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150 lines (111 loc) · 7.62 KB

Command-line interface


impexp export-table [-hV] [--ade-extensions=<folder>] [-c=<file>]
                    [-D=<char>] -l=<file> [--log-file=<file>]
                    [--log-level=<level>] -o=<file> [--pid-file=<file>]
                    [--plugins=<folder>] [--use-plugin=<plugin
                    [=true|false]>[,<plugin[=true|false]>...]]... [[[-t=<
                    [[-r=<version>] [-R=<timestamp[,timestamp]>]]
                    [-i=<id>[,<id>...] [-i=<id>[,<id>...]]...] [-b=<minx,
                    miny,maxx,maxy[,srid]>] [-s=<select>]]
                    [[-T=<database>] -H=<host> [-P=<port>] -d=<name>
                    [-S=<schema>] -u=<name> [-p[=<password>]]]


The export-table command exports attributes of the city objects stored in the 3D City Database in tabular form. It corresponds to the table export operation offered on the Table Export tab of the graphical user interface (see impexp_plugin_spshg_export_chapter). The command provides a range of options to adapt the export process. In addition, you can also use the global options that are available for all commands of the Importer/Exporter command-line interface (see impexp_cli_chapter).

General options

-o, --output=<file>

Specify the output file to use for storing the exported attribute data. Use .csv as file extension to export the data as comma-separated values (CSV) file, which is also the default output format. Alternatively, you can export the data as Microsoft Excel (XLSX) file by choosing .xslx as file extension.

-l, --template=<file>

Provide the template file to use for the export. The template file defines the layout and content for the output file. See impexp_plugin_spshg_template_files for more information.

-D, --delimiter=<char>

Delimiter to use for separating values in the output CSV file. By default, a comma , is used as delimiter. This option is ignored when exporting as XLSX file.

Query and filter options

The export-table command offers additional options to define both thematic and spatial filters that are used to restrict the export to a subset of the top-level city objects stored in the 3D City Database.

-t, --type-name=<[prefix:]name>[,<[prefix:]name>...]

Comma-separated list of one or more names of the top-level feature types to be exported. The type names are case sensitive and shall match one of the official CityGML feature type names. To avoid ambiguities, you can use an optional prefix for each name. The prefix must be associated with the official XML namespace of the feature type. You can either use the official CityGML namespace prefixes listed in impexp_toplevel_feature_types_table. Or you can use the --namespace option to declare your own prefixes.


Used to specify namespaces and their prefixes as comma-separated list of one or more prefix=name pairs. The prefixes can be used in other options such as --type-name.

-r, --feature-version=<version>

Specify the version of the top-level features to use for the export. Allowed values are latest, at, between, terminated, terminated_at and all. When choosing latest, only those features that have not been terminated in the database are exported, whereas all will export all features. You can also choose to export only features that were valid at a given timestamp using at or for a given time range using between. Likewise, terminated will return all terminated features whereas terminated_at will select features that were terminated at a given timestamp. In all cases, timestamps must be provided using the --feature-version-timestamp option. Further details about the feature version filter are available in impexp_plugin_spshg_feature_version_filter.

-R, --feature-version-timestamp=<timestamp[,timestamp]>

One or two timestamps to be used with the --feature-version option. A timestamp can be given as date in the form YYYY-MM-DD or as date-time specified as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[(+|-)hh:mm. The date-time format supports an optional UTC offset. Use one timestamp with the at and terminated_at values and two timestamps separated by comma with the between value of the --feature-version option.

-i, --resource-id=<id>[,<id>...]

Comma-separated list of one or more identifiers. Only top-level features having a matching value for their identifier attribute will be exported.

-b, --bbox=<minx,miny,maxx,maxy[,srid]>

2D bounding box to use as spatial filter. The bounding box is given by four coordinates that define its lower left and upper right corner. By default, the coordinates are assumed to be in the same CRS that is used by the 3DCityDB instance. Alternatively, you can provide the database srid of the CRS associated with the coordinates as fifth value (e.g. 4326 for WGS84). All values must be separated by commas. The bounding box is evaluated against the GMLID column of the CITYOBJECT table.

-s, --sql-select=<select>

Provide an SQL SELECT statement to be used as SQL filter when querying the database. In general, any SELECT statement can be used as long as it returns a list of database IDs of the selected city objects (see impexp_export_sql_filter for more information). You can also use an @-file to provide the SELECT statement (see impexp_cli_argument_files).


$ impexp export-table -H localhost -d citydb_v4 -u citydb_user -p my_password \
                      -l my_template.txt -o my_attributes.xslx

Export attributes according to the provided my_template.txt file (see impexp_plugin_spshg_template_files) for all top-level city objects stored in the database. The attribute data is stored in the my_attributes.xslx file using XLSX as output format. The 3DCityDB to connect to is supposed to be running on a PostgreSQL database on the same machine. The connection will be established to the citydb_v4 database with the user citydb_user and the password my_password.

$ impexp export-table -H localhost -d citydb_v4 -u citydb_user -p my_password \
                      -t Building -b 13.3508824,52.4799281,13.3578297,52.4862805,4326 \
                      -D ; -l my_template.txt -o my_attributes.csv

Only export attributes of Building features overlapping with the provided bounding box from the database. The coordinates of the bounding box are given in WGS84. For this reason, the fifth value 4326 of the -b option denotes the SRID that is used by the target database for the WGS84 reference system. The output format is CSV and a semicolon ; is used as delimiter.

$ impexp export -H localhost -d citydb_v4 -u citydb_user -p my_password \
                -s "select cityobject_id from cityobject_genericattrib \
                    where attrname='energy_level' and realval < 12" \
                -l my_template.txt -o my_attributes.csv

Export attributes of all city objects satisfying the given SQL SELECT statement.