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File metadata and controls

53 lines (41 loc) · 3.33 KB

This is Unfinished


Make sure you have Golang 1.16 installed.

Run go get We are using v1.39.0 and protoc v3.17.3. I installed with homebrew on my mac.

You'll also need to install protoc-gen-go v1.26 and protoc-gen-go-grpc v1.1. I followed the tutorial here. I ran the two commands below.

go install
go install
export PATH="$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin" # Add to bashrc or zshrc

First you'll need to build any proto files into go. cd net/proto then

protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative ping.proto

Second (and this is important if you make any modifications) run go mod tidy from the root directory. This will ensure that any implicit dependencies of the generated protobuf golang code will be required by the GoPoker module.

Last To build the client/server stack simply cd main then go build main. This should create an executable that works on your system.

PS, In the future, as I add more protos and whatnot, it's possible that I may create a builder of some kind. It would be a good experience. I was originally using Bazel, but it was a massive pain in the butt and I never got it to run with grpc.


cd main after building and then with a tmux or pair of tabs/windows, run ./main -client=0 for the server and ./main for your clients.

What's left

Right now my goal is just to get a working MVP. I'm defining interfaces where I think it will be reasonable to upgrade things in the future (for you or for me). For example: the game (because it is meaningfully optimizeable, backupable, etc...), some elements in the networking stack (i.e. you may prefer to use REST + websockets or some other technology; this is important, because it will allow for easier cross-platform gaming like browser-to-client).

  1. IMPORTANT Simplify the internal protocols (wire protocol should be OK for now...); still try to leave the door open to SDL, etc... Also simplify the folder structure a little bit if you can
  2. IMPORTANT Finishing up the game + testing itself (check todos inside game.go; also, make sure to test utils/naming.go as well)
  3. Creating a CLI interface for clients that has a NetClient of some kind (implement ClientLike and UILike)
  4. Creating a flags CLI interface for server launch that hs a NetServer of some kind (implement ServerLike)
  5. Integrate networking with other functionality. Remember to unit test everything seperately as need be.

Resources I Used

  • Remember to test grpc as well:
  • Protobuf Docs:
  • Example Protobuf + GRPC:
  • GRPC API In go:


  • Create a GUI
  • Add backups to server in case of process failure, potentially in case of server failure too
  • Add forking potentially and other optimization/parallelism for high availability
  • Document well, consider some ascii pictures
  • Add smarter logging (i.e. to files in a specific structure)
  • Add Game Controller interfaces (etc)
  • Add Installer
  • Add Builder
  • Add secure networking