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HELIOS ++ build instructions

Table of contents

  1. Legacy version
  2. Install
    1. Dependencies
    2. Install on Linux
    3. Install on Linux with PyHelios Support
    4. Install on Linux with Visual Debug
    5. Install on Windows
  3. Building the Wiki
  4. Usage
  5. License

Legacy version

HELIOS, the precedessor of HELIOS++, can still be found at



CMake is necessary to build the code (Version 3.15 or greater is recommended)

Boost C++ Libraries version 1.71 or greater

GDAL with PROJ version 3 or greater

OpenGL Mathematics library version 0.9.9 or greater

TinyXML2 library (Already distributed with source code)

Install on Linux

To obtain the source just clone it from the repository

git clone <URL to the public repository>

Solving dependencies

sudo apt install cmake libboost-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-regex-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-iostreams-dev libgdal-dev libglm-dev libarmadillo-dev
LAStools library

We need to download LAStools and unzip it inside lib folder.

Now we need to get into the LAStools directory and use CMake and Makefile to build

cmake . && make

If successfully built the file lib/LAStools/LASlib/lib/libLASlib.a must exist now.

Compiling source

Change directory to helios-plusplus root folder

cd helios-plusplus

Use cmake to configure and generate build files

cmake .

To compile providing a concrete implementation of LAPACK library, use this cmake command

cmake -DLAPACK_LIB=/home/user/

Use make to build


Build can be accelerated using multithreading. The number of threads can be specified with -j argument. For instance, to compile using 6 threads:

make -j 6

Install on Linux with PyHelios support

In order to be able to compile the project enabling Python Bindings support, all the libraries must be built from scratch:

Helios Dependencies

  • apt install cmake make gcc g++ xz-utils python3 python3-pip libpython3.8-dev unzip


  • apt install liblapack-dev
  • cd helios/lib
  • wget -O armadillo.tar.xz && tar xf armadillo.tar.xz
  • mv armadillo-10.6.2 armadillo && cd armadillo
  • ./configure -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=. && make && sudo make install


Can be installed both by means of a package manager or building from source:

  • apt install libglm-dev


  • cd helios/lib
  • wget && unzip glm- && rm
  • cd glm && cmake . && make

When building from source, it is mandatory to rename the GLM directory to lib/glm


  • cd helios/lib
  • wget && unzip
  • cd LAStools && cmake . && make


The linkage against Boost libraries can be performed both statically and dynamically.

  • apt install zlib1g
  • wget
  • tar -xzvf boost_1_76_0.tar.gz
  • mv boost_1_76_0 boost && cd boost
  • ./ --with-python=python3.8 In order to use a custom Python installation, please see Custom Python Installation
  • ./b2 cxxflags=-fPIC

If you want static linkage, the boost installation ends here.

For allow dynamic linkage, execute the following command || IMPORTANT: Remove completely any previous existing Boost installation before continue.

  • ./b2 install


  • apt install pkg-config libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libtiff5-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev
  • wget --no-check-certificate
  • tar -xzvf proj-8.0.0.tar.gz && tar -xzvf gdal-3.3.0.tar.gz
  • mv gdal-3.3.0 gdal && mv proj-8.0.0 proj
  • cd proj && ./configure --prefix=$PWD/../gdal/projlib && make && make install
  • cd ../gdal && ./configure --prefix=$PWD --with-proj=$PWD/projlib && make && make install

If you are using a custom Python installation, we must provide GDAL its executable path using --with-python=/path/to/python:

  • ./configure --prefix=$PWD --with-proj=$PWD/projlib --with-python=/home/miniconda3/envs/py38/bin/python3.8 && make && make install

PyHelios Dependencies

  • apt install libgl1-mesa-dev
  • pip3 install open3d

Note: The PyHelios scripts can be executed which whatever version of Python3 you want to use.

Helios project configuration and compilation

Back to the helios root directory, configure the project:

  • Linking Boost statically:


  • Linking Boost dynamically:


  • Compiling against a custom Python installation:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_BINDING=1 -DPYTHON_VERSION=36 -DPYTHON_PATH=/home/miniconda3/envs/py36/ .

Finally, compile Helios++:

make -jn where n is the amount of threads to be used in the compilation.

In order to execute PyHelios scripts, path must be added to PYTHONPATH (default location: helios root directory):

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/helios

Finally, to execute the demo scene using PyHelios:

python3 helios/pyhelios_demo/ pyhelios_demo/custom_als_toyblocks.xml

Custom Python Installation

Both Helios and Boost depends on Python, and must be compiled accordingly.

  • Create a user-config.jam in your $HOME directory.
  • Add the following lines, adapting the paths to your Python paths and version:
using python
	: 3.8
	: /home/miniconda3/envs/py38/bin/python3.8 # Path to pythonX.Y executable
	: /home/miniconda3/envs/py38/include/python3.8 # Path to pyconfig.h location
	: /home/miniconda3/envs/py38/libs # Path to location
  • Build Boost with the following commands:
    • cd lib/boost
    • ./
    • ./b2 --user-config=/path/to/user-config.jam cxxflags=-fPIC python=3.8

For allowing dynamic Boost linkage, execute sudo ./b2 install

  • The path to the custom Python root directory must be provided to CMake:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_BINDING=1 -DPYTHON_VERSION=38 -DPYTHON_PATH=/home/miguelyermo/miniconda3/envs/py38 .

Note that -DPYTHON_VERSION must match the chosen Python installation. If no path is provided, CMake will attempt to use default Python installation.

Install on Linux with Visual Debug

Linux users might compile Helios++ with a visual debug module used mainly for development and debugging purposes.

First step is building Helios libraries through development scripts in helios/scripts/build/ using script:

./ -c -v -w 6

The -c flag is used to include PCL (Point Cloud Library), the -v flag will build VTK and use it later to build PCL and the -w 6 argument requests compilation acceleration using 6 threads. Of course, -w n is supported so feel free to use preferred number of threads. There is one more flag that can be used to specify the python version for Boost and PyHelios -p 3.7, just in case.

Finally, when compiling Helios++ remember to call CMake with flag -DPCL_BINDING=1 so PCL and VTK are considered when building Helios. Notice using PCL requires the C++ standard upgrades from C++11 to C++14, which differs from base Helios building which only requires C++11.

Install on Windows

Disclaimer: The manual is written asumming the compilation is done with Microsoft Visual Studio 20xx. Use other compilers at your own risk.

To obtain the source just clone it from the repository

git clone

or download the source code for the desired Helios++ version from here. You should know have a directory called helios containing the source files.

Solving dependencies

Helios++ depends on several libraries, which must be installed one by one.

Boost C++
Configuring the project

First we need to download a version of Boost C++ library greater than or equal to 1.71:

Download Boost

Unzip it inside the lib folder and rename it to boost.

We also need to download zlib and unzip it inside the lib/boost folder.

Download zlib

Open a Command Prompt terminal in lib/boost and execute the following command:


Compiling Boost

If you are not planning to compile with Python Binding support, execute:

b2.exe -j6 -sNO_ZLIB=0 -sZLIB_INCLUDE="zlib-1.2.11" -sZLIB_SOURCE="zlib-1.2.11" address-model=64 link=static

REMEMBER to change the zlib version in above command if you downloaded a different one

If you are planning to compile with Python Bindings support, Boost installation is not over.

Boost C++ with python bindings

Boost needs to be compiled with support for Python to be able to use python bindings. The version of boost-python needs to be adapted to the targeted python version. To configure different versions, edit or create a file called user-config.jam

Add the following lines to the file (adapting the paths to your python installations, the example is using miniconda. For demonstration purposes, several Python versions are included. You can pick just one and continue.

using python 
   : 3.6
   : D:\\Miniconda3\\envs\\py36\\python.exe
   : D:\\Miniconda3\\envs\\py36\\include #directory that contains pyconfig.h
   : D:\\Miniconda3\\envs\\py36\\libs    #directory that contains python36.lib
using python 
   : 3.7
   : D:\\Miniconda3\\envs\\py37\\python.exe
   : D:\\Miniconda3\\envs\\py37\\include #directory that contains pyconfig.h
   : D:\\Miniconda3\\envs\\py37\\libs    #directory that contains python37.lib
using python 
   : 3.8
   : D:\\Miniconda3\\envs\\py38\\python.exe
   : D:\\Miniconda3\\envs\\py38\\include #directory that contains pyconfig.h
   : D:\\Miniconda3\\envs\\py38\\libs    #directory that contains python38.lib
using python 
   : 3.9
   : D:\\Miniconda3\\envs\\py39\\python.exe
   : D:\\Miniconda3\\envs\\py39\\include #directory that contains pyconfig.h
   : D:\\Miniconda3\\envs\\py39\\libs    #directory that contains python39.lib

Save the file in the user home directory, e.g. C:\users\yourname\. If you want to use other location, add --user-config=/path/to/user-config.jam with your user-config.jam location to the b2 command below. Then build Boost C++ using the following command:

b2.exe -j6 -sNO_ZLIB=0 -sZLIB_INCLUDE="zlib-1.2.11" -sZLIB_SOURCE="zlib-1.2.11" address-model=64 link=static python=3.6,3.7,3.8,3.9
  • Remember to change the zlib version if you downloaded a different one.
  • Remember to adapt the Python version to the one you included in user-config.jam

OpenGLM Mathematics

Simply download the OpenGLM mathematics library and unzip it inside helios/lib.

Rename lib/glm-x.x.x.x/ to lib/glm/


First, we need to download GDAL compiled binaries and headers, and the generic installer for the GDAL core components from here

  • Choose the appropriate option matching your compiler and architecture (MSVC2019, x64 for instance) for GDAL 3.x.x version. For example, release-1928-x64-gdal-3-x-x-mapserver-7-6-4
  • Download the files and gdal-303-1928-x64-core.msi.
  • Create a folder named gdal inside the lib folder (lib/gdal) and extract the contents of the zip file there. lib/gdal/include and lib/gdal/lib must exist after the extraction.
  • Install the .msi file (By default, C:\Program Files\GDAL). Add the installation directory to your PATH
  • Finally, rename the lib/gdal/include/boost folder to lib/gdal/include/boost-gdal to avoid conflicts when building helios++

LAStools library
Configuring the project

Download LAStools and unzip it inside lib folder.

Using CMakeGUI we can configure and generate the LAStools project. If you prefer the command line version, just execute cmake . inside lib/LAStools to generate the project.

Compiling LASTools

Once the project is generated we can compile it using Visual Studio. Open LASTools.sln, change the project mode to Release and build. If the build was successful, lib/LAStools/LASlib/lib/Release/LASlib.lib must exist.

In case you have used a compiler different than MSVC, you will need to manually place the LASlib.lib file at lib/LAStools/LASlib/lib/LASlib.lib or at lib/LAStools/LASlib/lib/Release/LASlib.lib. Both locations are supported.


It is recommended to use Armadillo with high performance versions of BLAS and LAPACK. In consequence, here is exposed how to compile Helios++ with Armadillo using Scilab x64, which provides high performance implementations of BLAS and LAPACK. Of course, it is possible to use different implementations.

Configuring the project
  • Scilab: First, download and install Scilab. In this case we are going to use Scilab 6.1.0 x64. By default, it is installed at C:\Program Files\scilab-6.1.0. Add the installation directory to your PATH
  • Armadillo: Now it is necessary to download Armadillo and decompress the source files inside lib/armadillo. In this case we are going to use Armadillo 10.6.2.
Compiling Armadillo

Once Armadillo has been decompressed it is time to use CMake to configurate and generate the project like you did here. Then, we need to open armadillo.sln with Microsoft Visual Studio and compile it in RELEASE mode for x64 architecture. If the build was successful, lib/armadillo/Release/armadillo.lib must exist.

Configuring the project

At the helios directory, generate the project as you did here.

You can use certain flags together with CMake/CMakeGUI to configure the python bindings compilation:

PYTHON_BINDING Set it to TRUE or 1 to compile with python bindings support. Set it to FALSE or 0 to ignore python bindings.

PYTHON_VERSION Set it to the python version you would like to use. For instance 38. If it is not specified, python version 37 is considered by default.

PYTHON_PATH Use it if you need to specify the path to a python installation that is not the system default.

LAPACK_LIB Set here the path to custom LAPACK library. When specifying LAPACK_LIB it is not necessary to link it at Visual Studio IDE, since it will be already included.

For example, to compile Helios with Python Bindings support, using python3.6 located in D:\Miniconda3\envs\py36\python.exe:


Finally, we only need to link at helios project. Open helios.sln, right click on helios at solution explorer and then properties:

  1. At Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories add the path to the folder where scilab "dll" files are contained. For instance: C:\Program Files\scilab-6.1.0\bin.
  2. At Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies it is necessary to add lapack.lib and blasplus.lib For instance: C:\Program Files\scilab-6.1.0\bin\lapack.lib and C:\Program Files\scilab-6.1.0\bin\blasplus.lib

Repeat this process for pyhelios at solution explorer.

Compiling Helios

Once the project is generated we can compile it using Visual Studio. Open helios.sln, change the project mode to Release and build. If the compilation was sucessful, the following files must exist in helios/Release directory:

 - helios.exe 
 - helios.exp 
 - helios.lib
 - _pyhelios.exp 
 - _pyhelios.lib
 - _pyhelios.pyd

Finally, to execute PyHelios scripts, _pyhelios.pyd path must be added to PYTHONPATH (default location: helios/Release directory):

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/helios

Another alternative is to copy the _pyhelios.pyd into the run directory, where is located.

How to execute

To execute Helios++ (helios.exe binary) it is necessary to have both GDAL dll and LAPACK dll in the path. If you followed the instructions, they must be already included in the PATH. If you are using scilab you are going to need linking all scilab dll files. By default they are located inside the same directory. But if you have moved them to your own folders, remember to include them all.

By default, C:\Program Files\GDAL and C:\Program Files\scilab-6.1.0\bin must be added to the PATH.

IMPORTANT: GDAL and SCiLab share the libcurl.dll dependency. It is mandatory GDAL uses its own libcurl.dll implementation. To achieve this, just be sure that the GDAL path is before the SCILAB path in the PATH. If you are planning to move the shared libraries to another location, be sure that the libcurl.dll version you use is the provided by the GDAL installation.

There are two ways to modify the PATH:

Session PATH

You can modify the path for the current session, for instance for the active command line. This way, changes are not going to be permanent neither for the user nor for the system. Always that you open a new session, you are going to need to repeat this process. It can be done with following command:

set PATH=%PATH%;<path to gdal dll folder>;<path to lapack dll folder>

User/System PATH

It is possible to also modify the path at advanced system properties. For this right click on This-PC, then go to Properties and find advanced system properties. There you can open the environment variables dialogue. Here you have two options. You can modify user variables, so changes will be applied only for current user. Or you can modify system variables, so changes will be applied for all users. Once you have decided where to make changes, just find the PATH variable and append at the end:

;<path to gdal dll folder>;<path to lapack dll folder>


You can build the HELIOS++ Wiki locally as html files using mkdocs. For this, the wiki is included as a git submodule.

Make sure you have the latest copy of the submodule checked out with git submodule update --init --recursive

Then change to the respective directory: cd wiki-repo

And run mkdocs (you may need to install it and any required packages using pip or other python package managers):

python -m mkdocs build

The local wiki build is then generated in the site subdirectory.


Helios++ can be invoked with following syntax:

helios --help
    Show the help for helios++ usage

helios --test
    Perform necessary tests to check everything works as expected

helios <survey_file_path> [OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS]
    Perform requested simulation.

    NOTICE specifying the path to the survey specification file is mandatory

    Available general OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS are:
        --assets <directory_path>
            Specify the path to assets directory
        --output <directory_path>
            Specify the path to output directory
            Specify the full waveform must be written
            Specify the full waveform must be fitted
            Enable random noise at full waveform computation
            Sets incidence angle to exactly 1.0 for all intersections
        --seed <seed>
            Specify the seed to be used for randomness generation.
            The seed can be an integer number, a decimal number or a timestamp
            string with format "YYYY-mm-DD HH:MM:SS"
            Specify the output point cloud must be generated using LAS format
            Specify the output point cloud and fullwave must be zipped
            Specify the scale factor used to generate LAS output
        -j OR --njobs OR --nthreads <integer>
            Specify the number of simultaneous threads to be used to compute
            the simulation
            If it is not specified or it is specified as 0, then all available
            threads will be used to compute the simulation
            Force scene rebuild even when a previosly built scene is available
            Disable platform noise, no matter what is specified on XML files
            Disable leg noise, no matter what is specified on XML files

    Available logging verbosity OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS are:
            Nothing will be reported
        -q OR --quiet
            Only errors will be reported
            Errors, information and warnings will be reported
        -vv OR -v2
            Everything will be reported
            Errors and information will be reported by default

    Available logging output mode OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS are:
            Reports will be emitted through standard output and output file
            Reports will be emitted through output file only
            Reports will be emitted through standard output only

    Unzip compressed output:
        --unzip <input_path> <output_path>
            When helios++ is executed with --zipOutput flag, output files are
            compressed. They can be decompressed using --unzip.
            The path to a readable helios++ compressed output file must be
            given through input path.
            The path to a writable file/location must be given through
            output path.

The demo simulation can be executed as follows:


./helios data/surveys/demo/tls_arbaro_demo.xml


helios.exe data/surveys/demo/tls_arbaro_demo.xml

