings
ldap.bind.dn LDAP distinguished name. user
ldap.bind.password LDAP password. secret LDAP search settings LDAP base distinguished name. dc=2gis LDAP search filter. (&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s))

Predefined keys

Name Description Value
predefined.service Predefined service keys.
predefined.service.keys Keys map as: service -> key. {}
predefined.service.aliases Aliases map as: service -> key. {}

Deployment Artifacts Storage settings

Name Description Value S3 endpoint. Format: host:port. Required ""
dgctlStorage.region S3 region name. "" Set to true if must be accessed via https. Required false
dgctlStorage.verifySsl Set to false if must be accessed via https without certificate validation. Required true
dgctlStorage.bucket S3 bucket name. keys
dgctlStorage.accessKey S3 access key for accessing the bucket. Required ""
dgctlStorage.secretKey S3 secret key for accessing the bucket. Required ""
dgctlStorage.manifest The path to the manifest file. Format: manifests/0000000000.json
This file contains the description of pieces of data that the service requires to operate.


Name Description Value
admin.resources Limits for the Admin service
admin.resources.requests.cpu A CPU request. 300m
admin.resources.requests.memory A memory request. 256Mi
admin.resources.limits.cpu A CPU limit. 1
admin.resources.limits.memory A memory limit. 384Mi
api.resources Limits for the API service
api.resources.requests.cpu A CPU request. 50m
api.resources.requests.memory A memory request. 128Mi
api.resources.limits.cpu A CPU limit. 1
api.resources.limits.memory A memory limit. 256Mi
import.resources Limits for the Import service
import.resources.requests.cpu A CPU request. 10m
import.resources.requests.memory A memory request. 32Mi
import.resources.limits.cpu A CPU limit. 100m
import.resources.limits.memory A memory limit. 64Mi
migrate.resources Limits for the Migrate service
migrate.resources.requests.cpu A CPU request. 10m
migrate.resources.requests.memory A memory request. 32Mi
migrate.resources.limits.cpu A CPU limit. 100m
migrate.resources.limits.memory A memory limit. 64Mi
tasker.resources Limits for the Tasker service
tasker.resources.requests.cpu A CPU request. 10m
tasker.resources.requests.memory A memory request. 32Mi
tasker.resources.limits.cpu A CPU limit. 100m
tasker.resources.limits.memory A memory limit. 64Mi
redis.resources Limits for Redis
redis.resources.requests.cpu A CPU request. 50m
redis.resources.requests.memory A memory request. 32Mi
redis.resources.limits.cpu A CPU limit. 1
redis.resources.limits.memory A memory limit. 256Mi

customCAs Custom Certificate Authority

Name Description Value
customCAs.bundle Custom CA text representation of the X.509 PEM public-key certificate ""
customCAs.certsPath Custom CA bundle mount directory in the container. ""


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