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Dataset List

Bernhard Froehler edited this page Oct 18, 2023 · 2 revisions

Up to Core widgets.

The dataset list shows all datasets loaded in the current window. Like any other core widget, it can be enabled or disabled and arranged freely within the window, based on personal preference. It allows loading additional datasets, and removing currently loaded datasets from display:

The checkbox in front of each entry in the list on the left determines whether the dataset is shown in the 3D renderer. A reference to all the datasets currently shown in this widget are stored when you choose the "Save Project" option from the file menu.

The list provides buttons to show or hide various Views of the dataset; which views are available depends on the dataset type, but typically you can show a 3D rendering of the dataset, a bounding box of the dataset, and choose whether the dataset is shown in the 3D magic lens; for volumes, you can also switch 2D slice views, a profile view as well as a histogram view. If the ImNDT module is loaded, you can choose to view the dataset within VR.

Two dataset Actions are available: With the red trash bin icon, you can remove a dataset from this list and from display (to add datasets to the list, choose "Open Dataset" in the "File" menu). When pressing the button with the pencil icon, a dialog appears with which you can modify several aspects of the dataset:

You can change the displayed name, the position, orientation, spacing and origin of the dataset. In addition, you can change several aspects about the rendering of the dataset (e.g., lighting parameters, renderer type and sample distance etc.); which parameters exactly are available is depending on the type of dataset. The dialog also shows the full file name in the edit box on top.