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2GIS Navi-Back service

Use this Helm chart to deploy Navi-Back service, which is a part of 2GIS's On-Premise Navigation services.

Read more about the On-Premise solution here.


All On-Premise services are beta, and under development.

See the documentation to learn about:

  • Architecture of the service.

  • Installing the service.

    When filling in the keys for values-back.yaml configuration file, refer to the documentation and the list of keys below.

  • Updating the service.


Docker Registry settings

Name Description Value
dgctlDockerRegistry Docker Registry endpoint where On-Premise services' images reside. Format: host:port. ""

Common settings

Name Description Value
replicaCount A replica count for the pod. 1
revisionHistoryLimit Number of replica sets to keep for deployment rollbacks 1
imagePullSecrets Kubernetes image pull secrets. []
nameOverride Base name to use in all the Kubernetes entities deployed by this chart. ""
fullnameOverride Base fullname to use in all the Kubernetes entities deployed by this chart. ""
podAnnotations Kubernetes pod annotations. {}
podSecurityContext Kubernetes pod security context. {}
securityContext Kubernetes security context. {}
nodeSelector Kubernetes node selectors. {}
tolerations Kubernetes tolerations settings. []
affinity Kubernetes pod affinity settings. {}
labels Custom labels to set to Deployment resource. {}
priorityClassName Kubernetes Pod Priority class name. ""
preStopDelay Delay in seconds before terminating container. 5
terminationGracePeriodSeconds Maximum time allowed for graceful shutdown. 60

Deployment settings

Name Description Value
image.repository Repository 2gis-on-premise/navi-back
image.tag Tag
image.pullPolicy Pull Policy IfNotPresent

Navi-Back application settings

Name Description Value
naviback.ecaHost DEPRECATED: Use naviback.ecaUrl. Domain name of the Traffic Proxy service.
This URL should be accessible from all the pods within your Kubernetes cluster.
naviback.ecaUrl URL of the Traffic Proxy service.
This URL should be accessible from all the pods within your Kubernetes cluster.
naviback.forecastHost URL of Traffic forecast service. See the Traffic Proxy service.
This URL should be accessible from all the pods within your Kubernetes cluster.
naviback.dmSourcesLimit Size limit for source matrices. 1000
naviback.dmTargetsLimit Size limit for target matrices. 1000
naviback.handlersNumber Number of HTTP handlers. 1
naviback.maxProcessTime Maximum processing time limit in minutes. 600
naviback.responseTimelimit Maximum response time limit in minutes. 60
naviback.requestTimeout Maximum request time limit in minutes. 60
naviback.timeoutLimitSec Maximum downloading time can be reached after failures. 1200
naviback.timeoutIncrementSec Downloading time increment after failures. 140
naviback.totalRetryDurationSec Downloading timeout with all failure retries. 2400
naviback.initialRetryIntervalSec Initial timeout for a failure retry. 2
naviback.dump.result Dump results in logs. false
naviback.dump.query Dump queries in logs. false
naviback.dump.answer Dump answers in logs. false
naviback.logLevel Logging level, one of: Verbose, Info, Warning, Error, Fatal. Info
naviback.indexFilename Name of index file.
naviback.citiesFilename Name of the cities file on Castle
naviback.sentry.enabled If sending crash dumps to Sentry needed false
naviback.sentry.address Sentry URL
naviback.sentry.project Sentry project ID navi-back
naviback.sentry.username Sentry username navi-back
naviback.sentry.printMessages If outgoing messages needed false
naviback.sentry.debug Debugging switch false
naviback.sentry.reportPath Local directory to dump /tmp/sentry
naviback.sentry.handler Handler file location /usr/sbin/2gis/mosesd/crashpad_handler
naviback.castleHost URL of Navi-Castle service, ex: http://navi-castle.svc.
This URL should be accessible from all the pods within your Kubernetes cluster.
naviback.enablePassableBarriers Consider passable barriers.
naviback.grpcPort GRPC port to serve. Disabled if empty.
naviback.disableUpdates Test switch for disabling runtime background updates false
naviback.indices List of dynamic indices kill switches.
naviback.additionalSections Optinal JSON block to be added to config file as-is.
naviback.simpleNetwork.bicycle Enable simple network for bicycle routing Enable simple network for auto routing
naviback.simpleNetwork.emergency Enable simple network for emergency vehicles routing false
naviback.simpleNetwork.pedestrian Enable simple network for pedestrian routing Enable simple network for taxi routing
naviback.simpleNetwork.truck Enable simple network for truck routing
naviback.simpleNetwork.scooter Enable simple network for scooters routing
naviback.attractor.bicycle Enable enhanced attractor for bicycle routing Enable enhanced attractor for auto routing
naviback.attractor.pedestrian Enable enhanced attractor for pedestrian routing Enable enhanced attractor for taxi routing
naviback.attractor.truck Enable enhanced attractor for truck routing
naviback.attractor.scooter Enable enhanced attractor for scooters routing
naviback.bss.enabled Enable sending information on the construction of routes to the business statistics service false
naviback.bss.client.serviceRemoteAddress Remote address business statistics service. Requeruired for enable sending information. ""
naviback.bss.client.messageCountToFlush Message count to flush. 500
naviback.bss.client.useCompression Enable compression. true
naviback.bss.client.packageSizeMaxBytes Package size max bytes. 1800000
naviback.bss.client.pendingTransmissionMaxCount Pending transmission max count. 10
naviback.reduceEdgesOptimizationFlag Enable optimizations for distance matrix queries processing
naviback.behindSplitter Current instance is behind splitter or not false
naviback.overrideConfig Complete config override. For test purposes only. ""
naviback.rtr.enabled Enable real time restrictions. false
naviback.rtr.url URL real time restrictions server. http://rtr.navi

Envoy settings, ignored if not transmitter.enabled. Leave with defaults, FOR FUTURE RELEASE.

Name Description Value
envoy.image.repository Repository 2gis-on-premise/envoy
envoy.image.tag Tag v1.27.0
envoy.image.pullPolicy Pull Policy IfNotPresent

Frozen data settings. For test purposes only.

Name Description Value
frozenData.enabled If use frozen data is enabled. false
frozenData.image.repository Repository 2gis-on-premise/frozen-data
frozenData.image.tag Tag ""
frozenData.image.pullPolicy Pull Policy Always
frozenData.resources Container resources requirements structure. {}
frozenData.resources.requests.cpu CPU request, recommended value 100m. undefined
frozenData.resources.requests.memory Memory request, recommended value 100Mi. undefined
frozenData.resources.limits.cpu CPU limit, recommended value 100m. undefined
frozenData.resources.limits.memory Memory limit, recommended value 100Mi. undefined

Service account settings

Name Description Value
serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a service account should be created. false
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations to add to the service account. {} The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template. ""

Service settings

Name Description Value
service.type Kubernetes service type. ClusterIP
service.clusterIP Controls Service cluster IP allocation. Cannot be changed after resource creation. ""
service.port Service port. 80
service.grpcPort Service GRPC port if naviback.grpcPort enabled. 50051
service.annotations Kubernetes service annotations. {}
service.labels Kubernetes service labels. nil
service.headless.enabled Enable creating a secondary headless service false
service.headless.annotations Annotations for secondary headless service {}

Kubernetes Ingress settings

Name Description Value
ingress.enabled If Ingress is enabled for the service. false
ingress.className Name of the Ingress controller class. nginx
ingress.hosts[0].host Hostname for the Ingress service.
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path Path of the host for the Ingress service. /
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType Type of the path for the Ingress service. Prefix
ingress.tls TLS configuration []


Name Description Value
resources Container resources requirements structure. {}
resources.requests.cpu CPU request, recommended value 1000m. undefined
resources.requests.memory Memory request, recommended value 2Gi. undefined
resources.limits.cpu CPU limit, recommended value 3000m. undefined
resources.limits.memory Memory limit, recommended value 8Gi. undefined

Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaling settings

Name Description Value
hpa.enabled If HPA is enabled for the service. false
hpa.minReplicas Lower limit for the number of replicas to which the autoscaler can scale down. 1
hpa.maxReplicas Upper limit for the number of replicas to which the autoscaler can scale up. 100
hpa.scaleDownStabilizationWindowSeconds Scale-down window. ""
hpa.scaleUpStabilizationWindowSeconds Scale-up window. ""
hpa.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage Target average CPU utilization (represented as a percentage of requested CPU) over all the pods; if not specified the default autoscaling policy will be used. 80
hpa.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage Target average memory utilization (represented as a percentage of requested memory) over all the pods; if not specified the default autoscaling policy will be used. ""

Kubernetes Vertical Pod Autoscaling settings

Name Description Value
vpa.enabled If VPA is enabled for the service. false
vpa.updateMode VPA update mode. Auto
vpa.minAllowed.cpu Lower limit for the number of CPUs to which the autoscaler can scale down.
vpa.minAllowed.memory Lower limit for the RAM size to which the autoscaler can scale down.
vpa.maxAllowed.cpu Upper limit for the number of CPUs to which the autoscaler can scale up.
vpa.maxAllowed.memory Upper limit for the RAM size to which the autoscaler can scale up.

Kubernetes Pod Disruption Budget settings

Name Description Value
pdb.enabled If PDB is enabled for the service. false
pdb.minAvailable How many pods must be available after the eviction. ""
pdb.maxUnavailable How many pods can be unavailable after the eviction. 1

Kafka settings for interacting with Distance Matrix Async Service

Name Description Value
kafka.enabled If the Kafka is enabled. false
kafka.groupId Navi-Back service group identifier. navi_back Properties as supported by librdkafka. Refer to inline comments for details.
kafka.fileProperties As, but kept in a file, which passed to application as a filename. Refer to inline comments for details. {}
kafka.distanceMatrix Settings for interacting with Distance Matrix Async service.
kafka.distanceMatrix.taskTopic Name of the topic for receiving new tasks from Distance Matrix Async API. task_topic
kafka.distanceMatrix.cancelTopic Name of the topic for canceling or receiving information about finished tasks. cancel_topic
kafka.distanceMatrix.statusTopic Name of the topic for receiving task status information. status_topic
kafka.distanceMatrix.updateTaskStatusPeriodSec Update period for task statuses. 120
kafka.distanceMatrix.messageExpiredPeriodSec Update period for task cancellations. 3600
kafka.distanceMatrix.requestDownloadTimeoutSec Timeout for downloading request data. 20
kafka.distanceMatrix.responseUploadTimeoutSec Timeout for uploading response data. 40

S3-compatible storage settings for interacting with Distance Matrix Async Service

Name Description Value
s3.enabled if S3 storage is enabled. false S3 endpoint, ex: ""
s3.bucket S3 bucket name. ""
s3.accessKey S3 access key for accessing the bucket. ""
s3.secretKey S3 secret key for accessing the bucket. ""

Settings for attractor connection. Leave with defaults, FOR FUTURE RELEASE.

Name Description Value
transmitter.enabled if attractor connection required false
transmitter.type connection type one of: grpc, grpc-async, grpc-stream, ws, ws-async grpc-async-stream attractor service
transmitter.port attractor port 50051
transmitter.responseTimeoutMs response waiting timeout 100

Back-end and attractor group properties. Leave with defaults, FOR FUTURE RELEASE.

Name Description Value
dataGroup.enabled if grouping enabled false
dataGroup.prefix common prefix for the group used for identifiers sampleGroup
dataGroup.timestamp data timestamp the group is running on no-default

License settings

Name Description Value
license.url Address of the License service v2. Ex: https://license.svc ""
license.notSupported Excludes the configuration block if true, for old versions only. false

Metrics aggregator container. Leave with defaults, FOR FUTURE RELEASE.

Name Description Value
metrics.enabled Enable metrics container and scrape annotations false
metrics.image.repository Repository 2gis-on-premise/metrics-aggregator
metrics.image.tag Tag ""
metrics.image.pullPolicy Pull Policy IfNotPresent
metrics.port Port of container. 9090
metrics.resources Container resources requirements structure. {}
metrics.resources.requests.cpu CPU request, recommended value 10m. undefined
metrics.resources.requests.memory Memory request, recommended value 10Mi.
metrics.resources.limits.cpu CPU limit, recommended value 100m.
metrics.resources.limits.memory Memory limit, recommended value 10Mi.


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