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Chad Watson edited this page Jul 15, 2015 · 18 revisions


Folder Structure

├───config/              # Configuration files
├───lib/                 # Typically tools and such. Polyfills, plugins.
├───modules/             # Reusable modules. Probably export some methods and properties
├───templates/           # EJS templates
└───views/               # Page-specific code


To create bundles add items to the array in _src/js/config/bundles.js.

var main = {
  outputName: 'main.js',
  entries: [

var blog = {
  outputName: 'blog.js',
  entries: [

module.exports = [main, blog];

outputName – The name of the bundle to be created.

entries – The modules to be included in the bundle. Must be included manually.

Don't get hung up on the order of the entries in the array. Browserify takes care of that through its knowledge of the CommonJS module system.

Notice that ./ in the file paths in the entries array denotes a relative path to _src/js/. Also notice that the .js extension is optional.

Quick CommonJS Overview

Browserify modules are written using the CommonJS module format module.exports = .... Whenever you reference a module inside of another module with require('./module') you get a reference to whatever that module exports.

For example:


module.exports = {
  property1: 'Hello',
  property2: '!'

This file exports an object with two properties.


var a = require('./a');

module.exports = function(input) {
  return a.property1 + ' ' + input + a.property2;

This module references a.js and has access to the two properties it exported. It exports a function that can take a parameter input when being called from another module.


var b = require('./b');

module.exports = function() {
  var sayHello = b('George');


This module exports a function that calls the function exported by b, passing it a string, and then logs the result to the console. But of course c's function doesn't do anything until it is called from another module.


var c = require('./c');

// "Hello George!"

Finally, d uses c which requires b which requires a.

Note that a.js could be rewritten like this:

module.exports.property1 = 'Hello';
module.exports.property2 = '!';

or simply:

exports.property1 = 'Hello';
exports.property2 = '!';

Relative Dependencies

Whenever you use require you reference your own modules by prepending the filename with ./path/to/. This tells Browserify to look for a module relative to the current one. If you only use the filename Browserify will think that you are trying to reference a module inside the node_modules directory which was installed with npm.


Reference a file in the same directory:

var module = require('./module');

Reference a file in a child directory:

var module = require('./myfolder/module');

Reference a file in a sibling directory:

var module = require('../module');

Reference a module installed with npm install module:

var module = require('module');
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