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Timmy is a Pascal unit for creating chat bots. It provides the TTimmy object, which is a data type that you can assign your variables to to make bots. Once that is done, you can start adding keywords for messages, and get the bot answers to the end user's messages.

Creating bots with Timmy is as easy as 1 2 3.

How to create a bot with Timmy

  1. Declare timmy unit
  2. Declare a TTimmy variable
  3. Initialize your TTimmy
  4. Add some keywords for your messages, and possible replies to those messages
  5. Start answering

Example program

Program MyFirstBot;
Uses timmy;
Var MyBot: TTimmy;

    MyBot.Init(70, 'I gave up', False);
    MyBot.Add(StrSplit('Hello', ' '), StrSplit('Greetings!|Hello to you!|Hi!', '|'));
    MyBot.Add('How are you', 'I am fine!;Never better!;I''m doing great.');
    MyBot.Add('What 2 + 2', 'The answer is 4', ' ', '@');

    Writeln(MyBot.Answer('How are you?'));
    Writeln(MyBot.Answer('What is 2 + 2?'));
    Writeln(MyBot.Answer('What is the meaning of life?'));

If we compile and execute the program, we should get something like this as the output:

I'm doing great
The answer is 4
I gave up.

For more examples, check out the examples folder.

Variables, functions and procedures of TTimmy

constructor Init(Percent: Integer; DefaultRep: String; DpCheck: Boolean)

  • Source: Line 143 (reference)
  • Parameters:
  • Availability: v1.2.0
  • Description: Constructor of the TTimmy instance, which prepares the instance for being used. In this constructor, TTimmy.TPercent, TTimmy.NoUdstdRep, and TTimmy.DupesCheck get assigned to the values of the arguments Percent, DefaultRep and DpCheck, respectively. TTimmy.Enabled is set to true, and the bot starts with nothing in its metadata. You must run this constructor before performing any other operation with your bot instance, or else the bot won't work properly.

function Init()

  • Source:
  • Parameters: None
  • Return: Integer
    • 101: The instance is already initialized
    • 100: The operation is successful
  • Availability: v1.0.0 to v1.1.0
  • Description: Acts like v1.2.0's TTimmy.Init() constructor, but this one is a function. TTimmy.TPercent, TTimmy.NoUdstdRep, TTimmy.DupesCheck get assigned to 70, "Sorry, I didn't get that", and True, respectively. You must run this function before performing any other operation with your bot instance, or else the bot won't work properly.


  • Type: Boolean variable
  • Visibility: Private
  • Availability: v1.0.0 to v1.2.0
  • Description: TTimmy.Enabled tells other functions of TTimmy whether if the bot instance is ready to work. If TTimmy.Enabled is false, all major functions of TTimmy won't perform their operations and will exit right away, usually with the return code 102. The value of this boolean variable can be set by using TTimmy.Enable() or TTimmy.Disable().

procedure Enable()

  • Source: Line 154 (reference)
  • Parameters: None
  • Visibility: Public
  • Availability: v1.2.0
  • Description: Procedure that sets TTimmy.Enabled to true. In other words, it enables the bot.

procedure Disable()

  • Source: Line 158 (reference)
  • Parameters: None
  • Visibility: Public
  • Availability: v1.2.0
  • Description: Procedure that sets TTimmy.Enabled to false, as oppose of TTimmy.Enable(). You may disable the bot if you somehow want it to stop working temporarily.


  • Type: Dynamic array of TStrArray
  • Visibility: Private
  • Availability: v1.0.0 to v1.2.0 (In v1.0.0, it's QKeywordsList)
  • Description: This is an array of arrays. Each array in this array holds strings, which are keywords for a message. Keywords help the bot (or more specifically, TTimmy.Answer()) to understand the end-user's messages and have replies for the messages.


  • Type: Dynamic array of TStrArray
  • Visibility: Private
  • Availability: v1.0.0 to v1.2.0
  • Description: Just like TTimmy.MKeywordsList, TTimmy.ReplyList is an array of arrays. Each array in TTimmy.ReplyList holds strings, which are possible replies for a message. If an array in TTimmy.ReplyList has more than two strings, the bot will pick one, randomly. Arrays in TTimmy.ReplyList are correspond to arrays in TTimmy.MKeywordsList in terms of position. For example, the replies at offset 2 of TTimmy.ReplyList are replies for the message with the keywords at offset 2 of TTimmy.MKeywordsList.


  • Type: Integer
  • Visibility: Private
  • Availability: v1.0.0 to v1.2.0
  • Description: TTimmy.NOfEntries is the number of elements in TTimmy.MKeywordsList, or TTimmy.ReplyList (the length of TTimmy.MKeywordsList is the same as the length of TTimmy.ReplyList at all times anyway). We implement this instead of doing Length(MKeywordsList) (or Length(ReplyList)) because it's more convenient.

procedure Update()

  • Source:
  • Parameters: None
  • Visibility: Private
  • Availability: v1.0.0 to v1.2.0
  • Description: Procedure that sets the lengths of TTimmy.MKeywordsList and TTimmy.ReplyList to TTimmy.NOfEntries. This procedure is called whenever the bot takes or remove data within its metadata (either by TTimmy.Add() or TTimmy.Remove()), in which the length of TTimmy.MKeywordsList (and TTimmy.ReplyList as well) is changed.


  • Type: Integer
  • Visibility: Public
  • Availability: v1.0.0 to v1.2.0
  • Description: TTimmy.TPercent specifies the minimum percentage of the number of matching keywords over the total number of words in the message that the bot needs in order to "understand" the message.


  • Type: String
  • Visibility: Public
  • Availability: v1.0.0 to v1.2.0
  • Description: TTimmy.NoUdstdRep is the default reply of the bot. It is returned to TTimmy.Answer() whenever the bot does not "understand" the user's message.

function Add(MKeywords, Replies: TStrArray)

  • Source:
  • Parameters:
    • MKeywords (QKeywords in v1.0.0) [TStrArray]: New keywords clue for a message
    • Replies [TStrArray]: Possible replies to the message that contains the keywords clue in MKeywords
  • Return: Integer
    • 102: The instance is not enabled (or initialized)
    • 202: Duplication check is enabled (TTimmy.DupesCheck = true) and a match of MKeywords is presented in TTimmy.MKeywordsList
    • 200: The operation is successful
  • Visibility: Public
  • Availability: v1.0.0 to v1.2.0
  • Description: TTimmy.Add() adds new data to the bot's metadata, which means it adds MKeywords to TTimmy.MKeywordsList and Replies to TTimmy.ReplyList. It takes two arguments, one is keywords clue for a message, and two is possible responses to that message. TTimmy.Add() is overloaded and this implementation of it is considered the original implementation.

function Add(KeywordsStr, RepStr: String)

  • Source:
  • Parameters:
    • KeywordsStr [String]: New keywords clue for a message, joined by the space character
    • RepStr [String]: Possible replies to the message that contains the keywords presented in KeywordsStr, joined by the semicolon
  • Return: The same as the original implementation of TTimmy.Add().
  • Visibility: Public
  • Availability: v1.0.0 to v1.2.0
  • Description: Yet another function to add new data, but this one takes string arguments instead of TStrArrays. These strings will then be delimited using a delimiter with the help of the StrSplit() function to form TStrArrays, and these TStrArrays will be passed over to the original implementation of TTimmy.Add().

function Add(KeywordsStr, RepStr: String; KStrDeli, MStrDeli: Char)

  • Source:
  • Parameters:
    • KeywordsStr [String]: New keywords clue for a message, joined by KStrDeli
    • RepStr [String]: Possible replies to the message that contains the keywords presented in KeywordsStr, joined by MStrDeli
    • KStrDeli [Character]: Delimiter for KeywordsStr
    • MStrDeli (QStrDeli in v1.0.0) [Character]: Delimiter for RepStr
  • Return: The same as the original implementation of TTimmy.Add().
  • Visibility: Public
  • Availability: v1.0.0 to v1.2.0
  • Description: This implementation of TTimmy.Add() is the same as the above one (which takes string arguments). However, the difference is, this one allows you to use custom delimiters for the strings.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Visibility: Public
  • Availability: v1.0.0 to v1.2.0
  • Description: TTimmy.DupesCheck specifies whether TTimmy.Add() should check for duplicate before adding new data or not. If the new data matches any of those already persisted in TTimmy.ReplyList, TTimmy.Add() stops its operation and returns 202, indicating that the operation is not successful.

function Remove(MKeywords: TStrArray)

  • Source:
  • Parameters: MKeywords (QKeywords in v1.0.0) [TStrArray]: Keywords clue to delete from the bot's metadata.
  • Return: Integer
    • 102: The instance is not enabled (or initialized)
    • 308: The operation is successful
  • Visibility: Public
  • Availability: v1.0.0 to v1.2.0
  • Description: TTimmy.Remove() removes data from the bot's metadata, and as of version 1.2.0, there are 4 overloaded TTimmy.Remove(). This one takes a TStrArray, find matching arrays (arrays with the same elements in the same order) in TTimmy.MKeywordsList, and delete those matching arrays. It also deletes the array(s) in ReplyList that is/are bond to those matching array(s) of keywords.

function Remove(KeywordsStr: String)

  • Source:
  • Parameters: KeywordsStr [String]: Keywords clue to delete from the bot's metadata, joined by the space character.
  • Return: The same as the above implementation of TTimmy.Remove().
  • Visibility: Public
  • Availability: v1.1.0 to v1.2.0
  • Description: Another overloaded TTimmy.Remove(), this one takes one and only string argument. The string is then delimited using the space character to get a TStrArray output, and this TStrArray is processed by the above TTimmy.Remove(MKeywords: TStrArray).

function Remove(KeywordsStr: String; KStrDeli: Char)

  • Source:
  • Parameters:
    • KeywordsStr [String]: Keywords clue to delete from the bot's metadata, joined by KStrDeli
    • KStrDeli [Character]: Delimiter for KeywordsStr
  • Return: The same as the top implementation of TTimmy.Remove() (TTimmy.Remove(MKeywords: TStrArray)).
  • Visibility: Public
  • Availability: v1.1.0 to v1.2.0
  • Description: Yet another overloaded TTimmy.Remove() which is quite similar to the above one, but this one allows you to use any delimiter you like instead of the space character.

function Remove(AIndex: Integer)

  • Source:
  • Parameters: AIndex [Integer]: Offset of elements in TTimmy.MKeywordsList and TTimmy.ReplyList that need to be removed
  • Return: Integer
    • 305: AIndex is an invalid offset in TTimmy.MKeywordsList (or TTimmy.ReplyList)
    • 300: The operation is successful
  • Visibility: Public
  • Availability: v1.0.0 to v1.2.0
  • Description: This is the major implementation of TTimmy.Remove() due to the fact that other overloaded TTimmy.Remove() rely on this one, whether directly or indirectly. This one removes the array at offset AIndex in TTimmy.MKeywordsList and in TTimmy.ReplyList. In other words, it removes MKeywordsList[AIndex] and ReplyList[AIndex].

function Answer(TMessage: String)

  • Source:
  • Parameters: TMessage (TQuestion in v1.0.0) [String]: End-user's message to the bot
  • Return: String. Bot's response to TMessage.
  • Visibility: Public
  • Availability: v1.0.0 to v1.2.0
  • Description: Given the end-user's message, returns the bot instance's response to that message. The message is first pre-processed (like removing extra white-spaces or punctuations like ! or ?). Then, it is splitted into many words using the space character. The function will then iterate through TTimmy.MKeywordsList, and compute the percentage of the keywords in each of the array in TTimmy.MKeywordsList to the user message's splitted words. If the percentage is larger then TTimmy.TPercent, a random reply in the corresponding array in TTimmy.ReplyList will be returned to TTimmy.Answer(). In this case, we say that the bot has "understood" the end-user's message. In the case that it could not understand, TTimmy.NoUdstdRep is returned.

Other functions provided by the unit & TStrArray


TStrArray is Array of Array of String. In Timmy, it is used instead of Array of Array of String to avoid type incompatible compile error.

function StrTrim(S: String)

  • Source:
  • Parameters: S [String]: String to be processed.
  • Return: String. The processed string.
  • Availability: v1.0.0 to v1.2.0 (In v1.0.0, it's StrProcessor())
  • Description: StrTrim() deletes extra white spaces in the string S.

function StrSplit(S: String; delimiter: Char)

  • Source:
  • Parameters:
    • S [String]: String to be splitted
    • delimiter [Character]: Delimiter for S
  • Return: TStrArray, contains the strings of S after being splitted.
  • Availability: v1.0.0 to v1.2.0
  • Description: StrSplit() splits the string S using delimiter as delimiter, and returns a TStrArray holding the delimited strings.

function CompareStrArrays(ArrayA, ArrayB: TStrArray)

  • Source:
  • Parameters: Two TStrArrays to be compared, ArrayA and ArrayB.
  • Return: Boolean. True if ArrayA is the same as ArrayB, false otherwise.
  • Availability: v1.0.0 to v1.2.0
  • Description: This function compares two TStrArrays to see if they have the exact same elements. The order of elements in the arrays does matter.


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Timmy is licensed under the GNU LGPL v3.