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Current Status of dxmt

The main (and only) contributor, 3Shain, doesn't have enough time and energy to work on it.

How could this situation be improved?

  • A stable funding to support 3Shain work on it full-time. He is going to be available on job market this summer.
  • Or just wait for years with no promised ETA

Goals, Milestones and Some Technical Details

The goal in general is to implement a graphical API translation layer, from Direct3D to Metal. And currently we intend to first focus on 64-bit Direct3D 11 and Metal 3.1 as source and target, on Apple Silicon. Higher (as well as lower) version of Direct3D probably will be considered, but we won't support any older version of Metal. (That's to say, macOS 14 Sonoma will be a hard requirement.). Intel devices are not primarily supported, but will be considered if possible (because the memory model is different).

Why Metal 3.1? Because it provides some APIs that huge simplifies some task, e.g. dynamic vertex strides. And that's probably becuase GPTK needs those features (and of course dxmts need them as well!)

To archive the primary goal (D3D11 to Metal 3.1), there are three major challenges:

  1. a framework, that provides Metal API (which is Apple's OS exclusive) in Wine PE (WoW64) side. (This is pretty much done.)
  2. shader transpilation/bytecode conversion, from dxbc to msl/air
  3. and translation from Direct11 APIs to Metal APIs, in Wine PE side.

Why implement in Wine PE side instead of Unix side?

Because of the WoW64 architecture of wine 8+.

PE-to-Unix call is trivial to do (if the code already runs on x86_64 mode, otherwise a syscall/unixcall is required), but Unix-to-PE call is much harder because every wine thread is always a unix thread, but a unix thread is not necessarily a wine thread. And wine puts important informations (e.g. PEB) in thread context/segment registers, which are available on threads managed by wine.

To simplify the implementation, I chose to implement things inside PE. (and in fact this introduces another problem: the callbacks of unix API (e.g. ObjC Blocks!), they are invoked from unix thread/dispatch queue...and need extra cares) (and funny fact: directx doesn't provides many callback-style APIs? but Metal exploits callback a lot)

In comparison, GPTK implements everything (except for some dummy dlls forwarding APIs) in unix side, and it's not a problem for a x86_64 Wine program to invoke GPTK interfaces. And all wine APIs that GPTK needs access are exported via symbol macdrv_functions in, while some of them are only available in PE side in wine 8+. Note that GPTK primarily operates on crossover 22.1, which is based on wine 7.7. So to make GPTK work on wine 8 some extra efforts are needed, i.e. implement kernel callbacks. In fact GPTK doesn't really use many PE-exclusive APIs (because it's made by Apple, whose developers know about their own system), so it seems to be not a problem because a Unix-to-PE call is rare and they don't implement features that calls to user callbacks?

However we need to take 32-bit programs into consideration (which is not gonna to happen in the short run), there is only one option: because Apple just killed 32-bit macOS.

Possible routes on shader transpilation

At the moment there are 4 routes

1. HLSLcc by Unity

HLSLcc translates dxbc to msl. Currently it's used as proof of concept.

Made by Apple, translates dxil to air. But it's closed source. And we need an extra step to convert dxbc to dxil first.

3. dxvk + SPIR-V

First convert dxbc to spirv, then msl.

I mean this is definitely viable but I won't consider it seriously

4. Create Our Own

Actually we can make a dxbc to air converter. This is viable because we can use these projects as references:

These projects give solutions to critical problems

  • how to parse DXBC
  • how to convert DXBC to LLVM IR
  • how to decompile metallib
  • how to emit AIR and metallib

and the only thing we need to solve is to find all air symbols e.g. air.fast_rsqr and their semantics. These are definitely nowhere published but I think it's not hard if you play a lot with shader playground.

I'm in favor of #4 and it's my current plan. Although it will take longer to achieve a decent implementation. But a factor I have to take into account is the resource binding model which highly couples shader and graphical pipeline transpilation. Therefore to move from one route to another is not trivial at all. I will be more confident if more things are in my control.

More On Difference and Similarity between D3D11 and Metal.

// TBD
