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Use langml-cli to quickly train baseline models

You can use LangML-CLI to train baseline models quickly. You don't need to write any code and just need to prepare the dataset in a specific format.

You can train various baseline models using langml-cli:

$ langml-cli --help
Usage: langml [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

LangML client

--version  Show the version and exit.
--help     Show this message and exit.

baseline  LangML Baseline client

Text Classification

Prepare your data into JSONLines format, and provide text and label field in each line, for example:

{"text": "this is sentence1", "label": "label1"}
{"text": "this is sentence2", "label": "label2"}
  1. Bert
$ langml-cli baseline clf bert --help
Usage: langml baseline clf bert [OPTIONS]

--backbone TEXT              specify backbone: bert | roberta | albert
--epoch INTEGER              epochs
--batch_size INTEGER         batch size
--learning_rate FLOAT        learning rate
--max_len INTEGER            max len
--lowercase                  do lowercase
--tokenizer_type TEXT        specify tokenizer type from [`wordpiece`,

--monitor TEXT               monitor for keras callback
--early_stop INTEGER         patience to early stop
--use_micro                  whether to use micro metrics
--config_path TEXT           bert config path  [required]
--ckpt_path TEXT             bert checkpoint path  [required]
--vocab_path TEXT            bert vocabulary path  [required]
--train_path TEXT            train path  [required]
--dev_path TEXT              dev path  [required]
--test_path TEXT             test path
--save_dir TEXT              dir to save model  [required]
--verbose INTEGER            0 = silent, 1 = progress bar, 2 = one line per

--distributed_training       distributed training
--distributed_strategy TEXT  distributed training strategy
--help                       Show this message and exit.
  1. BiLSTM
$ langml-cli baseline clf bilstm --help
Usage: langml baseline clf bilstm [OPTIONS]

--epoch INTEGER              epochs
--batch_size INTEGER         batch size
--learning_rate FLOAT        learning rate
--embedding_size INTEGER     embedding size
--hidden_size INTEGER        hidden size of lstm
--max_len INTEGER            max len
--lowercase                  do lowercase
--tokenizer_type TEXT        specify tokenizer type from [`wordpiece`,

--monitor TEXT               monitor for keras callback
--early_stop INTEGER         patience to early stop
--use_micro                  whether to use micro metrics
--vocab_path TEXT            vocabulary path  [required]
--train_path TEXT            train path  [required]
--dev_path TEXT              dev path  [required]
--test_path TEXT             test path
--save_dir TEXT              dir to save model  [required]
--verbose INTEGER            0 = silent, 1 = progress bar, 2 = one line per

--with_attention             apply attention mechanism
--distributed_training       distributed training
--distributed_strategy TEXT  distributed training strategy
--help                       Show this message and exit.
  1. TextCNN
$ langml-cli baseline clf textcnn --help
Usage: langml baseline clf textcnn [OPTIONS]

--epoch INTEGER              epochs
--batch_size INTEGER         batch size
--learning_rate FLOAT        learning rate
--embedding_size INTEGER     embedding size
--filter_size INTEGER        filter size of convolution
--max_len INTEGER            max len
--lowercase                  do lowercase
--tokenizer_type TEXT        specify tokenizer type from [`wordpiece`,

--monitor TEXT               monitor for keras callback
--early_stop INTEGER         patience to early stop
--use_micro                  whether to use micro metrics
--vocab_path TEXT            vocabulary path  [required]
--train_path TEXT            train path  [required]
--dev_path TEXT              dev path  [required]
--test_path TEXT             test path
--save_dir TEXT              dir to save model  [required]
--verbose INTEGER            0 = silent, 1 = progress bar, 2 = one line per

--distributed_training       distributed training
--distributed_strategy TEXT  distributed training strategy
--help                       Show this message and exit.

Named Entity Recognition

Prepare your data in the following format:

use "t" to separate entity segment and entity type in a sentence, and use "nn" to separate different sentences.

An English example:

I like    O
apples  Fruit

I like    O
pineapples  Fruit

A Chinese example:

我来自  O
中国    LOC

我住在  O
上海    LOC
$ langml-cli baseline ner bert-crf --help
Usage: langml baseline ner bert-crf [OPTIONS]

    --backbone TEXT              specify backbone: bert | roberta | albert
    --epoch INTEGER              epochs
    --batch_size INTEGER         batch size
    --learning_rate FLOAT        learning rate
    --dropout_rate FLOAT         dropout rate
    --max_len INTEGER            max len
    --lowercase                  do lowercase
    --tokenizer_type TEXT        specify tokenizer type from [`wordpiece`,
    --config_path TEXT           bert config path  [required]
    --ckpt_path TEXT             bert checkpoint path  [required]
    --vocab_path TEXT            bert vocabulary path  [required]
    --train_path TEXT            train path  [required]
    --dev_path TEXT              dev path  [required]
    --test_path TEXT             test path
    --save_dir TEXT              dir to save model  [required]
    --monitor TEXT               monitor for keras callback
    --early_stop INTEGER         patience to early stop
    --verbose INTEGER            0 = silent, 1 = progress bar, 2 = one line per
    --distributed_training       distributed training
    --distributed_strategy TEXT  distributed training strategy
    --help                       Show this message and exit.
$  langml-cli baseline ner lstm-crf --help
Usage: langml baseline ner lstm-crf [OPTIONS]

    --epoch INTEGER              epochs
    --batch_size INTEGER         batch size
    --learning_rate FLOAT        learning rate
    --dropout_rate FLOAT         dropout rate
    --embedding_size INTEGER     embedding size
    --hidden_size INTEGER        hidden size
    --max_len INTEGER            max len
    --lowercase                  do lowercase
    --tokenizer_type TEXT        specify tokenizer type from [`wordpiece`,
    --vocab_path TEXT            vocabulary path  [required]
    --train_path TEXT            train path  [required]
    --dev_path TEXT              dev path  [required]
    --test_path TEXT             test path
    --save_dir TEXT              dir to save model  [required]
    --monitor TEXT               monitor for keras callback
    --early_stop INTEGER         patience to early stop
    --verbose INTEGER            0 = silent, 1 = progress bar, 2 = one line per
    --distributed_training       distributed training
    --distributed_strategy TEXT  distributed training strategy
    --help                       Show this message and exit.

Contrastive Learning

Prepare your data into JSONLines format:

  1. for evaulation, should include text_left, text_right, and label fields
{"text_left": "text left1", "text_right": "text right1", "label": "0/1"}
{"text_left": "text left1", "text_right": "text right2", "label": "0/1"}
  1. no need to evaluate, just provide text field.
{"text": "this is a text1"}
{"text": "this is a text2"}
  1. simcse
$ langml-cli baseline contrastive simcse --help
Usage: langml baseline contrastive simcse [OPTIONS]

    --backbone TEXT              specify backbone: bert | roberta | albert
    --epoch INTEGER              epochs
    --batch_size INTEGER         batch size
    --learning_rate FLOAT        learning rate
    --dropout_rate FLOAT         dropout rate
    --temperature FLOAT          temperature
    --pooling_strategy TEXT      specify pooling_strategy from ["cls", "first-
                                last-avg", "last-avg"]
    --max_len INTEGER            max len
    --early_stop INTEGER         patience of early stop
    --monitor TEXT               metrics monitor
    --lowercase                  do lowercase
    --tokenizer_type TEXT        specify tokenizer type from [`wordpiece`,
    --config_path TEXT           bert config path  [required]
    --ckpt_path TEXT             bert checkpoint path  [required]
    --vocab_path TEXT            bert vocabulary path  [required]
    --train_path TEXT            train path  [required]
    --test_path TEXT             test path
    --save_dir TEXT              dir to save model  [required]
    --verbose INTEGER            0 = silent, 1 = progress bar, 2 = one line per

    --apply_aeda                 apply AEDA to augment data
    --aeda_language TEXT         specify AEDA language, ["EN", "CN"]
    --do_evaluate                do evaluation
    --distributed_training       distributed training
    --distributed_strategy TEXT  distributed training strategy
    --help                       Show this message and exit.

Text Matching

Prepare your data into JSONLines format, three fields text_left, text_right, and label are required.

{"text_left": "text left1", "text_right": "text right1", "label": "label1"}
{"text_left": "text left1", "text_right": "text right2", "label": "label2"}
  1. sentence bert

For the regression task, the label should be a float value or an integer. For the classification task, the label should be an integer or a string value.

$ langml-cli baseline matching sbert --help

Usage: langml baseline matching sbert [OPTIONS]

    --backbone TEXT              specify backbone: bert | roberta | albert
    --epoch INTEGER              epochs
    --batch_size INTEGER         batch size
    --learning_rate FLOAT        learning rate
    --dropout_rate FLOAT         dropout rate
    --task TEXT                  specify task from ["regression",
    --pooling_strategy TEXT      specify pooling_strategy from ["cls", "mean",
    --max_len INTEGER            max len
    --early_stop INTEGER         patience of early stop
    --monitor TEXT               metrics monitor
    --lowercase                  do lowercase
    --tokenizer_type TEXT        specify tokenizer type from [`wordpiece`,
    --config_path TEXT           bert config path  [required]
    --ckpt_path TEXT             bert checkpoint path  [required]
    --vocab_path TEXT            bert vocabulary path  [required]
    --train_path TEXT            train path  [required]
    --dev_path TEXT              dev path  [required]
    --test_path TEXT             test path
    --save_dir TEXT              dir to save model  [required]
    --verbose INTEGER            0 = silent, 1 = progress bar, 2 = one line per

    --distributed_training       distributed training
    --distributed_strategy TEXT  distributed training strategy
    --help                       Show this message and exit.