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Platform service

Use this Helm chart to deploy Platform service, which is a part of 2GIS's On-Premise solution.


All On-Premise services are beta, and under development.


Docker Registry settings

Name Description Value
dgctlDockerRegistry Docker Registry endpoint where On-Premise services' images reside. Format: host:port. ""
imagePullPolicy Pull Policy IfNotPresent

Common settings

Name Description Value
ui.replicas A replica count for a pod. 1
ui.nodeSelector Kubernetes node selectors. {}
ui.affinity Kubernetes pod affinity settings. {}
ui.tolerations Kubernetes tolerations settings. []
ui.podAnnotations Kubernetes pod annotations. {}
ui.podLabels Kubernetes pod labels. {}
ui.annotations Kubernetes annotations. {}
ui.labels Kubernetes labels. {}

Deployment settings

Name Description Value
ui.image.repository Repository 2gis-on-premise/platform-ui
ui.image.tag Tag 0.8.1
imagePullSecrets Kubernetes image pull secrets. []

UI service settings

Name Description Value
ui.appPort Service port. 3000
ui.brand Branding inside the app. Possible values: "2gis" or "urbi". ""
ui.pages A list of pages available in application. Values must be written with a comma. Possible values: "status", "playground". E.g. "status, playground". The first page in a list is the one a user's going to be redirected to from deactivated ones. ""
ui.googleAnalyticsId An id for Google Analytics. ""
ui.googleTagManagerId An id for Google Tag Manager. ""

Statuses for services. A value is a string containing pairs of label and healthcheck URL for a service. Pairs must be divided with a comma. Each pair must be connected with a symbol "=", e.g. mapgl: 'MapGL JS='. URL must be an absolute. You can specify only one URL, e.g. mapgl: ''.

Name Description Value
ui.status.mapgl Status list within MapGL service. "" Status list within Search service. ""
ui.status.navi Status list within Navigation service. "" Status list within Pro UI and Pro API services. ""
ui.status.gisPlatform Status list within GIS Platform service. ""
ui.status.keys Status list within Keys service. ""

MapGL JS API settings

Name Description Value
ui.mapgl.url URL to MapGL JS API host. ""
ui.mapgl.scriptPath URL path to MapGL JS API init script relative to ui.mapgl.url. /api.js
ui.mapgl.key A key to the MapGL JS API service. ""
ui.mapgl.initCenter Optional default map coordinates. Contains of two numbers in an array: [lon,lat] (e.g., "[55.27,25.2]" stands for Dubai, "[37.64,55.74]" — for Moscow). ""

Search API settings

Name Description Value
ui.catalog.url URL for Search API. ""
ui.catalog.key Access key to Search API. ""

Navigation API settings

Name Description Value
ui.navi.url URL for Navigation API. ""
ui.navi.key Access key to Navigation API. ""

Strategy settings

Name Description Value
ui.strategy.type Type of Kubernetes deployment. Can be Recreate or RollingUpdate. RollingUpdate
ui.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable Maximum number of pods that can be created over the desired number of pods when doing rolling update. 0
ui.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge Maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the rolling update process. 1

Service settings

Name Description Value
ui.service.annotations Kubernetes service annotations. {}
ui.service.labels Kubernetes service labels. {}
ui.service.type Kubernetes service type. ClusterIP
ui.service.port Service port. 80

Kubernetes Ingress settings

Name Description Value
ui.ingress.enabled If Ingress is enabled for the service. false
ui.ingress.hosts[0].host Hostname for the Ingress service. ""


Name Description Value
ui.resources.requests.cpu A CPU request. 300m
ui.resources.requests.memory A memory request. 384M
ui.resources.limits.cpu A CPU limit. 1100m
ui.resources.limits.memory A memory limit. 512M