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File metadata and controls

88 lines (70 loc) · 2.96 KB


Shuffletron is a console music player. Today there will not be much of code, because I wasn’t able to run this player on OSX. It crashes inside a libao C library:

[poftheday] qlot exec ./shuffletron.ros
This is Shuffletron 0.0.5
Library contains 1 files.
        0 Baby Gramps, Rogue's Gallery: Pirate Ballads, Sea Songs, and Chanteys,  1: Cape Cod Girls
Unhandled DIVISION-BY-ZERO in thread #<SB-THREAD:THREAD "Mixer thread 44,100 Hz" RUNNING
  arithmetic error DIVISION-BY-ZERO signalled

Backtrace for: #<SB-THREAD:THREAD "Mixer thread 44,100 Hz" RUNNING {1001593EA3}>
0: ("bogus stack frame")
1: ("foreign function: _ZN17SincKernelFactory19ReferenceSincKernelEiidd")
2: ("foreign function: _ZN10Resampler2C2Eddiiidb")
3: ("foreign function: _ZN19SampleRateConverter16ReplaceResamplerEv")
4: ("foreign function: _ZN19PCMConverterFactory6AddSRCER14StreamDescPairRK18ChainBuildSettingsRNSt3__16vectorIP22BufferedAudioConverterNS5_9allocatorIS8_EEEE")
5: ("foreign function: _ZN19PCMConverterFactory19BuildConverterChainERK14StreamDescPairRK18ChainBuildSettingsP19AudioConverterChainPS_")
6: ("foreign function: _AudioConverterNewInternal")
7: ("foreign function: DefaultOutputAUFactory")
8: ("foreign function: DefaultOutputAUFactory")
9: ("foreign function: DefaultOutputAUFactory")
10: ("foreign function: DefaultOutputAUFactory")
11: ("foreign function: DefaultOutputAUFactory")
12: ("foreign function: DefaultOutputAUFactory")
13: ("foreign function: ao_plugin_open")
14: ("foreign function: _open_device")
16: (MIXALOT::OPEN-AO :RATE 44100)

Here is how it should look like when up and running:


The only thing I can share right now is this small Roswell script I’ve used instead of overcomplicated Shuffletron’s build scripts:

#|-*- mode:lisp -*-|#
exec ros -Q -- $0 "$@"
(progn ;;init forms
  (ql:quickload '(:shuffletron)
                :silent t))

(defpackage :ros.script.shuffletron
  (:use :cl))
(in-package :ros.script.shuffletron)

(defun main (&rest argv)
  (declare (ignorable argv))

;;; vim: set ft=lisp lisp:

With this script you’ll be able to run the program as ./shuffletron.ros or to build a binary with ros build shuffletron.ros.

On OSX you have to do brew install libao to install required C library.

Please, try it on your system whether it is OSX or Linux and let me know it started successfuly.